Plasma processing of metal in electrolyte: how it works


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Electroplasma polishing is considered an effective and environmentally friendly way of finishing stainless steel products of various grades (based on nickel and chromium, with molybdenum and silicon additives). Recommended for surfaces with small relief or completely flat elements.

Electroplasma polishing provides:

  • leveling minor defects and smoothing noticeable protrusions;
  • removal of scale and traces of tarnish;
  • noticeable increase in surface cleanliness class;
  • ideal surface adhesion with subsequent coatings;
  • aesthetic appearance of the finished product.

In our production, polishing of stainless steel is carried out using an EPP unit , which allows you to quickly and safely achieve a spectacular mirror shine. The process does not use dangerous acidic compounds that require special disposal or wastewater treatment (as in the example with the electrochemical method). The surface cleanliness of the finished processed product is noticeably improved.

Plasma polishing of metal: features of the work

Polishing of products is a necessary action in various industries. Special techniques make it possible to give parts a mirror shine, as well as make the surface even and smooth.

Such methods include not only mechanical action, which requires a lot of time and does not always allow achieving a perfect result, but also other options, for example, plasma polishing of metal.

This method is more complex, but highly effective.

Process description

In its features, this method is similar to electrochemical polishing; it also involves immersing a metal product in a special solution for processing and simultaneously applying electrical impulses. The difference is that the work uses non-toxic and environmentally friendly compounds obtained using ammonium salts.

To be able to carry out processing, the product must be an anode according to its characteristics.

Under the influence of an incoming voltage reaching more than 200 V, the composition in the container comes to a boil, as a result of which a film forms at the surface of the workpiece.

Discharges passing through the coating trigger a series of plasma processes. Where microprotrusions are located, a significant increase in the field is observed, which leads to the subsequent formation of pulses.

Electroplasma polishing of metal allows you to remove a thin layer from the surface. After this, the product acquires a mirror shine and also becomes more resistant to corrosion.

Tip: before plasma polishing, you must prepare the product. If there are rough scratches or irregularities on it, they must first be eliminated using mechanical polishing. Without this, the defects will not only not disappear, but will also become even more noticeable after processing, so preparation is a necessary step.


If packaging materials and product handling processes prior to electrochemical polishing are not properly selected and used, they can create problems during subsequent processing.
In addition, improper packaging may result in damage in transit that cannot be corrected during processing. Bubble wrap is a suitable packaging material, but it should not come into direct contact with the metal component. The chemicals in the wrapper leave a pattern that becomes apparent during processing. The best practice after electropolishing is to wrap the parts in acid-free, sulfur-free paper.

If necessary, parts can be wrapped in bubble wrap over paper.

In metal finishing jobs, it is common practice to return parts in the same packaging in which they arrived. This should be taken into account when preparing parts for sending for electrochemical polishing.

Before electropolishing, protective coatings must be completely removed, especially in areas subject to heat, such as the weld area. Residues of adhesive must also be completely removed; usually the product is wiped with solvent or acetone before machining or electropolishing.

During subsequent processing or installation of equipment, care should be taken to avoid contact with carbon steel or unpassivated stainless steel. Such contact can lead to the transfer of free iron, which impairs the passivity of the part.

Electroplasma polishing: surface preparation - General questions

is a manufacturer of UPP plasma polishing units. Only the use of high-quality components and extensive experience of specialists in this field has allowed us to win the trust of many customers and supply electrolytic plasma polishing installations to different countries of the world for more than 30 years.

UPP installations are used, most often, to quickly achieve a mirror-like, uniformly shiny and high-quality surface on products made of stainless steel (AISI 304 (08Х18Н10), AISI 316 (10Х17Н13М2), AISI 316T (10Х17Н13М2Т), AISI 321 (12-08Х18Н10Т), etc. ), for finishing, decorative polishing of parts made of copper and copper alloys, for polishing some grades of titanium and carbon steels.

Plasma polishing (electrolytic plasma polishing, finishing polishing) is a simple, fast method of polishing stainless steel parts in a safe solution of inorganic salts. As the products are lowered into the solution, plasma is formed around the part, due to this the surface cleanliness improves by 2-4 grades.

Within 3-5 minutes of the plasma polishing process, a mirror-like, uniform, shiny color appears; cleaning of welds and tarnish occurs within 1-2 minutes; dulling of sharp edges and burrs within 2-3 minutes; lightening, surface activation 30-60 seconds.

Many examples before and after plasma polishing with cycle times are provided at the bottom of the page (videos, photographs).

The main difference from electrochemical and mechanical polishing is that the process of electrolytic-plasma polishing is environmentally friendly, does not contain acids, does not require special treatment facilities, meets sanitary standards, is several times more productive than the mechanical polishing method, improves working conditions, repeatable quality of polishing of complex products forms from cycle to cycle.

Electrolyte-plasma mode

Depending on the applied voltage, when an electric current passes through an aqueous electrolyte solution, various modes of electrical processes are observed near the anode.

The first mode is conventional electrolysis, in which the transfer of metal ions occurs and gas evolution is observed depending on the composition of the electrolyte and the material of the electrodes, and is described by classical electrochemistry.

With an increase in the voltage on the electrodes to 60–70 V, a transitional or switching mode is established, when a vapor-plasma shell is periodically formed around the active electrode (anode), with a frequency of about 100 Hz, leading to blocking of the current for 10-4 s.

At a voltage of more than 200 V, a stable vapor-plasma shell is formed around the anode, characterized by small current fluctuations at U=const. In this voltage range (200–350 V) the electrolyte-plasma treatment process occurs.

Pulsed electrical discharges occur across the entire treated surface.

The combined effect of a chemically active environment and electrical discharges on the surface of a part results in the effect of polishing and cleaning the surface of products.

Technological process of plasma treatment (polishing) for a semi-automated line

Before polishing, the product can be prepared by abrasive mechanical grinding (for example, using sandblasting, drum or vibration). This will reduce the time of electrolytic plasma polishing in the presence of burrs and other defects of the product. Plasma polishing takes place in 7 main stages:

  1. Preparing the part for processing
  2. Manual suspension loading
  3. Automated operations: energizing raised suspension
  4. slow descent into electrolyte
  5. exposure 2–5 minutes
  6. suspension lift with parts
  7. power cut

Proportions for creating a chemical composition

Polishing is carried out in special baths

It is important to remember that their components are toxic substances and hazardous to health, especially if heating is used, so all components must be handled with the utmost care, observing the required safety precautions

Products made of non-ferrous or ferrous metals can be processed using a universal composition that will have the necessary effect. To do this, add all the components, observing the proportions. Phosphoric acid makes up the base - 65%. Sulfuric acid should be 15% and 14% ordinary water. Chromic anhydride occupies 6%.

Stainless steel can be polished with a similar composition, only it should contain 13% water, and you should also add glycerin in a ratio of 12%. Parts can sit in the bath for up to half an hour, although stamped items require less processing time.

Electroplasma polishing of stainless steel

The smooth surface of the metal gets damaged when handled carelessly due to deliberate human actions.

Not every mark can be removed with stainless steel polish and a soft rag.

In a home workshop (garage), many methods are available for processing volumetric, flat, and curved surfaces of alloy alloy products. It is necessary to have the appropriate equipment and reagents.

Polishing stainless steel

Grinding with mechanical polishing

After damaging metal processing (cutting, welding, drilling, cleaning with hard rotary brushes, impacts), defects of various sizes are formed:

  • scratches, dents;
  • seams, sagging, shells;
  • chips;
  • cracks;
  • burrs.
  • These surface deteriorations reduce wear resistance, reflectivity, and resistance to complex loads.

    To eliminate roughness and add shine to such a hard material as stainless steel, you will have to perform 4–5 operations. Grinding is carried out using an electric grinder and replaceable abrasive wheels.

    With a felt/felt circle, after rough cleaning, they begin to polish the product. The endless belt makes it easy to process complex stainless steel parts.

    For rough grinding of stainless steel, abrasive grit 30-40, finishing 16 - 25, polishing with micropowders with grit M7 - M14, finishing to a mirror - industrial ready-made compounds (polishes).

    The mechanical action of a soft circle with applied paste removes a very small amount of metal. Glossy leveling occurs due to the redistribution of the structure of the top layer of stainless steel, rather than cutting it off. Under the influence of air, active components of the paste, and heating from friction, old oxide films are destroyed and, immediately, upon cooling, new ones are created.

    After mechanical polishing, ideal smoothness and, accordingly, shine in inconvenient places is not created. In this case, finish polishing by hand. Bringing a mirror finish to stainless steel by hand is a labor-intensive, time-consuming operation, but doable. The creation of a mirror begins with polishing pastes and ends with liquid polishes.

    Mechanical method of polishing stainless steel

    It is necessary to subject the entire visible plane to the process - partial local processing will be noticeable. Visible differences cannot be eliminated by using polish.

    Small stainless steel parts are processed using a method that does not require much physical effort and several hours of work. Using circles can just be awkward. Immerse the cleaned workpiece in a bath with strictly dosed reagents, diluted to the required concentration with distilled water.

    Over a sufficient period of time, under the influence of caustic reagents, all steel roughness in contact with the liquid active medium is eliminated. Deep scratches and welding marks are first leveled with emery wheels, then smoothed with soft circles with paste of the required grain size (GOI).

    Otherwise, all large flaws will also be polished while maintaining their shape.

    To correctly select components and their concentration in the water mass, it is advisable to know the grade of stainless steel:

    1. Brand X18N9T is immersed in the following composition: acids: 230 ml sulfuric, 40 ml nitric, 70 ml hydrochloric. To 1 liter of solution add acid black dye - 6 g, wood glue - 10 g, sodium chloride - 6 g. The liquid temperature is maintained at 65-70 ° C, time 5÷30 minutes.

    Other options:

    1. Acids in proportion to the total volume: nitric 4÷5%, orthophosphoric 20÷30%, hydrochloric 3÷4%, methyl orange - 1÷1.5%, in an aqueous solution with a temperature of 18÷25 ° C, Approximate holding time 5÷ 10 min .
    2. Per liter of composition the amount of acids: sulfuric 230 g, hydrochloric 660 g, orange acid dye - 25 g. Maintain a temperature of 70÷75 ° C, time 2÷3 minutes.

    To complete the reaction at all points and remove the resulting products, the liquid in the container is continuously stirred. You can move the steel part.

    The components are aggressive. Provide protection for the skin of the hands, face, eyes, and respiratory organs.

    Chemical alignment of the line of the outer boundary of the stainless steel (polishing) occurs because the reaction is more intense on the protrusions of the profile. To prevent the accumulation of interaction products in depressions, recesses, and corners, fluid movement is forced. After washing off the chemical reagents, rub with a napkin with a small amount of polish.

    Anode method

    Electrochemical treatment reduces the time spent in relation to the mechanical procedure by 4-5 times, increasing the cleanliness class of the mirror by 1 or 2 positions.

    To polish in this way, the complexity of the joints and the curvature of the planes become unimportant. When electricity is connected, the solution becomes an active electrolyte, interacting more intensely.

    The sample being processed must be connected to the anode of the installation. For each chemical composition of stainless steel, reagents and mode parameters are selected.

    Chemical polishing

    The method requires freshly prepared electrolyte, electricity consumption, and the use of protective equipment by the employee. Preliminary preparation of the outer layer (especially after welding) is mandatory. But the reflectivity of stainless steel after all operations is the same as that of freshly polished silver or nickel.

    The method of manufacturing a stainless steel element affects the time spent in the bath:

    • stamping 4÷6 min;
    • welding, heat treatment 10÷12 min;
    • casting after sandblasting for up to half an hour.

    Plasma polishing

    The technology differs from the electrochemical procedure in the following parameters:

    • the solution is not aggressive, disposal does not require special cleaning;
    • voltage is higher (220 V);
    • temperature is about 100 °C.

    The reagent used is ammonium salt with a concentration in the solution of 3.1 ÷ 6.0%. The electric current density is set at 0.35 ± 0.15 A/cm²; gas bubbles are intensively formed in the contact zone of the electrolyte with the stainless steel.

    Discharges occur in the vapor inside the fluidized bed, ionizing the medium. Plasma tongues appear that specifically act on the steel, polishing it. The time required for one dive is within 6 minutes.

    , based on power consumption of 5 Wh/cm².

    For a stable process of polishing a surface of a certain area using the electroplasma method, the appropriate power of the installation is required. You cannot reduce its value in the hope of increasing the duration of treatment in the bath. The conditions for the formation of a plasma-ionized layer will not be met.

    Unscrupulous mechanical preparation will be evident. Residual traces of welds, scratches, and dents cannot be hidden with polish.

    Frequency of appearance care

    In addition to periodically polishing the structural front elements to the condition of a shiny mirror, the diligent owner takes care of them constantly. Restoration of the condition of the coating of car parts is carried out by the service center 2 times a year. To protect the induced gloss, polishes are used. Products are produced in the form of liquid emulsions and thicker formulations and concentrates.

    The packaging of polishes for stainless steel is very different - from tubes (75 ml), bottles, jars to barrels (20-100 l).

    This is everyday protection from the abrasive effects of dust and dirt, and the corrosive effects of natural factors. The technique is simple: soft cloth, circular movements, no gaps.

    Apply polish evenly and remove excess. If desired, you can use a power tool with a speed of up to 1500 rpm.

    Rotation parallel to the plane being processed so as not to damage the end of the wheel.

    The product will shine like new, even if it was restored by welding piece by piece.

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    Installation of electrolytic plasma polishing

    Get acquainted with the conceptNew technologiesForumPeriodical table

    High-performance automated installation for electrolytic plasma polishing of products, etc.

    refers to equipment that allows you to dramatically increase production volumes at enterprises engaged in the production of products from stainless steel, brass, copper, aluminum, titanium, etc.

    For example, one polisher polishes a maximum of 3-5 products per shift, and an electrolytic plasma polishing unit polishes 20 products.




    Gradation of settings depending on the area of ​​the product


    An electrolytic plasma polishing installation is an equipment that allows you to dramatically increase production volumes at enterprises involved in the production of products made of stainless steel, brass, copper, aluminum, titanium, etc. For example, one polisher polishes a maximum of 3-5 products per shift, and an electrolytic plasma polishing unit polishes 20 products.

    A 5% ammonium sulfate solution is used as an electrolyte for processing stainless steel products. With a working volume of electrolyte of 2 cubic meters, 100 kg of ammonium sulfate is required (cost approximately 120 rubles / kg). One load of electrolyte is enough to treat about 200-250 square meters, with a cleaning system - about 1,000 square meters.

    Composition of plasma polishing equipment

    Plasma polishing equipment most often includes three main parts:

    1. A working bath with a process solution and a protective casing to protect against vapors. The bathtub is made of corrosion-resistant steel and has a lifting and lowering mechanism (made in Italy).
    2. Transformer for special applications (manufactured in the Republic of Belarus) of varying power depending on the area of ​​the parts to be polished and on the production program per shift.
    3. A power and control rack that allows the polishing process to be carried out in automatic/manual mode using a Siemens controller using sensors for the safety of operating personnel and protecting equipment from overloads.

    Characteristics of plasma polishing equipment

    • Productivity: 1 - 110 dm2/cycle. Depends on the selected equipment power.
    • Cycle time: 1-5 min. Depends on the task and the quality of the original surface.
    • Transformer power: 6 - 630 kW. Depends on the area of ​​the part being immersed for polishing.
    • Area occupied by a plasma polishing installation: 2 - 6 m2.
    • The equipment operates in automatic control mode except for the loading/unloading operation of products. Equipment with a power of up to 100 kW is manufactured in both manual and automatic control modes.
    • Products with a large area can be polished using low-power units in two stages. The product is immersed halfway and then turned over.

    To operate the electrolytic plasma polishing installation you must:

    • Three-phase network, voltage 380 V, frequency 50 Hz.
    • Running tap water or recycling water supply system.
    • Compressed air.
    • Exhaust ventilation.

    A special foundation for placing the electrolytic plasma polishing installation is not used.

    Plasma polishing installations are easy to use, so highly qualified personnel are not required to operate the installation.

    Application methods

    The polish can be applied either by hand or using a profiled polishing wheel, the basis of which is a special felt, calico or felt fabric (a medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions)

    different densities, depending on the surface. For each circle you need a corresponding paste, which has a number that is responsible for the grain size. The best option for such polishing is diamond paste, which, in turn, also has different grain sizes.

    Apply the polishing agent correctly in stages in 4-5 applications. It depends on the brand of the alloy itself, which are polished differently.

    Polishing stainless steel by hand:

    1. you need to apply paste or spray to the surface to be polished;
    2. prepare a tissue napkin (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology)
    3. Clean and polish using radial movements;
    4. excess must be removed;
    5. Polish with a clean cloth until shiny;
    6. wipe or rinse with water (follow the instructions on the package).

    The mirror surface of stainless steel requires constant care. Polish for stainless steel will enhance the natural shine of the surface, restore its original appearance, and protect it from water and temperature changes using a special film.

    Laser metal polishing

    The minimum order value is from 20,000 rubles.

    The best qualities of stainless steel are widely used in the construction industry, industrial production and everyday life. These are strength, resistance to corrosive changes, as well as visual appeal.

    Ground and polished products have these properties. The group provides stainless steel grinding and polishing services using modern methods. We work with alloys 12Х18Х10Т, AISI 304, AISI 316, AISI 316L.

    We carry out internal and external polishing of pipes with a diameter of 12 to 200 mm.

    Stainless steel grinding - eliminating material defects

    When processing any metal, it is impossible to avoid the appearance of scratches, burrs, and small cracks. To rid the surface of these flaws, the product is first ground and then polished.

    Grinding stainless steel involves uniform removal of the thinnest top layers. The complexity of the task is explained by the strength of the material and the necessary accuracy of the process. Therefore, to achieve an ideal result when grinding stainless steel, the company carefully selects modern equipment.

    The technology for grinding stainless steel is based on the impact on it using abrasive elements. Depending on the purpose, natural or artificially produced compounds are used. Grinding can be either simple or extremely complex, which is used in the manufacture of non-standard parts.

    The finer the grain of the abrasive belt, the finer the processing will be. A high degree of adhesion is achieved when polishing stainless steel with abrasives with a linen backing.

    Based on the selected temperature regime, hot and cold grinding are distinguished. According to the volume of work done - one-sided and two-sided.

    Grinding of stainless steel sheets and pipes is necessary to obtain high-quality materials for the following industries:

    • construction industry;
    • interior and exterior decoration - this requires polishing a stainless steel pipe;
    • production of advertising and information stands, banners and other structures;
    • production of drainage systems and windows;
    • production of equipment for the food and chemical industries.

    In addition, grinding stainless steel sheets makes it possible to create a durable and visually attractive base for the manufacture of household items.

    Polishing stainless steel: technology features

    The process of polishing a stainless steel sheet is to create a perfectly flat and smooth surface. Based on the result, there are two types most in demand today:

    • matte polished stainless steel; on this basis, traces of use are practically invisible;
    • polishing stainless steel to a mirror shine; a more labor-intensive technology that requires the use of polishing compounds.

    Currently, enterprises polish metal in several ways. Based on the characteristics of the material and the assigned tasks, the following can be selected:

    • Mechanical polishing - using abrasive particles and polishing pastes.
    • Chemical. The products are kept in a special solution.
    • Electrochemical. A current is passed through the solution, which allows you to achieve ideal results.
    • Plasma polishing of stainless steel. You can order such a service at enterprises equipped with appropriate equipment. The method is highly environmentally friendly.

    Polishing stainless steel pipes is especially in demand in the production of decorative elements of buildings. The process is performed by electrochemical or mechanical methods.

    Stainless steel grinding in Moscow: quality and prices at Metal Group

    Polishing and grinding of stainless steel are among the activities in which the Group specializes. Advantages of contacting us:

    • polishing and grinding of any type of stainless steel, as well as other metals;
    • highly qualified and extensive experience of craftsmen;
    • use of the latest generation CNC equipment;
    • execution of the order in a short time.

    The use of modern technology can significantly reduce the cost of the process. Therefore, the prices are very affordable. You can find out more details and get advice by calling 8-800-555-86-67.

    Scientists have achieved perfect polishing of metals using a laser

    The ordinary and customary polishing of metal forms requires the highest human concentration and a fairly long period of time. The development of technology is progressing by leaps and bounds and in this case this area of ​​industry has not been spared.

    The Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology in Aachen has produced some pretty impressive research results in the field of automation of metal mold grinding. According to university representatives, their method eliminates the use of polish, which is already quite interesting. The main tool that has made a technological revolution is the laser.

    How does the polishing process take place taking into account the use of laser technology?

    The power of the laser used is adjustable, thereby allowing metal to be melted at any desired depth. Using a laser, you can even make holes in parts, replacing work such as drilling metal. Due to the physics of surface tension and a melting depth of 50-100 micrometers, the laser ensures uniform spreading of the metal.

    Further, the process is similar to conventional polishing, but using the above-mentioned laser with an increased degree of accuracy.

    If the first stage of laser polishing is characterized by a depth of 100 micrometers, then the second and subsequent stages are characterized by a decrease in the laser penetration depth.

    Agree, the theoretical part of such polishing sounds quite impressive! All that remains is to wait for practical application, which, in turn, will show which polishing is better.

    Sheet metal polishing

    To give the best consumer qualities and attractive appearance to metal products, a finishing grinding procedure is carried out. Polishing the metal gives the product a decorative shine; also, performing a similar procedure allows you to prepare the surface for applying various materials.

    Metal polishing

    Types of jobs

    Metal polishing can be carried out using the following methods:

    1. mechanical or abrasive polishing of products;
    2. chemical treatment using special substances, for example, paste;
    3. electrochemical method;
    4. electrolyte-plasma method.

    Some types of finishing sanding are simple and do not require special materials or equipment. For example, the mechanical method can be used at home. However, it is practically impossible to achieve significant results when using them.

    Disadvantages of traditional methods

    Polishing metal using traditional methods, abrasive and chemical effects on the surface, has a certain number of limitations in application. These include:

    1. lack of possibility to automate the process. When carrying out work to obtain gloss, many enterprises introduce automatic processing technology, which can significantly reduce the time it takes to obtain a whole batch. Chemical, mechanical, electrochemical polishing have features that make it difficult to automate the technological process;
    2. the difficulty of obtaining a mirror surface when using the considered types of impact on metal concerns technological and electrical reasons. Economic reasons are primarily associated with the high cost of production robots and machines that operate on a numerical control system. Technological factors determine the impossibility of incorporating traditional methods of polishing metal products to obtain a mirror surface.

    Polishing stainless steel with a felt polishing disc

    Often the above problems lead to the fact that the work in question is done by hand using a special paste under mechanical influence.

    This point determines a significant decrease in productivity, since processing on an automated line is impossible.

    Due to the use of outdated methods, the production line often results in a conveyor failure, and this negatively affects the cost of obtaining the product and reduces the competitiveness of the enterprise.

    Mechanical polishing method

    For many years, a mechanical method of processing the surface of a metal product has been used. Special sets of abrasive wheels and belts, when combined with GOI polishing pastes, make it possible to obtain a material with a roughness index Ra = 0.05–0.12 microns.

    The features of this password encryption method include:

    1. to automate the process, special machines are used that are equipped with fabric or felt circles;
    2. a certain amount of GOI paste is applied to the abrasive;
    3. the goyi paste in question is a special powder consisting of an active substance that has an activating effect on the surface of the product;
    4. A typical paste consists of approximately 60% abrasive and 40% binder. content of activating additive 2%.

    Equipment and materials

    To electropolish metal, you need direct current sources with low voltages and tools to adjust the electrical mode. Electrolytic baths must be equipped with heaters that maintain the temperature of the chemical solution. They are placed in a durable shell located on the inner surface of the bath, lined with chemical and heat-resistant materials.

    To comply with safety regulations in laboratories, glass, porcelain and ceramic materials are used for lining the internal structures of the electrolytic bath. In laboratory conditions, the current source is rectifiers made of selenium or germanium. Depending on the required voltage, it is possible to install several rectifiers.

    Polishing steel workpieces requires adjusting equipment. To adjust the current value in industrial conditions, use the primary winding of a transformer connected to rectifiers. With its help, stepless current regulation is carried out by changing voltage values.

    Electrochemical polishing of metals is carried out using electrolytes based on sulfuric, phosphoric and chromic acids. Additionally, glycerin is added, which increases the total viscosity of the solution. All electrolytes must be mixed in the correct proportions. The following table shows the ratio of acids for polishing parts made from different types of metals:

    Carbon steel Stainless steel Aluminum Duralumin

    Phosphoric acid 65% 65% 70% 45%

    Sulfuric acid 15% 15% – 40%

    Chromic anhydride 6% 6% 10% 3%

    Water 14% 12% 30% 11%

    Glycerin – 12% – –

    Installations for electrolyte-plasma polishing UPP

    is a manufacturer of UPP plasma polishing units. Only the use of high-quality components and extensive experience of specialists in this field has allowed us to win the trust of many customers and supply electrolytic plasma polishing installations to different countries of the world for more than 30 years.

    UPP installations are used, most often, to quickly achieve a mirror-like, uniformly shiny and high-quality surface on products made of stainless steel (AISI 304 (08Х18Н10), AISI 316 (10Х17Н13М2), AISI 316T (10Х17Н13М2Т), AISI 321 (12-08Х18Н10Т), etc. ), for finishing, decorative polishing of parts made of copper and copper alloys, for polishing some grades of titanium and carbon steels.

    Plasma polishing (electrolytic plasma polishing, finishing polishing) is a simple, fast method of polishing stainless steel parts in a safe solution of inorganic salts. As the products are lowered into the solution, plasma is formed around the part, due to this the surface cleanliness improves by 2-4 grades.

    Within 3-5 minutes of the plasma polishing process, a mirror-like, uniform, shiny color appears; cleaning of welds and tarnish occurs within 1-2 minutes; dulling of sharp edges and burrs within 2-3 minutes; lightening, surface activation 30-60 seconds.

    Many examples before and after plasma polishing with cycle times are provided at the bottom of the page (videos, photographs).

    The main difference from electrochemical and mechanical polishing is that the process of electrolytic-plasma polishing is environmentally friendly, does not contain acids, does not require special treatment facilities, meets sanitary standards, is several times more productive than the mechanical polishing method, improves working conditions, repeatable quality of polishing of complex products forms from cycle to cycle.

    Scope of application of electrolytic plasma polishing installations

    Electrolytic plasma polishing units are used for:

    • Finishing, decorative polishing of products made of stainless steel, structural steel, non-ferrous metals and alloys, both in mechanical engineering and in the production of consumer goods and medical purposes.
    • Polishing, degreasing and activating the surface of products before applying galvanic or vacuum coatings.


    Due to its ease of operation and usefulness for polishing irregularly shaped objects, electropolishing has become a common process in semiconductor manufacturing.

    Since electropolishing can also be used to sterilize parts, the process plays an important role in the food, medical and pharmaceutical industries.

    It is commonly used in the post-production of large metal parts such as washing machine drums, marine and aircraft hulls, and automobiles.

    Although almost any metal can be electropolished, the most commonly polished metals are 300 and 400 series stainless steel, aluminum, copper, titanium, and nickel and copper alloys.

    Ultra-high vacuum (UHV) components are typically electropolished to have a smoother surface to improve vacuum pressure, gas removal rate, and pumping speed.

    Electropolishing is commonly used to prepare thin metal samples for transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography because the process does not mechanically deform surface layers as does mechanical polishing.

    Grinding and satining (matting) the seam on a profile pipe


    The process of processing such as satin-finishing is not very different from processing under a mirror.

    The sequence of using consumables begins in the same way as in the previous example. Only instead of felt we use a satin finish.

    Sanding roller . After the Velcro sanding wheel with P-320 grain, a sanding roller is used. It is attached to a low-speed angle grinder using an adapter.

    After the sanding roller, the surface is finished with Scotch Brite. We use 3M

    You can also refine the sanded surface with a sanding sponge. And a matte surface can be achieved with the same sponge after polishing the alloy.

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