The rooms equipped for labor training classes are equipped with a metal-cutting lathe - TV-7
Water flow sensor (relay) for boiler and pump - types, how it works and how to make it
Tarnish colors are colors that become visible on a smooth metal or mineral surface.
Welding of metals by fusion is carried out in various ways, which have one thing in common - the use of an electric arc (excluding
Carefully! Electric current | 09/01/2016 Today, we will look at a tool that can glue together various
Determination through chemical experiments. The reaction with concentrated nitric acid is indicative: if the last drop
When it comes to mechanical water drilling, unique tools are required that often have to be manufactured
Welding is the heating of an electrode and metal for the purpose of joining. Welding non-consumable electrodes
To perform body repairs, simple tools are often not enough, and specialized and expensive equipment is required.