Hydraulic rolling jack: which one to choose, owner reviews

Good day to all! Today I would like to discuss with you a little about the hydraulic rolling jack. To be more precise, I will talk about the features of choosing such a tool. I first encountered him in person when I went to Yekaterinburg with my father.

Judging by numerous reviews and the opinion of experts, most often they choose rolling hydraulic models of jacks for tire fitting. The device can be either professional or amateur, designed for use strictly in garage conditions.

If you yourself have carried out car repairs yourself, using a hydraulic rolling jack, be sure to leave reviews and share your impressions. You can also follow the link and discuss tool sets from Force.

I will try to help you so that you can buy a quality device for personal use or for use in a car repair shop. The task is not the easiest, which is largely due to the huge assortment.

Criterias of choice

To begin with, I recommend reading about the types of jacks that I wrote about in this material. Here you will learn the types and features of lifting devices, and you will be able to draw certain conclusions for yourself.

No one argues that you can even now go to the same Yandex Market or any other store, go to the jacks section and buy the first case with the device that comes across. But keep in mind that there are a lot of manufacturers and models. And not all of them have good quality and characteristics.

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There are several basic criteria that allow you to competently approach the issue of purchasing a jack. If you know about them and pay attention to these criteria when choosing, you definitely won’t go wrong with your decision. Here the most significant points are the mechanism itself, seals, seams and metal. I suggest going through these elements separately to come to certain conclusions. Who knows, maybe soon you will be able to give advice to others yourself.

As a result, we will study:

  • mechanism;
  • oil seals;
  • protection;
  • cork;
  • frame.

Let's go through each point separately.


Hydraulic trolley jacks may have a gear drive or a cardan type of mechanism used. If we are talking about a cardan mechanism, then you have found the first significant sign of a high quality product. Such a unit bears the main load, effort and wear.

Yes, you can choose a cheaper gear, but you should be prepared for the following:

  • the mechanism does not hold, it breaks due to increased loads;
  • toothed discs quickly grind down and the slipping effect begins;
  • the device fills with dirt;
  • due to the effects of corrosion, the teeth begin to rust;
  • in the event of a breakdown, the device is subject to expensive repairs;
  • repairs at a price similar to the cost of a new jack;
  • with active use it lasts no more than 2-3 years.

Therefore, those who think for the future or are engaged in professional auto repair give preference to a more expensive but reliable type of mechanism.

Oil seals and seals

Although they are small in size, they can play an important role in the formation of a quality instrument. Here you should look at what material the seals and seals are made of.

There are two options:

  • polyurethane;
  • rubber.

Here, as when choosing a set of tools, it is important to look at the quality of the materials.

Rubber is considered a classic, but has questionable durability and wears out quickly. If you use such a jack every day, the seals will simply fray or break.

What types of rolling jacks can there be?

Depending on the principle of operation, jacks can be:

  • hydraulic - in such devices a person is helped to lift a load by liquid under pressure. These jacks are distinguished by their high load capacity, reasonable price and large dimensions, so they are usually used in auto repair shops;
  • pneumatic - this is where compressed air comes into play, which is pumped using a compressor, and sometimes even car exhaust gases are used. By and large, with such a jack the car rises as if on an inflatable cushion. The main advantage of devices of this type is their indifference to the quality of the surface on which the jack is installed.
  • screw ones are compact devices that are convenient to carry with you in the trunk all the time. They lift the load by rotating a special screw rod;
  • rack and pinion - such jacks use a gear rack to lift the load. They are distinguished by a low lifting height, which is convenient if the car has low ground clearance, and a high lifting height.

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When choosing polyurethane-based seals, you are doing the right thing. Initially, polyurethane was used as a replacement for worn rubber when repairing a hydraulic jack. But gradually manufacturers realized that it was extremely profitable to switch to manufacturing mechanisms directly using polyurethane. Therefore, now buyers have the opportunity to choose between classic rubber and more durable and durable polyurethane.


Here we are talking about protecting the main working part of the tool. In professional jacks, you can clearly see how effectively the plunger and working fluid are protected from the possible penetration of various debris. On amateur models this is not so pronounced.

When the plunger moves up and down, dust, moisture, dirt, oil, etc. can penetrate into the environment surrounding the instrument. All this negatively affects the condition of the device. Corrosion gradually forms, the composition of the oil itself changes, and it ceases to effectively perform its functions. Therefore, it is extremely important that the protection is as effective as possible. And here its presence is required.

There are jacks where there is no special protection. They are of course cheaper. Only after a few months of operation you will need repairs and an oil change, since a dirty jack simply won’t hold up. A regular repair kit may not help. Plus you will have to figure out how to pump new oil, etc.

Body and plug

The device has a plug that closes the hole used when changing the oil in the tool. It is better to choose plugs made of metal, as they last longer and are more reliable compared to plastic and rubber. Metal also more effectively prevents accidental leakage of working fluid (oil) when turning the jack over.

As for the housing, it largely influences the lifting characteristics of the rolling hydraulic device. A high-quality case is characterized by the use of metal with a thickness of 4-5 millimeters and the presence of neat, even seams made by automatic welding.

Comparison of three-ton lifts

Compared to bottle jacks, floor jacks have several advantages. One of the biggest strengths is that they tend to be heavier than bottled ones. This is due to the fact that most floor-mounted ones have movable casters that make it easy to maneuver under the car. This means that positioning it is much easier, as you don't have to constantly lift the heavy device while trying to line it up with the car's connector points. Therefore, which jack is better, a rolling jack or a bottle jack, the car enthusiast himself will have to decide.

Another advantage for floor-mounted units is that they have a low profile, allowing them to be placed under low-clearance vehicles. There are what are called low profile or racing jacks, which are extremely low and can fit under cars with lowered suspensions.

The disadvantages of floor lifts are that they have a larger support area than a hydraulic bottle lift of similar power. This means that if the driver is working in a confined space, he will have to maneuver difficultly on the floor to be able to operate the handle.

Another problem is that dolly lifts have a small height range. If the vehicle is extremely tall (like a truck), they may not have the maximum position to lift the vehicle to the required height.


Any tools, including impact wrenches or torque wrenches often used in garages and auto repair shops, have certain technical characteristics.

To correctly select a rolling hydraulic jack, you need to know:

  • car brand;
  • model;
  • approximate weight;
  • ground clearance;
  • suspension travel;
  • the required lifting height;
  • garage restrictions, etc.

Having bought the same Bison (expert) 43051-3, many will be satisfied. But not every car is suitable for such a tool due to its technical characteristics.

Therefore, the instructions here are rather universal.

Let's go through the main parameters.

  • Load capacity. It can be 1t, 2t, 3t, 5t and even 10t. 2t is enough for a modern passenger car. If the tool is taken for a service station, take from 3t for servicing large machines;
  • Lifting height. Some models have a height limit of 385 mm. But it’s better to take 450 mm, which is definitely enough to change a wheel on SUVs and passenger cars. There are also models with a lift of 550 mm, but this is more likely for car services;
  • Pickup height. Modern foreign cars are low, so the principle of the lower the better works here. A height of 75 mm will be quite enough;
  • Supplying additional piston. The prerogative of a professional tool to speed up the rise;
  • Overlay for the thrust part. Makes the jack more versatile and simplifies working with it.

Finally, it’s worth talking about manufacturers.

Safety when lifting cars

Obviously, the most important thing when using a floor unit or doing any work on a vehicle is the personal safety of the driver. Below is a list of some safety principles and tips for using a jack:

  1. Never trust homemade lifting devices when lifting a car. Always

    Use only factory car jacks from well-known, time-tested brands.

  2. Before starting lifting work, carefully study the manufacturer’s operating instructions. As soon as you start lifting the car with a jack, you need to secure it using special devices: you cannot rely only on the hydraulic components of the mechanism.
  3. Before starting repairs, you should rock the car a little to make sure the installation is secure.
  4. Always lift the vehicle on a level surface. Placement at an angle due to an uneven floor creates a risk of tipping over.
  5. Raise and lower the machine slowly.
  6. Use the permitted lifting points and lifting key on the vehicle specified by the vehicle manufacturer in the technical documentation.

Manufacturer's choice

This will be a kind of mini rating, which will include well-established manufacturers of hydraulic rolling jacks.

The list is not final, as there are other good companies. But, judging by the reviews, they are in high demand.

That’s why our top list today includes:

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  • Stels;
  • Bison;
  • Kraft;
  • Inforce;
  • Matrix Master;
  • Goodyear;
  • Red Force;
  • Airline;
  • Ombra;
  • Autoprofi;
  • Falco;
  • Sparta;
  • Autodelo.

Choosing a rolling jack with a hydraulic mechanism is a complex and responsible matter. Therefore, carefully analyze all criteria and characteristics.

That's all for me.
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