20 best folk and chemical means for cleaning aluminum from oxides

Features of the material

Aluminum is a metal whose surface is painted silver with a slight white tint. This material has certain features that you should familiarize yourself with in advance. These include the following:

  • High level of density. Products made from this metal are very durable and are not subject to mechanical damage.
  • Good thermal conductivity. This figure is almost the same as that of silver, gold or copper.
  • Protection from corrosive plaque. Aluminum structures never rust, but instead of rust, oxide may appear on their surface.

Chemical synthesis of citric acid

People quickly became convinced of the beneficial properties of citric acid as an antioxidant and began to look for a more effective way to produce this substance. Extracting the chemical from citrus fruits and other plants was prohibitively expensive.

Citric acid, used in modern industry, is a product of sugar biosynthesis by strains of a certain type of mold.

The resulting product is cleared of excess impurities. Citric acid, synthesized in production, is a white crystalline powder.

How to clean at home

There are several effective means that will help you clean the aluminum surface from the formed oxide at home.

To eliminate oxidation that has appeared on the aluminum surface, you can use baking soda. The main advantage of this product is its accessibility, since soda powder is available in almost every home.

Before you begin removing oxides, you need to prepare a solution. To do this, add 150 grams of soda to 300-400 milliliters of water. The mixture is stirred until a thick paste forms. Treat the damaged surface with the prepared mixture and wash it off with water.

Coca Cola

Many people believe that carbonated drinks can only be used as a drink, but this is not true. Housewives use them to remove rust and oxidation from metal surfaces. Among the most effective drinks is Coca-Cola, which will help restore an aluminum product. To remove oxides, the damaged coating is placed in a container with effervescent liquid and left for 40-60 minutes. If there is a lot of oxidation, the procedure is extended to 2-3 hours.


Some people use only oxalic acid, but even fresh sorrel leaves will help remove oxides. First, you need to place a bunch of sorrel leaves in a small saucepan and fill them with cold water. Then the container is placed on a gas stove and boiled for half an hour. When the liquid boils, the aluminum product is soaked in it.

The procedure lasts an hour and a half, after which the soaked surface is rinsed and wiped dry.

Lemon acid

Effective agents that help quickly eliminate oxidation include citric acid. It is added in the amount of two tablespoons to a liter container filled with cold water. Then the solution is brought to a boil, boiled for half an hour and removed from the gas stove. To remove newly appeared traces of oxides, wipe the surface with a sponge soaked in a solution of citric acid. To remove old oxidation, the product will have to be soaked in liquid.


Fresh apples contain trace elements that help remove oxidized stains from any metal surface. Using this method is very simple. It is enough to cut one apple into two equal parts, and then rub it on the oxidized mark. After 40-50 minutes, the treated coating is washed with soapy water and dried. If the stains remain, the procedure is carried out again.

Mustard powder, vinegar and salt

Sometimes, to eliminate blackening on the surface of aluminum products, products prepared from several components at once are used. A solution made from mustard powder, vinegar and salt is considered effective. The components are mixed to obtain a homogeneous mixture, after which a sponge is soaked in it and the oxidation is wiped off. 20 minutes after application, everything is washed off with warm water.


Aluminum cookware can be cleaned using table salt. To do this, add 85 grams of salt to a liter of heated water. The components are mixed until the salt particles are completely dissolved in the water. Then soak a cloth in the liquid and wipe the contaminated area. Before using the product, rinse it thoroughly to remove any remaining salt.

General recommendations

Aluminum is a soft metal that requires careful handling during operation and cleaning. To clean products from various types of contaminants and not damage the material, follow simple recommendations:

  1. Do not use metal scrapers or brushes, hard scourers or sharp objects . These tools damage the surface, leaving scratches and other unsightly marks. After such treatment of the dishes, aluminum particles can get into the food, which will negatively affect the taste of the dish and its benefits.
  2. Do not clean aluminum alloy products with abrasive agents (sand, powder).
  3. Kitchen utensils should be washed only after they have cooled down . Hot metal deforms when interacting with water, and it is almost impossible to return its original appearance on your own.
  4. such as acids or alkalis for cleaning They spoil the aesthetic appearance, and the resulting chemical reaction can lead to the release of toxins or heavy metals that are hazardous to health.
  5. To achieve the desired effect, choose a cleaning method and cleaning product based on the type and degree of contamination .
  6. Do not wash aluminum cookware in the dishwasher . Temperature changes negatively affect the metal and increase the risk of deformation and corrosion.
  7. To make the product shiny, polish the surface with a sponge dipped in a solution made from borax and ammonia in a ratio of 3:1.

Do not wash aluminum cookware in the dishwasher.

Garage Recipes

There are several garage recipes that will help you make anti-oxidation products.

Boiling soda

Ordinary boiled water will help remove new traces of oxide. The liquid must be boiled in a small saucepan in advance. Then the boiling water is poured into a basin in which all parts that need cleaning will be soaked. The soaking time lasts about 3-4 hours. Then all products are washed and wiped from any remaining water. If the oxides have not disappeared, you will have to use other, more effective means.

A dense oxidized film can be removed using a special pharmaceutical borax. To restore an aluminum product, perform the following steps:

  • add 10-15 grams of borax to a glass of water;
  • stir 3-4 drops of ammonia into the mixture;
  • treat the metal coating with the prepared liquid;
  • after forty minutes, the remaining composition is washed off from the surface.

Sodium hydroxide

You can remove a layer of stubborn dirt with caustic soda. The advantages of this procedure include the fact that it is easy to carry out at home. The product in an amount of 150-200 grams is added to 7-8 liters of water and mixed thoroughly. It is necessary to use heated water, the temperature of which is 60-80 degrees. The part should be washed with the prepared sodium solution.

Coca Cola

This carbonated drink has excellent cleaning properties that help restore contaminated aluminum coatings. Several liters of Cola are poured into a saucepan. Then the product is placed in it and soaked for about an hour. During this time, the darkening should completely disappear.

If Cola did not help cope with the oxide, then you will have to use a more effective remedy.

Proven ways to remove oxide from aluminum products at home

Aluminum products are used very widely.
They are light and comfortable and have shine. But during operation, the shine fades quite quickly, and oxide forms on the surface, which greatly spoils the appearance. To solve the problem with the oxide that appears, you can use special means and folk recipes, as well as adhere to the operating rules.

We will tell you how to remove oxide from aluminum in this article.

Where is citric acid found?

Citric acid was originally obtained from citrus fruits. Citric acid was first obtained at the end of the 18th century from unripe lemons by the pharmacist Scheele, who lived in Sweden.

In addition to citrus fruits, citric acid is found in many vegetables, berries and fruits. A large amount of citric acid is contained in:

  • in currants and gooseberries;
  • in tomatoes;
  • in peaches and apricots;
  • in cranberries and barberries.

How to clean with improvised means?

When using aluminum items, dark spots appear on their surface. Oxide can be removed using simple cleaning methods.

Lemon acid

To treat an aluminum container, it is necessary to prepare a solution in the following proportion: for each liter of water - 2 tablespoons of citric acid. The resulting solution must be boiled for a quarter of an hour (or a little longer if there is a lot of oxide). After this, the container is washed.


Fruit acid, which is found in fresh apples, copes well with oxide.

  1. The fruit is cut in half.
  2. Dark spots are rubbed with a cut.
  3. Leave to act for 30 minutes.
  4. The container is washed.

Coca Cola

The sweet carbonated drink contains orthophosphoric acid, which copes well with the oxide. The use of Cola is very simple:

  • pour the drink into an aluminum container;
  • leave for 1.5 hours;
  • Rinse.


Fresh sorrel is required for processing. Application procedure:

  1. A bunch of leaves is placed in a container that needs to be processed.
  2. Fill the container with water.
  3. Boil over low heat for half an hour.
  4. The solution with the leaves is poured out.
  5. The container is washed.

Salt, vinegar and mustard powder

If the darkening from the oxide is on the outside of the container, you can use the following method:

  • add 1 tablespoon of salt and mustard powder into a bowl;
  • pour in 1 tbsp. vinegar;
  • stir;
  • using a sponge, apply the resulting slurry to areas with oxide;
  • leave for a quarter of an hour;
  • rinse with warm water.

Kitchen salt

Table salt diluted with water can also be used to eliminate the oxide. Work order:

  1. Pour 2 tbsp into a bowl. salt.
  2. Pour in 1 tsp. warm temperature water.
  3. Mix.
  4. Apply with a sponge to areas with darkening.
  5. Leave for 30 minutes.
  6. Rinse.

Soda solution

To eliminate oxidation from the surface of aluminum objects, you can use an aqueous solution of soda. This recipe is suitable not only for dishes, but also for removing darkening from various parts of mechanisms.

Pour water into a large container in which aluminum objects will be cleaned by immersion and add baking soda in the following ratio: for every liter of liquid - 2 tablespoons of powder.

Processing order:

  • pour the soda solution into the container;
  • the item to be processed is lowered into the container;
  • bring to a boil;
  • boil for at least 10 minutes, monitoring the effect.


To understand the nuances of cleaning aluminum, watch the following videos:

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The dishwasher cleans more than just plates and cups. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

Use of household chemicals

You can find special products for cleaning and polishing aluminum products. Their use gives a good effect, but not all of them can be used to clean dishes from the inside in contact with food.

Shine Coins for cleaning and polishing

The domestically produced product is intended for cleaning and polishing products, both aluminum and coins . The product contains surfactants and an ultra-nanodisperse abrasive component, which is gentle on the aluminum surface.

Shake the product before use. It is convenient to apply the drug with a sponge using rubbing movements. After processing, the aluminum product is rinsed. The cost for a volume of 150 ml is from 250 rubles.

Autosol Aluminum Cleaner

Aluminum cleaner is an auto chemical product. The product is produced in Germany. The drug is suitable for eliminating complex contaminants and areas of oxidation . Can be used to process aluminum cookware.

The cleaner is applied by spraying and works within 10 minutes. After the treatment, the surface is cleaned and polished with a rag. Cost for 500 ml – from 600 rubles.

Cleaner Moreman

Aluminum cleaner is designed to remove traces of oxidation and other contaminants from various aluminum surfaces, including marine vessels. gives an almost instant effect upon contact with the surface .

In addition to oxide, the product removes lime deposits, rust, etc. The cleaner is biodegradable. Manufacturer – Spain. Price for 1 liter – from 1,500 rubles.


  • The lion's share of citric acid (additive E330) is consumed by the food industry. It can be found in a wide variety of foods: soft drinks, fruit juices and nectars, jams, minced meats, cheese, beer and pasta.
  • Sodium citrate reduces blood clotting and is included in solutions for drip administration.
  • It is used for electrochemical deposition of copper, for gilding and silvering, and for cleaning power plant boilers from rust. For this purpose, citric acid is also used in everyday life.

Removal from aluminum cookware

Cookware made from aluminum is susceptible to scale formation. This circumstance is directly related to the composition of tap water. The more metal salts it contains, the more actively scale will form. For processing, you can use the tools that you have on hand.

Lemon acid

For descaling treatment, a solution of citric acid is prepared . For every 1.5 liters you need to add 25 grams of acid. The container is brought to a boil and left to cool. After this, you can rinse the inside.


For processing you will need table vinegar. It is diluted half and half with water or used undiluted. The solution is poured into the container so as to cover the areas with scale.

After bringing to a boil, remove the aluminum pan from the heat and allow to cool. The liquid is drained, and the dishes themselves are washed and boiled with clean water.

Lemon acid. Properties and uses of citric acid

It was revealed to the world in 1784, isolated from unripe lemons. Experiments on citrus fruits were carried out by Karl Scheele. This is a pharmacist, and at the same time a chemist, from Sweden.

It was they who discovered citric acid . Interestingly, in the 1970s it was listed as a carcinogen. The substance was included in the “Villejuif List”, which was aimed at the European market.

True, the hoax was quickly exposed. In the 21st century, everyone knows about the benefits of citric acid and the fact that it is found in many plants, fruits, and living tissues.

However, the properties and features of the compound remain questionable for many. Let's answer it.

Properties of citric acid

Citric acid formula : - C6H8O7. In this case, three carbon atoms, six oxygens and three hydrogens form three carboxyl groups of COOH.

Two of them are located at the edges of the linear molecule, and one is attached to the central carbon. The spatial notation is:

It turns out that we have a tribasic carboxylic acid. It is classified as weak because the extreme COOH groups are farther apart, which reduces the activity and the list of possible chemical reactions.

It does not go beyond the capabilities of other polybasic acids of the carboxylic group. The heroine of the article can form ethers.

Perhaps, also, the “birth” of citric acid salts . It acylates easily. The process involves the introduction of an acyl residue RCO into organic matter. It stands in place of hydrogen.

The formation of stable complexes with multivalent cations, that is, positively charged ions, is also predictable.

The heroine of the article also reacts to temperature. So, you can convert citric acid into aconitic acid. It is used in medicine, for example, in the treatment of bronchial asthma.

Aconitic acid differs from citric acid in the absence of one particle of water. It splits off from the heroine of the article when heated to 175 degrees.

3-hetoglutaric acid is obtained from citric acid by oxidation. The heroine of the article captures oxygen from magnesium permanganate, or hydrogen peroxide. The formula of the latter is: - H2O2. The notation for permanganate is: - KMnO4.

If you not only raise the temperature, but also organize dry distillation, the acid will decarboxylate.

This means loss of water and release of carbon dioxide. As a result, acetone and two anhydrides are formed. The first belongs to itaconic acid, and the second to citraconic acid.

The physical state of citric acid is crystalline. The units are easily mixed with most solvents.

The only exception is diethyl ether. If the solvent contains metal ions, the reagent creates chelate complexes with them.

Chela is a Latin word meaning "claw". In their form, chelate complexes are similar to this.

Ions included in claw-shaped formations are copper, iron, magnesium, calcium.

By combining with organic amino acids of citric acid , they acquire an easily digestible form. Therefore, chelates are components of many micromineral supplements.

As for pure citric acid, it is also an additive. The officially registered food symbol is E330.

It is he who is mentioned in the Villejuif List. Its name is derived from the name of the institute in the suburbs of Paris, the research of whose scientists is referred to in the document.

When the French read that their beloved E330 is a strong carcinogen, they panicked.

Translations of the list quickly reached the Middle East, Germany, Italy and England. The list even reached Africa.

It was only in the 1990s that the data in the document could be refuted. Professors from the Gustave Roussy Institute never tired of talking about their non-involvement in the publication and, in the end, convinced the public.

So, let's consider the areas of application of citric acid in a calm environment, without a shadow of fear.

Application of citric acid

Let's start with chelates. They come in handy in the oil and fat industry. Do you know how much citric acid is in animal oils and vegetable fats?

At least a couple of grams. to add citric acid to the same margarine in order to neutralize the decomposing effect of heavy metals.

Their traces in products lead to rancidity. The acid captures metal ions, neutralizing them. As a result, the additive has a preservative effect.

As a preservative, the heroine of the article is also added to pickles and preserves. Marinating with citric acid mainly concerns vegetables. You can process squash.

But, more often, tomatoes are made with citric acid . Be sure to add sugar, otherwise the marinade will turn out to be too sour.

are also pickled with citric acid . Place a teaspoon of preservative per liter of water. Its effect is enhanced with a tablespoon of salt and a third cup of sugar.

Even mushrooms, for example, oyster mushrooms, are pickled with a citrus compound. Books, culinary blogs, forums, and food-related websites are devoted to recipes with citric acid

They also talk about pickled peppers, zucchini, and watermelons. Each recipe contains a mention of the “ sugar and citric acid” . But is the reagent used separately, outside the kitchen?

Housewives use citric acid to remove scale . Usually, teapots are cleaned. The standard model requires 30 grams of reagent.

Acid is added to the water, slightly covering the plaque line. The kettle is boiled and drained. The scale removed from the walls goes away with the water.

All that remains is to boil again, but without acid. This will help get rid of any tiny bits of sediment stuck in the crevices and any remaining citric compound itself.

You can also get rid of scale in washing machines and irons. It is not necessary to dilute the solutions yourself. There are a lot of cleaning products in stores that contain citrus powder.

Cleansing with citric acid is also used for facial skin. The reagent solves the problem of enlarged pores, eliminates and brightens blackheads.

The whitening properties of the compound are also useful when working with age spots.

It is worth considering that whitening procedures are done only in the cold season. Pigmentation requires delicate handling.

Being excited by the procedure, cells can react atypically to solar radiation, degenerating into cancerous cells. The risks are small. But, as they say, God protects those who are protected.

Citric acid can be used to clean pigmentation not only on the face, but also on the hands and chest.

For nails, the compound serves as nourishment, strengthening the plates and making them shine. You can also add shine to your hair.

To do this, just rinse them with water into which lemon juice has been squeezed. If the fruit is not on hand, you can replace its extract with acetic acid.

The lemon compound is used if there are cut flowers in the house. The acid nourishes them, and the bouquets last longer, on average, 5 days.

You need 0.2 grams of lemon powder per liter of water. It is recommended to add another 40 grams of sugar.

The secret of feeding is not only in its nutritional properties, but also in its preservative properties, which were mentioned above.

Acid kills some microbes and prevents water from fermenting. Roses are especially favorable to lemon solution.

Extraction of citric acid

In terms of extraction, citric acid is not exactly citric acid. The reagent is almost not isolated from citrus fruits - it is expensive.

The production of citric acid is based on working with Aspergilus mold fungi. They are given sugar.

They take, of course, second-rate, unrefined, cheap. You can get by with sugar waste and glucose. The mushrooms will convert them into citric acid.

It is formed in three stages. First, glycolysis of sugars leads to the formation of pyruvic acid.

It binds with carbon dioxide, giving oxaloacetic compound. The latter reacts with acetic acid. The result is lemony.

For mold fungi to work productively, glucose alone is not enough. The formation of spores is supported by fertilizing with magnesium sulfate and ammonium chloride.

A little hydrochloric acid is required. It acidifies the environment, creating optimal conditions for the formation of mycelium. This is what they call mycelium.

The active life of fungi is not possible without constant aeration, that is, ventilation.

It should not lower the temperature. For the formation of citric acid, 34-37 degree heat is required.

It is worth noting that the acid isolated with the help of mushrooms requires purification. Only after removing all the impurities, industrialists crystallize the compound, package it and send it for sale.

Most people are used to buying the powder in small packets on the spice shelves. Their cost is known to everyone. How much do wholesalers buy acid?

Price of citric acid

For purified acid, GOST 908-79 is provided. They don’t charge anything cheaper than 70 rubles per kilo. Typically, the price ranges from 80 to 100 rubles.

Sometimes, there are offers for 115-125 rubles per 1000 grams. The powder is usually packaged in 25-kilogram bags. They are made of polyethylene or paper.

The lemon compound is usually packaged in bags for small retail, 10 grams each. This package costs 4-10 rubles.

It turns out that even taking into account the minimum retail price tag and the maximum wholesale price, the benefit is almost 300 rubles per kilogram of powder.

If you purchase at minimum prices, the so-called exhaust will be about 500 rubles.

The main suppliers for Russian counters are domestic and Chinese enterprises. The PRC mainly supplies the eastern borders of the country.

Its western part is self-sufficient. citric acid production enterprises in Belgorod, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Orenburg, and Ufa.

Most factories do not set an exact price tag, preferring to negotiate with customers.

Therefore, it is possible to agree on a purchase for a completely different amount than advertisements indicating the cost of acid may predict.

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