File: purpose, device, classification and types. Details about what a file is and what it is needed for

It is now quite difficult for the average person to understand the abundance of files of various shapes with all possible sizes of notches and the scope of their application. That is why the article will consider the classification of the main types of this tool, which in the future will be replenished with new types of files, since the new models are very different from the old ones.

Although the first file appeared quite a long time ago, it is almost impossible to find a replacement for it even in the age of progressive technologies, because most wood and metal work is performed with the help of this tool. The device provides the selected material with the required shape and size by layer-by-layer grinding of its surface.

What is the file for?

A file is a universal tool that is used for processing and cleaning metal parts. The design of the product is made in the form of a small block. A metal alloy is chosen for its manufacture.

Along the perimeter there are notches of different sizes and thicknesses. There is a shank at the end, thanks to which the handle is fixed. It can be made of plastic or wood.

Where is a file used? There are several areas in which this tool is used:

  • Processing the edges of a metal workpiece. In the process, it is possible to achieve the required dimensions of the part;
  • Removing rust, paint and dirt;
  • Sharpening cutting edges;
  • Grinding.

How does the tool work? To grind the metal part, the master applies slight force to the grooved part of the file. The teeth, which are located along the entire perimeter of the metal bar, are in contact with the surface being processed, thereby removing a thin layer of metal.

Files are produced taking into account the requirements of GOST 1465-59. For this purpose, it is envisaged to use a certain type of steel, which is used for different types of surfaces.

Technical features of the file

It is important to consider several requirements before purchasing a file. They are as follows:

  • Product size. Tool parameters should be selected taking into account the area in which it will be used. For example, to process small iron areas, compact product models will be needed;
  • Handle material. Plastic models slip in the hand when pressed for long periods of time. The wooden base is more pleasant to the touch;
  • Tip material. For frequent use, it is recommended to select models whose working part is made of steel categories ШХ 15, 13Х, У10А;
  • Notch size. The metal part can be made in the form of thin strips, thick ribs or alternating.

If you take these recommendations into account, you will be able to purchase a tool that will meet all the requirements. Compact and miniature products should not be used for processing large parts. To do this, the file size must be at least 15 cm.

Types of modern files

Today there are several types of products. They are divided into several groups depending on the following characteristics:

  • A type of notch. They can be located along the entire perimeter of the metal bar or present in several parts of the tool;
  • Product form. File models can be round, triangular, quadrangular;
  • Application area.

Classification Features

According to their scope and main purpose, files are divided into several large categories:

  • needle files;
  • rasps;
  • special purpose;
  • general purpose;
  • machine (see photo).

The name of the last type of tool speaks for itself, but the remaining categories should be considered in more detail (also presented in table form in the photo).

The most common are needle files . There are more than ten subspecies, for example, flat, square, oval, round, semicircular, hacksaw, triangular, etc. All these types of files differ in their notch and short length of the bar. They are also equipped with a double notch, but the ribs of flat-type tools can also be single. Needle files are mainly used for processing small parts or bottlenecks when ordinary metalworking tools do not allow this.

As for rasps, they are divided into three subspecies (general purpose, shoe, hoof rasps) and are distinguished by large notch teeth and long length. Most often, round and semicircular rasps, as well as flat ones with a sharp or blunt tip, are used for work.

Special-purpose metalworker's files are mainly used for industrial purposes , since their main purpose is to eliminate large gaps when fitting grooves, as well as surface curvature when working with non-ferrous metals. Based on their purpose, flat files and grooved files, as well as bars, are used.

General purpose tools are most often used during general plumbing work. They come in different lengths, can have different bar shapes and literally any number of notches. The latter for a device of this type is performed by the notching method, ensuring the formation of a cross (double) notch.

Features of files

Hard types of metal materials are used to make files. The fact is that when exerting physical impact on the working surface, deformation of the product may occur.

The file is used for turning, milling, broaching and cutting parts of different sizes. In turn, they are divided into:

  • Single. They are used to work with products that are made of soft metal, plastic or wood;
  • Double. These product options have the shape of a triangle, rectangle or circle. The notches are applied at a certain angle, which allows you to quickly erase metal boundaries. Upon contact with a hard substrate, thin chips are formed. Such models are divided among themselves by the size of the teeth. There are 5 categories of files.

Experts recommend purchasing all models of products to carry out different types of work at home.

Tool Specifications

A classic modern file in its appearance resembles a block made of a special grade of steel, with a surface carved according to a certain pattern. Most of these cutting tools are characterized by a triangular, rectangular or round cross-section of the bar, but there are also other types of sections.

The most commonly used material for the manufacture of the device are different types of high-quality tool steel , for example, alloyed chromium (ShKh15 and 13Kh) and improved unalloyed steel (U10A - U13A).

One of the components of this tool is a plastic or wooden handle attached to a narrowed cone-shaped shank. The part does not perform any important functions, does not affect the quality of the file and serves only for ease of use by the worker. If such a handle disappears, there is absolutely no point in throwing away the tool - it is enough to replace one part with another.

The quality and scope of application of a file directly depends on the type of notch applied to it, as well as on the configuration of the teeth. When making a file to apply such teeth, the methods most often used are milling, drawing, notching or turning, but recently manufacturers have begun to produce files mainly with teeth cut on a special machine .

Types of files

According to their purpose, files are divided into several types. These include:

  • Manual. It can be used in any field of activity. Most often, this tool is chosen by mechanics and turners. On the surface of the metal bar there is a certain double-type notch. The selection of teeth should be carried out depending on the quality of the desired result;
  • Special purpose models. They are chosen at industrial enterprises that produce parts of various sizes. With their help, you can quickly remove defects formed after the machine. They are of high quality;
  • Needle files. This type belongs to a common group, which includes 10 subgroups of the instrument. They are divided according to shape and size. There is a circular notch along the perimeter of the model. The size of the notches varies from 1 to 5. This category of tool was developed for accurate and precise processing of small elements;

Rasps. The product is distinguished by its long length and the presence of large teeth along the perimeter of the metal bar. The verse is selected to create a rough draft.

It is necessary to select a tool taking into account its size, category, type and thickness of teeth.

Types of cuts on different files

Modern files are characterized by various types of notches , but the most common are the following.

  1. Single notch. This tool is mainly used to remove sawdust, equal in size to the teeth on the working surface. This device is not easy for the average person to use, so it is mainly used by specialists for processing wood, plastic or very soft metals (see photo).
  2. Double notch, also called cross cut. In this tool, the main deep notch alternates with a small auxiliary notch applied at a certain angle. Thus, the intersecting notches additionally grind the chips formed during the working process, so that the tool is suitable for working even with very hard metals and alloys (see photo).

The size of the tool teeth directly depends on the size of the notches (the larger the teeth, the fewer the number of file notches). Based on the size of the teeth, the tool is divided into numbers from 1 to 5 .

Numbers 0 and 1 correspond to the largest teeth. This type of tool is usually used if a worker needs to quickly get rid of a large layer of working material. In such cases, this type of device is simply irreplaceable, but it also has a clear drawback - the accuracy of processing the part is quite low. Numbers 2 and 3 correspond to medium-sized teeth, and a precise tool is used when interacting with materials of low density, when it is necessary to remove 0.015 - 0.05 mm from the surface of the part. But for finishing the material, files number 4 and 5 are used with the highest processing precision, popularly called velvet files (see photo).

File shape

Today in special departments you can find files of different lengths and shapes.

They are divided into several types:

  • Flat. Such models are considered classic. They are used to create grooves, holes and grooves;
  • Triangular or triangular. Notches are used on the surface, applied at a certain angle;
  • Square. They are chosen for creating complex holes;
  • Round. They are designed for processing large holes;
  • Diamond-shaped. Products of this shape are chosen for the consciousness of gears.

There are several factors to consider when choosing. They are as follows:

  • The working surface material must be made of dense steel. The notches can be created in the form of a diamond coating. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly grind iron workpieces;
  • Product parameters. The length and width of the file should be selected taking into account the area of ​​its application. For example, for miniature holes and grooves, it is better to choose models of compact sizes;

The size of the teeth is selected taking into account the type of processing. For example, files with large teeth are suitable for rough work that does not require precision.

Features of using different files

In the process of work, the shape of the bar plays an important role, because it is from this that the scope of application of the file can be determined. According to the method of use, devices are divided into:

  • flat standard or flat pointed (for processing external and internal flat surfaces);
  • square (for sawing square, rectangular and polygonal holes);
  • round (for processing small round and oval holes, as well as concave surfaces with a small radius);
  • semicircular (for processing large holes and concave surfaces with a large radius of curvature);
  • rhombic (for working with gear-type parts);
  • triangular (for processing hard-to-reach places, for example, grooves, grooves and the outer sides of parts with an acute angle);
  • hacksaws (for making grooves and narrow grooves, processing internal corners and planes in various holes, mainly rectangular, square and diamond-shaped).

The service life of the device directly depends on the manufacturer, the quality of the notching and heat treatment.

Photos of the best file manufacturers

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