How to choose a welding gun for resistance spot welding

Homemade contact welding pliers - device and principle of operation! The most common method of joining and cutting metals is welding. There are different options for welding work, which depend directly on the materials and equipment used. To work with small products, a contact connection method was developed, the essence of which is to heat the metal using an electric current. Current is passed through the metal in a specific welding zone, connecting the products to each other. Preliminary preparation of the surfaces to be joined, the strength of the electric current, the duration of exposure of the current to the place where the metal is joined, as well as the compression force of the parts being welded are the main factors affecting the quality of welding work. The most compact and lightweight device for this type of joining of metal surfaces is resistance welding pliers.

Miniature resistance welding pliers

Design and principle of operation

According to the principle of construction, welding pliers are similar to ordinary pliers, only electrodes are added to the clamping plates, and wires are added to the handles. Welding tongs of any type consist of:

  • Current source.
  • Trigger mechanism.
  • Electrodes.
  • Two conductors from pieces of large cross-section cable.
  • Swivel lever with clamping mechanism.

To power such a device, a powerful source of electric current is required, which operates at a voltage of 380 V. A conventional transformer, sometimes with a reinforced secondary winding, copes with this function.

An equally important component of the tool for working with resistance welding are electrodes. They are made from copper-based alloys alloyed with chromium, cobalt, cadmium or other chemical elements. Such electrodes have the required strength, heat resistance and fairly low electrical conductivity, which ensures good performance of point connections.

To form a tight welding point with welding pliers, after applying electric current, it is necessary to squeeze the handles of the device with force. For ease of squeezing, the handles of the pliers are often long.

TECNA welding guns

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Types of structures

Resistance welding pliers have a certain classification.

By type of fastening:

  • Manual. The compact device consists of a power supply to which electrode forceps are attached. A lever for adjusting the opening of the holders is mandatory. The weight of this design does not exceed 12 kg. Small dimensions allow welding in hard-to-reach places.
  • Hanging. They are attached with brackets so that the electrodes are suspended. This allows the welder to process products efficiently and hold only the parts in his hands. Such pliers are in demand in factories for making a large number of weld points.

Hand pliers can also be made hanging. To do this, just fix the bottom handle and leave the top handle free. This method also greatly facilitates the work of the welder, allowing you to leave your hands free.

By drive:

  • Automatic. When a certain degree of compression of the handles is reached, the adjustment button is activated.
  • Mechanized. They are activated when you press a pedal or button.

By cooling type:

  • Vodyanoe. Water-cooled units are efficient at high voltage and can deliver up to 700 points per hour.
  • Air. Such designs are used when working with low electric currents, and the productivity is quite low - about 60 points per hour.

You can classify and find differences by clamping the electrodes - manual or pneumatic.

Another type of welding pliers worth noting is the spotter. This is a device for manually clamping electrodes, which allows you to weld small parts.

Features of choice

Before you decide to buy a tool for resistance welding, you need to know the criteria for choosing a quality unit:

  • Operating voltage and current strength. All devices are designed for a specific voltage - 220 V or 380 V.
  • Electrode extension is the distance between the electrodes and the unit body. The larger it is, the further from the edge you can weld parts.
  • Electrode clamp type. Terminal or threaded.
  • Weight of the welding unit.
  • Performance.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the energy consumption of the structure and possible additional properties that do not always add benefits.

Having decided on the specified parameters, as well as having carefully studied the desired modification of the device, you can safely make a purchase.

It has been established that it is more effective to use hand pliers when working with thin sheet metal, and mechanized ones when working with thick sheets.


Powerful step-down transformers are used as a source of operating current . They convert AC mains voltage of 220 or 380 volts. The secondary winding is a thick copper busbar or a split copper disk. The open circuit voltage is 2-5 volts.

The operating current for different models ranges from 2 to 35 thousand amperes.

Despite the heavy weight of the welding source, it is placed in the same housing with the apparatus at a minimum distance from the electrodes. This is done in order to avoid energy losses when transmitting heavy current over a significant distance.

The most powerful devices operate from a special suspension; their weight is no longer as critical as for hand-held devices.

With your own hands

Pliers for contact welding of metal are not cheap. The price for both manual and automatic pliers varies from 7-10 thousand rubles and above. But not everyone wants to spend even that amount. In this case, you can make the tool yourself. To do this, you need to follow several steps:

  • Form the tongs themselves from metal fittings or thin strips of metal. Place a strong dielectric as the central axis to prevent possible contact shorting.
  • Drill holes for mounting electrodes.
  • Make or grind the electrodes themselves, for example, use the tips of old soldering irons.
  • Stretch and secure the necessary wires to the device. Be sure to use a large cross-section cable.

  • Ensure safe operation of the unit. Wrap the handles with insulating material.
  • Select a power supply. Any transformer will do for this. You can install two transformers in parallel, which will, in turn, double the power of the unit.
  • Make a trigger mechanism. A switch is installed on the body of the hand pliers. Suspended models are characterized by fastening the trigger mechanism to the clamping handle.
  • Check all fasteners and connections to ensure the quality of the work done and avoid unpleasant situations.

These explanations for the process of making welding pliers yourself will help you avoid dangerous situations when creating and subsequently working with the structure.

Welding pliers for spot welding are useful equipment that is quite simple in design. Before purchasing, you should carefully study all the characteristics of the selected variety. It must be remembered that a high price does not guarantee the desired quality. A resistance welding unit will be an excellent help in your work, and you can purchase it either in a store or make it yourself from scrap materials.

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