Using a non-factory electric grinder
Homemade machines - how to make useful devices
Machine tools and tools in finished form are available in a wide range in specialized stores. However
How to choose the right stainless steel electrodes from A to Z
Stainless steel is one of the most popular materials due to its complete inertness towards
Diode sizes.
The design and principle of operation of a diode with direct and reverse connection
What is a semiconductor diode - an alternating current rectifier? Diodes are two-electrode devices that have one-sided
One step drill can replace a set for metal processing, including crowns
Step drill: how to sharpen and drill correctly?
The working part of a metal step drill (also called a cone drill) is formed by a spiral groove
Profiled sheeting - GOST
Technical characteristics of corrugated sheets for roofing - sizes, types and advantageous advantages of the material
Profiled sheet is a building material that is manufactured in the form of separate metal sheets, which is specifically
Rolling bearings dimensions table
Types of rolling bearings (FB): characteristics, application, marking, dimensions, advantages and disadvantages
A journal or, as it is commonly called, thrust bearing is a special type of rolling bearing and
Brands of soft solders and fluxes for soldering with a soldering iron
Greetings to dear readers! In this material I tried to collect all the data about solder
Front panel of the welding inverter "BIMark-170"
And the main operational characteristics of inverters
DC-DC converter or voltage inverter is a device that converts direct current of lower voltage into
Tensile strength of a material - formula, characteristics and calculations
Tensile strength is the same as the tensile strength of a material. But despite
What equipment is used for engraving on metal?
[Artistic metal engraving] can add special value to an item. Firstly, most often, such work
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