Copper hair color 2022: photos 150+ best ideas (+new items)

» Hair color » Copper hair color: choosing a shade, dye, choosing a wardrobe

Copper hair color is more often used in shades such as copper blond, golden copper, dark copper, etc. You will learn how to match the color to your appearance, change your wardrobe for a new look. 120 photos.

Copper hair color belongs to red shades and contains a whole group of subtones. However, the main tone, the name of which comes from the metal, has a muted red-pink color with a golden tint, which is very rarely found in its natural form. The wonderful color struck the consciousness of mankind and now hair dye marked copper is available in any specialized store. And this is not without reason! Only this red color can be afforded by representatives of any color type, especially the “summer” one. It can be defined as the coldest in the autumn palette, but at the same time it does not lose its richness, although there are also very bright options.

Color and character: what do psychologists say about red hair?

It is important that we are talking about an artificial copper color: psychologists believe that a person chooses this or that shade for a reason. Red hair looks very bright and noticeable, so women who prefer this tone are not afraid to stand out and love to attract attention. They are usually charming, have a good sense of humor and are often the center of any company.

Studies have also shown that women who intend to radically change their personal lives dye their hair red.

Red-haired beauties have always had enough male attention

Studies have also shown that women who intend to radically change their personal lives dye their hair red. This is not surprising: red-haired beauties have always had enough male attention!

Before dyeing your hair, evaluate its condition.

If your curls are damaged by frequent dyeing and heat styling, it’s better to wait.

Gorgeous copper color looks beautiful only on healthy, shiny hair

Advice! Before dyeing your hair, evaluate its condition. If your curls are damaged by frequent dyeing and heat styling, it is better to wait. Gorgeous copper color only looks beautiful on healthy, shiny hair.


Nature has blessed me with dark skin and brown eyes, so I have no problems with copper-colored hair. However, there is an important point - you should carefully approach the choice of shade. In fact, copper color demonstrates courage and audacity in the image, so you need to be prepared for it.

I color my hair at home, using proven folk recipes from our grandmothers and mothers. The main advantages are affordable and cheap components, natural origin of all ingredients, well-groomed and shiny curls. I don’t trust paints because I can’t get the color exactly right.

I prefer to trust my curls to professionals. I think that copper color is quite capricious, and therefore requires a careful and special approach. The craftsmen in the salon will always be able to competently and efficiently approach the issue of choosing the most advantageous tone, taking into account all the nuances of appearance.

Color Features

The copper color of curls is considered natural, because there are many girls who have this color of hair by nature. Due to the formation of the pheomelanin pigment in the structure of each hair, a combination of reddish and golden shades is achieved, which is commonly called copper.

Copper hair color:

  • makes the girl’s image attractive;
  • helps to reveal sexuality;
  • demonstrates to others the strength of character of the owner;
  • able to emphasize the depth of the eyes.

Interesting to know! In nature, copper shades are found in only 4% of the population. Such women are quite hot-tempered and capricious.

It should be noted that red curls do not suit all women. They pair especially beautifully with green or blue eyes. Also, the image will be successful if the iris of the eye has an amber or hazel color, and the skin takes on a beautiful olive tint.

Women who want to dye their hair in any shade of copper need to remember that the red pigment penetrates deeply into the structure of the curls. If for some reason the result does not satisfy you, then when repainting it will be very difficult to achieve a new color. You will have to wait from 3 to 5 months until the dye is washed off on its own, or you will have to wash it off (decapitation) in a salon.

Susceptibility testing

48 hours before staining, a dye sensitivity test is performed. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a natural remedy or not, it’s worth checking to avoid unpleasant consequences.

For the test, paint is applied to sensitive areas of the body:

  • Wrist.
  • Behind the ear.
  • Inner elbow.

How to do the test:

  1. The area of ​​skin to which the dye will be applied is cleaned with a soap solution.
  2. Apply a towel to remove moisture, but do not rub it.
  3. Using a cotton applicator, apply a drop of product to the skin.
  4. Do not touch, wash or cover this area for 48 hours.
  5. The results are monitored after this time.

Reactions after which staining is canceled:

  • Swelling of the area of ​​skin to which the substance was applied.
  • Blisters or sores on the body.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Burning sensation in the area where the emulsion was applied.

It is worth considering that the absence of an allergic reaction is not a 100% guarantee that it will be avoided during the procedure. The body can react differently to the volume of a substance.

Who is suitable, who is not?

Copper color is a type of red shade. All the variety of subtones is united by the main tone inherent in copper - deep red-pink red with gold, slightly muted by cold tones.

  • In nature, such shades of red hair color are practically never found, so first of all, copper hair color is suitable for coloring natural red hair. Then the natural hair color is simply colored and enriched with new undertones.

Due to the fact that the palette of copper shades contains both cold and warm colors, this particular version of red becomes universal - it suits absolutely all color types. But ideally, copper should be selected not for the image as a whole, but for the details - eye color or skin tone, something that copper strands will emphasize and reveal from an attractive side.

Skin tone can be warm or cool.

  • For warm (mainly yellow and pink-yellow tones) golden shades of copper are suitable. And the brighter the skin tone, the darker the hair color should be. Otherwise, hair and skin may merge into one spot.
  • For cool skin with a bluish undertone, red shades of copper are perfect. They will emphasize the whiteness of the skin.

If you choose a shade of copper paint based on eye color, then you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • All variations of copper coloring are suitable for brown eyes. Any experiment will only emphasize the depth of the iris. Therefore, to ensure the integrity of the image, still rely on your skin tone.
  • Green eyes look especially good framed by copper-red strands. This is both a natural and bold combination. It is difficult to indicate the exact shade, because in any version, copper suits green-eyed people 100%.
  • If you have blue, indigo or gray eyes, then it is optimal to choose natural shades - copper blond, copper chestnut or copper blond. The main thing is that the eyes do not “bleach” against the background of the hair. The most extravagant ladies can try a look with copper-red strands, but in this case the skin should have a perfect porcelain tone.

Copper color is absolutely not suitable for those who have skin problems - pimples, acne, rosacea (a disease accompanied by red spots), etc. Red shades in copper will only emphasize imperfections.

Right choice

  • For those with green eyes, the best choice is dark copper shades.
  • For owners of light blue eyes, light shades are more suitable - wheat, ginger and others. This combination gives expressiveness to the eyes.
  • Any dark and rich tones of red can highlight the depth of brown eyes
  • For gray eyes, a red color from a cold palette , for example, shimmering copper, is suitable.
  • Older women should be very careful when choosing colors. The optimal solution is natural copper shades. Bright and rich colors are more suitable for young girls.

For gray eyes, a red color from a cold palette, for example, shimmering copper, will suit

Varieties of copper shades

Red is the main undertone of the copper shade. The play of colors is manifested in different combinations of red with yellow or gold and brown. In professional slang, the gradient of copper shades stretches from the 8th tone to the 5th (from light to dark).

Traditionally, one can distinguish natural muted shades with a light brown base, light golden ones, where yellow covers the red undertone, brown and red. Let's look at each one separately.

  • Copper blonde (light copper)

Pronounced warm blonde with a clear golden sheen, has a faint muted pink base. Thanks to the latter, it does NOT YELLOW and does not cheapen the image. Often close to naturally sun-bleached blond.

This shade suits blue-eyed and gray-eyed girls with warm skin tones. The image will be gentle and not everyday.

  • Copper-golden and honey

A shade suitable ONLY for warm skin tones, it makes your skin glow from the inside out. Rich, flowing and noble.

Perhaps this is why it is loved by such actresses as Nicole Kidman and Blake Lively, known for their sophisticated taste and laconic style.

  • Copper

Parent shade in the copper palette. Red clearly dominates in it, making the color deeper, more saturated and at the same time subduedly calm.

Ideal for autumn color types, both warm and cold. Looks great both in a single tone and in the form of individual curls.

Visually increases the volume of the hairstyle (remember that naturally red-haired people have the thickest hair).

  • Copper red

This shade is closer to the natural red hair color, but more saturated and therefore bright. At the same time, this is the most natural copper tone in the palette.

Universal for all red-haired girls who want to revive their native color. Also suitable for anyone with freckles and clear, reddish skin tones.

  • Copper blonde

Unlike natural light brown, which often looks like a boring mouse-gray, this shade enlivens the strands, making them fuller and brighter.

An ideal option for those who are not ready for a radical change of image, but the soul still requires changes.

  • Copper chestnut

The most “delicious” shade of the copper palette, closer to the color of dark chocolate with clear shades of marsala, cinnamon and copper. Incredibly multi-layered, long-lasting and revealing in a new way with every movement of the strands.

Option for dark skin, different shades of brown, green and dark blue eyes. Makes the look softer, more feminine and romantic, especially when combined with curls.

If you have fair skin, you can benefit from contrast. However, with this choice of shade, the skin should be perfect. Remember that the red undertone draws attention to all imperfections.

  • Copper brown

Unlike the previous shade, this one has much less redness to it. It's more of a classic copper shaded with brown.

Optimal as a base for coloring with lighter copper shades, for example, honey.

  • Dark copper

The combination of copper-chestnut and copper-brown allows the use of a new shade for calmer, non-contrasting color types (soft autumn, etc.).

According to some experts, it can significantly age the image... Therefore, weigh the pros and cons before changing your image.

  • Copper red

The brightest and most shocking shade of the range. Suitable for young and courageous girls with perfect skin that is not prone to blushing. By dyeing individual strands in this color, you can texture any copper coloring, making it more extraordinary.

Choosing a shade depending on the color type

When choosing a hair shade, stylists are guided by the color type, which is determined based on the color of the skin, hair and pigment of the iris. There are 4 color options:

  1. Spring. Spring beauties have clear light blue, light green or gray eyes. Natural hair color is decorated with light shades with golden tints.
  2. Summer. It belongs to the cold color type, as it is characterized by pale skin tones (porcelain, pink, light olive) and light eyes (green, gray, blue and hazel). The natural curls of such girls have ashy shades, devoid of gold.
  3. Autumn. These girls' irises can be different - from light to brown, but there must be golden inclusions. The skin has a peach, bronze and olive tint, and bright freckles may be present.
  4. Winter. The winter woman also has fair skin, but naturally dark hair. Mostly such cold beauties have icy blue or brown eyes.

For winter and summer girls, shades of cappuccino, red-copper, chocolate or dark chestnut with muted red are suitable. Spring and autumn girls should give preference to:

  • copper classic;
  • honey;
  • copper-brown;
  • golden-copper;
  • amber;
  • carrot;
  • bronze-red;
  • Titian;
  • copper brown;
  • copper blonde.

Important point! When choosing a mahogany shade, pay attention to the thickness and color of your eyebrows. If you have dark, thick eyebrows, you need to choose chestnut or brown shades of color so that there is no dissonance. Similar tone variations are also suitable for women who want to hide the roundness of their faces.

Copper shades should be avoided by women who have naturally too dark hair color and very dark or, conversely, pale skin. Excessively light eyes can simply get lost against the background of a red color. Another taboo for dyeing copper is the presence of problem skin: many moles, freckles or age spots. It won’t be possible to hide them in this way, but it’s easy to highlight them.

How to get a copper shade at home?

To dye your locks coppery, use any of these available home remedies:

  • coffee;
  • onion peel;
  • henna;
  • tea.

Recipe No. 1 - for bright carrot color


  • Henna – 4 sachets;
  • Yolk – 1-2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Kefir – 2 tbsp. l.

How to dye strands correctly:

  1. Pour the henna into a glass bowl.
  2. Add butter, yolk and kefir.
  3. Lubricate the strands evenly and put them under the cap.
  4. Rinse off after 30 minutes.

Read more about how to dye with henna in this article.

Recipe No. 2 – for dark copper


  • Coffee – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Boiling water or strong tea - a glass;
  • Henna – 1 sachet.

How to dye strands correctly:

  1. Pour boiling water or strong black tea over the coffee.
  2. Simmer in water steam for about 10 minutes.
  3. Pour out the henna packet.
  4. Lubricate the strands evenly and put them under the cap.
  5. Wash off after an hour.

Recipe No. 3 - for red-copper


  • Onion peel – 50 grams;
  • Boiling water – 200 ml.

How to dye strands correctly:

  1. Pour boiling water over the onion skins.
  2. Cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Lubricate the strands evenly and put them under the cap.
  4. Wash off after an hour.
  5. Repeat daily until you achieve the desired result. If you want a darker color, use more peels.

Folk recipes for natural copper dyes

To get a copper tone at home, you can use onion peels, coffee, tea and natural dye - henna. We invite you to try a few simple formulations for yourself.

  • Mix henna, egg yolk, any vegetable oil and kefir. After lubricating your hair evenly, hold it under a plastic bag or shower cap for thirty minutes. You will get a bright carrot tone.
  • You will get dark copper from a mixture of coffee, henna and strong tea or boiling water. You can wash it off after one hour.
  • Achieve a tan-copper color using onion skins and boiling water. The leaves need to be boiled for 20 minutes, and then distributed onto the hay. You will have to carry out the procedure every day until you achieve the desired result. If you want a darker color, add more strands.

On charming curls

Sophisticated and flawless Keep in mind that dyeing using traditional methods does not give instant results like chemicals. You may have to repeat the manipulation several times.

Advice! Be careful when choosing your wardrobe. Clothes should not be too bright. Neutral items are fine.

Paint selection

Below we will describe 4 main coloring methods that you can use.

  1. Tinted shampoos. A universal option for both brown-haired and blondes. With their help, you can revive the color, making it as close to natural as possible.
  2. Henna. The safest, natural and at the same time permanent option for coloring and treating hair in copper-red and copper-brown tones. PLEASE NOTE that henna-dyed hair should never be re-dyed with synthetic dyes.
  3. Household paints. Available but do not offer a choice of shades. Often the end result does not coincide with what was stated by the manufacturer.
  4. Professional paints. A rich palette of shades, allowing you to choose different colors to create the desired shade.

To choose the right shade, use the following tips:

  • If your hair is originally blonde, choose copper blonde or copper-gold to create golden, honey and wheat tones with a copper tint.
  • If the hair is initially light brown, then the appropriate shade is copper-blonde, as well as all bright copper shades.
  • If your hair is dark, then to achieve a bright copper coloring you must first bleach your hair. But to enhance the richness of the native shade, you can do without this unsparing procedure.
  • For beautiful copper shimmers, you can turn to ombre, shatush or tiger eye techniques. Such multicolor dyeing allows you to create spectacular and unique hairstyles.

Coloring techniques

Various coloring techniques significantly affect how the curls will look. Stylists have the following options for creating a stylish look:

  • Monochromatic dyeing in rich colors. During the procedure, each hair is completely dyed from top to bottom. It creates a rich color that will turn you into a sizzling red-haired beauty. The technique is quite simple and can be easily done at home. First, the paint is distributed at the roots, then combed along the entire length. Be sure to make sure you have enough color emulsion. Control the holding time according to the expected results.

  • Balayage. Will make your hairstyle voluminous and dynamic. It involves stretching the color from top to bottom, that is, the curls at the roots are painted a darker color, and at the ends - bright. Light paint is distributed on the edges, shaded with vertical movements from bottom to top, the roots are coated with a thicker color. The result should be smooth vertical transitions. Balayage looks especially beautiful on curled hair.
  • Ombre. This technique involves creating sharper contrast. The curls are divided into zones, ponytails are tied, and the strands are dyed with the lightest color approximately just below the ear, after which they are wrapped in foil. Above these areas, after 15–20 minutes, the same color is applied, but only left to dry naturally. The roots, as a rule, are not touched.
  • Shatush. This technique is based on light shading of color. Natural shades are usually taken as the base, which is alternated with any selected copper halftone. You definitely need to comb your hair so that the coloration on each strand goes away.

  • Coloring ends and bangs. For bold individuals who want to stand out from the crowd, we would recommend gentle coloring of only individual feathers on the bangs and ends of the hair. This option looks especially beautiful on chestnut curls.
  • Coloring the strands at the temple. This technique is also a gentle option, since the main color is natural. If you have wheat, light brown, or honey-colored locks, be sure to try lightening a few strands near your temples to a golden, coppery blonde, or honey color.

Before dyeing, it is recommended to thoroughly comb the curls and then divide the hair into several zones. Painting always starts from the back of the head, smoothly moving to the temples. This is necessary to ensure that the color is uniform throughout the entire hair. If you don’t know how a particular dye will show itself, take a small strand and dye it with diluted pigment.

Professional dyes

Professional dyes are gentle on hair and scalp and contain caring components. You can mix them, add mixtones and correctors. The main advantage is the choice of oxide. It may contain a minimum of hydrogen peroxide.


Gives a bright, long-lasting color and covers gray hair 100%. Shimmering pigments give a beautiful shimmer.

  • Dark brown copper-golden 6/43
  • Dark brown red 6/5
  • Dark blond red-copper 6/54
  • Dark blond brown-copper 6/74
  • Dark blond brown-red 6/75
  • Medium blond golden-copper 7/34
  • Medium brown copper 7/4
  • Medium blond red-copper 7/54


Professional permanent cream color that provides a lasting, bright effect. Active pigments cover gray hair 100%

  • Blonde copper-golden 7/43
  • Light brown copper-golden 8/43
  • Blonde copper-golden 9/43
  • Light blond copper-golden 10/43
  • Light brown 7/44
  • Dark brown intense copper 8/44


Londa offers several options, this is a permanent dye with Vitaflection microspheres. Microspheres penetrate deeply and provide lasting results.

  • Blonde brown-red 7/75
  • Blonde intense brown 7/77
  • Blonde brown-copper 7/74
  • Dark blond brown-red 6/75
  • Light brown-copper 5/74


Vella provides high-quality coloring, depth and shine. Gray hair coverage up to 100%.

  • Irish Summer, 88/43
  • Light blond golden red, 8/34
  • Light blond red-ash, 8/41
  • Volcanic red, 77/44
  • Wild orchid, 6/43
  • Dark blond golden red, 6/34
  • Flamenco 55/44

In order for the coloring result to be perfect, you need to choose the right tone for the base hair color, observe the exposure time, and the proportions of the dye. You can mix shades to create a specific tone.

How to dye your hair copper color

When choosing a dye and coloring method, we start from the base. What is it like - dark, light, clarified?

  • The dark base will definitely have to be lightened. A beautiful fiery tone will fall only on a base of 7 and above. It is light brown and blond. If total lightening is not suitable, you can perform highlights, balayage and tint them in the desired color.
  • Light brown shades are dyed using an oxide with a medium or high percentage of peroxide, usually 6%.
  • Blonde, lightened - tinted with a dye with a low percentage of oxide - 1.5%.


It is important in subsequent care to preserve the color and maintain a good appearance of the curls.

  • The coloring procedure often leads to dryness, especially at the ends of the hair.
  • This condition can only be avoided with proper care.
  • In the first days after coloring, it is not recommended to use deep-acting masks, as their components can penetrate the coloring pigment and it will fade.

  • You should only use shampoos for colored hair, as they have mild caring properties.
  • To prolong the brightness of the color, it is important to use a balm for colored hair, which will also protect against alkaline impurities in tap water.
  • To care for bright hair, it is better to purchase special shampoos and rinses designed for the appropriate color tone. Such cosmetic series contain pigments that maintain color saturation and constantly refresh it.
  • When visiting the pool, you should use a waterproof rubber cap to prevent chlorinated water from damaging your hair.
  • When styling your hair with a curling iron or tongs, you should first apply a heat protectant so that the high temperature does not destroy the coloring pigment and does not dry out the hair.
  • Colored curls require special protection from breakage, so they need additional moisture. Plant-based masks with proteins help with this. They help restore moisture and give hair silkiness and shine.

  • The lamination procedure perfectly protects and fills hair with shine. The pigment lasts longer, thanks to “sealing” into the hair shaft, maintaining its brightness.
  • In a situation where you get an unsatisfactory result when painting it yourself at home, it is better not to re-color it for the purpose of correction, but to entrust it to a professional in the salon.
  • With proper hair coloring and appropriate care, the resulting changes in appearance will undoubtedly delight the owner of fashionable curls in a luxurious copper shade.

Copper coloring - golden hair care

Having obtained the desired shade, take care of your hair as if it were a treasure dear to your heart. Frankly speaking, they deserve this even with their native color, but now they need special attention so that the pigment does not wash off ahead of time, and the hair remains healthy and beautiful.


L'Oréal Professionnel Vitamino Color A-OX

Fixes the tone for a long time, while simultaneously protecting the hair from fading in the sun. The strands become soft, shiny and elastic.

Matrix Biolage RAW Color Care

Eco-shampoo gently cleanses colored strands, slowing down the leaching of pigment. Coconut milk and meadow herb extracts make hair shiny and well-groomed.

Redken Color Extend Magnetics

The protein complex restores hair damaged by coloring and reduces fragility, and the protective system of amino ions does not allow negative external influences to reduce color saturation.

Air conditioners

Matrix Biolage RAW Color Care

Provides silky strands and color protection. With it, hair is easy to comb and acquires a glossy shine.

L'Oréal Professionnel Vitamino Color A-OX

The brother of the shampoo of the same name from the Serie Expert line for colored hair nourishes the strands, creating the thinnest protective film on them. The color is bright and saturated even three weeks after dyeing!

Milk Chromatique, Kerastase

More details

Kérastase Chromatique

Deep hair color until the next dyeing and elastic, nourished strands - that’s why they love this product.


Matrix Bond Ultim8

Brand technologists recommend using this product after coloring once a week. It thickens, softens and restores the structure of the hair along the entire length.

L'Oréal Professionnel Powermix shot with golden pigment

Strictly speaking, this is not a mask, but an additive for it. Mix the product with your favorite nourishing mask (of course, it is better to choose one from the same brand) at the rate of one shot per 250 ml and intensify the brightness of light copper shades with each hair wash.

Redken All Soft

Keratin and argan oil in the composition take care of the health of the hair structure and intensively restore. Brittleness? Dryness? Loss of elasticity? You will love this mask.

Leave-in products

Elixir Ultime care oil, Kerastase

More details

Kérastase Elixir Ultime Rose

In the line of hair oils of this brand, Rose is intended for colored hair. Reduces frizz, contains antioxidants to maintain rich color and gives a natural, beautiful shine.

Redken Extreme Antisnap

Reduces fragility and split ends of hair, making strands soft and manageable. We give a special plus for the pleasant aroma - it does not hang over your head all day, but during application you can feel it and instantly lift your mood.

Matrix Moisture Me Rich Moisture Cure

If your color-treated hair is feeling dull and dry , apply this spray to damp strands before styling. A favorite among stylists and a great way to keep color vibrant.

Folk remedies for maintaining color fastness

Some proven “grandmother’s” ways to maintain a rich tone after coloring will also come in handy for modern copper-haired ladies.

  • Lamination with gelatin.
  • Mustard mask (just don’t apply it to your scalp).
  • Rinsing with a decoction of herbs and oak bark.
  • Cosmetic oil as a leave-in treatment (argan, hibiscus, and geranium oils are suitable, but coconut oil can, on the contrary, speed up the leaching of pigment).

But SalonSecret specialists do not recommend this method - you can never predict how your hair and skin will react to the natural ingredients of home remedies!

What clothing colors go with copper hair?

Radically changed your hair color? This means you need to reconsider your wardrobe too! After all, the copper shade is quite demanding when combined with other colors.

Radically changed your hair color? This means you need to reconsider your wardrobe too!

Copper shade is quite demanding when combined with other colors

Universal options will be black and white

So, you should give preference to complex shades: burgundy, emerald, dusty rose. Universal options will be black and white. Bright red items should be worn with caution: they do not go well with all shades of copper.

Pastel colors are also suitable. It is advisable to refuse neon shades, which can only be present in the form of accents, for example, a bag or shoes. Remember: the copper shade of hair is quite bright in itself and you risk overloading your appearance with “color spots”! It is better to avoid pink color in clothes: it does not go well with copper hair.

Light red hair color requires brown mascara and brown eyeliner, otherwise the makeup will look rough

It is best to choose a soft pink, cold shade of blush: this is how women who have naturally red hair “blush”

As for makeup, the same rules apply here. Choose subtle shades with few bright colors. Light red hair color requires brown mascara and brown eyeliner, otherwise the makeup will look rough.

It is advisable to choose a lipstick with a warm undertone, for example, coral, but in no case orange. It is best to choose a soft pink, cool shade of blush: this is how women who have naturally red hair “blush.”

Shades of copper hair color are quickly washed out of the hair, so copper curls require especially careful care

Buy a special shampoo and conditioner for colored hair, then the new color will stay with you for a long time

Advice! Shades of copper hair color are quickly washed out of the hair, so copper curls require especially careful care. Buy a special shampoo and conditioner for colored hair, then the new color will stay with you for a long time! There are special products for red-haired people that allow you to preserve the chosen shade for a long time. Such products are sold in professional cosmetics stores.

There are special products for redheads that allow you to maintain your chosen shade for a long time.

Look for your shade and don’t be afraid to experiment boldly with your appearance: sooner or later you will definitely find your unique style!

The look will be completed with good makeup

The main feature of makeup is that it should not be too bright. Your hair is already a bold accent that cannot be ignored. Therefore, too much eye or lip cosmetics can only do harm and create an awkward appearance.

If you have freckles, try not to overdo it with foundation. A layer that is too thick will resemble plaster and will not be attractive. If you don't like the spots on your face, you can lighten them a little with concealer or whitening masks.

Chic daytime makeup

Create a light blush based on your own color type. But remember that cold tones do not harmonize with copper. There is no need to apply blush too brightly. Lightly touch the brush to your cheekbones for a refreshing look.

Eyebrows should not be too contrasting or wide. Give preference to soft, muted tones. Paint your lips with peach or pink lipstick.

Accessories add sophistication to your look

Tip: To veil gray hair, you will need a darker dye than usual.


In addition to the beauty of copper tints, the girl is likely to encounter some problems. For example, if the skin is problematic, defects will be more noticeable due to the contrast of the bright shade. Therefore, those with wrinkles, blackheads and pimples should be extremely careful.

Our tone looks harmonious only with freckles, since they are inherent in natural beasts. The main thing is to take into account their palette. Cold copper is suitable for ashy people. But if you don’t like such a gift of nature as “sun kisses”, then it is better to abandon the idea, otherwise you will focus on them.

Red colors are not recommended for women over forty years old. It will visually add a few extra years. Please note that the paint will also not apply well to gray hair and it may turn out to be a cloying carrot color.

If you don't like to be the center of attention and prefer to remain inconspicuous, this decision is not for you. Also, for those who like to experiment, it is better to abandon the idea, since the pigment is very difficult to paint over or remove without bleaching or cutting.

This hair tone is ideal for green-eyed beauties.

Light golden

Or golden-copper blonde - the lightest, literally sparkling shade. It is filled with little depth, and is revealed in all its glory only in bright light. It is worth noting that in this copper palette of light colors this is the only option that can look harmonious on girls with a cool color scheme, since it contains pearl pigment in small quantities. Ideally, the tone suits representatives of the spring color type - that is, those with pink or peach skin, freckles, blue or green eyes. In rare cases, this color harmonizes with a light brown iris, but only on condition that the skin remains light and has a warm undertone.

A few more tips

If you decide to recolor your strands, listen to our advice:

  • Tip 1. Girls with red, brown and blond hair can easily get a copper hair color at home by purchasing dye in the store. But fair-haired ladies are better off going to a salon. They have absolutely no need for home experiments.
  • Tip 2. Paint of similar colors washes off very quickly. To make the color last longer, give preference to professional products from trusted manufacturers. They usually contain a lot of useful components that prevent the pigment from being washed out of the hair structure.
  • Tip 3. Every second or third time you need to use shampoos that maintain and enhance color (especially for red-haired people).
  • Tip 4. The rest of the time, use shampoos and conditioners with a moisturizing effect, because colored hair loses moisture very quickly.
  • Tip 5. The lamination procedure will not be superfluous.
  • Tip 6. To cover gray hair, choose a package a couple of shades darker.
  • Tip 7. The color will fall unevenly on damaged, dry, split hair, as well as on washed-off base. To prevent this from happening, regularly treat your hair and update your haircut.
  • Tip 8. Copper shade of hair must be combined with a neutral wardrobe, which does not contain overly bright or saturated things.
  • Tip 9. But the makeup should be quite expressive and truly flawless. You will have to give up heavy black eyeliner and the smokey eye technique. Stick to natural and earthy colors in lipsticks, eye shadows and blushes. For evening events, retro makeup and 50s eyeliner are acceptable.

How to achieve

To get a copper-red hue, you must adhere to certain rules in terms of painting. If a girl has dark hair, then this color will look very bad on her. To solve the problem, you must first carry out clarification. For these purposes, you will need a chemical clarifier. You can use folk remedies using a solution of cinnamon and honey.

After applying the copper-red paint, you will have to walk with it for about 6 hours. An excellent option would be to apply it at night. If a lady has brown or light brown hair with a golden tint, then there is no need to lighten it. Any red paint, even the highest quality, fades over time. So the girl should be prepared for the fact that she will have to touch up her makeup often. Sometimes the color fades after just a couple of days.

To prolong the copper-red shade of your hair, you need to use balm and shampoo for colored strands. But root treatment should occur no less frequently than with blondes. A bright shade with dark roots does not look beautiful. You should not use copper-red color to color individual strands, as it is only suitable for full coloring. But diluting it with highlighting is quite possible.

How good honey red hair color looks and how to achieve it will help you understand the information with photos and videos in this article.

You can understand what golden red hair color looks like if you look at the photo in this article.

But what kind of girls suit red hair color and how to achieve a good result when dyeing and with what paint is described in detail in this article:

What cool shades of red hair are the most popular among young girls, as well as what dye can give hair this color, is indicated in the article.

In the video - shades of copper-red hair color:

You can get a copper-red color using henna. It is recommended to use it to solve problems such as increased oiliness of the scalp, dandruff, and split ends. With its help, you can restore shine and strength to your hair, eliminate excess oil from the skin and give your hair shine. But not everything is so wonderful, since henna has one drawback: if it gets on half a hair scale, it will be quite difficult to wash it out.

Henna contains tanning components. It clogs the hair structure. It becomes simply impossible to wash them off, so even the reaction to gentle paint can be completely different. It is necessary to use chemical dyes after henna no earlier than 2-3 months later.

Dark red hair color - photo

Intense, dark red is a good way to introduce color into your life for anyone who works in places that require dress codes and elegant hairstyles. Business women can decide on this shade. as a rule, these are dyes with numbers 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5 and 9.5.


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