Is it worth buying plasma welding from the Gorynych brand?

general information

The Gorynych plasma cutting and welding installation is a multifunctional device designed for household and semi-professional use. There are two varieties of this device: model GP37-10 and GP37-12. They differ in the range of adjustment of the welding current. The first model has a range from 2 to 10 Amps, and the second - from 3 to 12 Amps. There are no more differences. Both models come with a branded bag for easy transportation.


The plasma device from Gorynych is distinguished by its compactness and small dimensions. The combined weight of the power supply and plasma torch does not exceed 6 kg, which is very convenient for frequent trips or when welding in hard-to-reach places. Also, due to the peculiarities of welding technology, you do not need to carry gas cylinders, compressors, filler wire and everything that is necessary when using other welding technologies. You can simply put the entire set of equipment in a small bag and perform field work.

To carry out plasma welding, you will need non-consumable electrodes and working fluid. As a working fluid, you can use water, a solution of ethyl alcohol 45% or ammonia 3%. But most often it is water that is used. It must be distilled.

The device itself consumes up to 200 ml/hour of working fluid when using water. These are very economical indicators. It also consumes very little electricity and pays for itself quickly. To power it, you need standard 220 Volts, which are available in any household outlet. If desired, the device can be connected to a low-power fuel generator, since it requires no more than 2.5 kW to power it.

power unit

The main working element is two transformers; they do not contain windings in the form in which they are found in a conventional transformer. These windings are made in the form of printed circuit boards and there is practically no copper in them. The current density reaches 75 A/mm2, but losses are minimal, which allows this unit to have a high efficiency of more than 95%. The fuses inside act as fire protection.

A thermal sensor is installed on the massive radiator, which protects the power supply from overheating.

The unit is protected by an electronic interference filter, which prevents the transmission of all kinds of electronic interference, both from the network, and the transmission of interference to the network from the power supply itself, which has a beneficial effect on operating conditions.

Is it worth buying?

We’ll answer right away: yes, it’s worth it. Of course, there are other plasma devices on the market. But Gorynych is a good option for any type of work. We can say that Gorynych equipment is a full-fledged plasma complex that is capable of performing even the most labor-intensive work.

Based on our experience, we can say that this device does an excellent job even in extremely uncomfortable conditions. For example, you do not need to provide yourself with additional lighting to monitor the progress of the seam. A sufficient amount of light comes from the plasma torch itself, you can work even in twilight. Also, the workpiece being welded is practically not deformed during welding, since the heating zone is very small. The same manual arc welding that we mentioned at the beginning of the article cannot boast of this.

Another undeniable advantage is the absence of difficulties when welding metals with an oxide film. The same stainless steel is welded without problems, although during RDS welding the surface must be thoroughly cleaned and the work must be done promptly, since the film can be restored and re-form on the metal surface. With a plasma device from Gorynych you can forget about this problem.

You can also carry out long welding work in rooms without forced ventilation, since the plasma machine does not contribute to the release of gases or vapors hazardous to health.

What can we say about the versatility of this device. It is capable of welding, cutting, soldering and even extinguishing fires. However, we talked about this in detail earlier. Let's just say that this is a truly universal assistant at home and at work. In addition, it is very compact and lightweight.

“Serpent Gorynych” lights up in Syria

Vestnik Mordovia reports impressive results from the use of the “Snake Gorynych” in Syria, as the UR-77 self-propelled mine clearance system is unofficially called by the troops. The "Snake Gorynych" salvo, filmed from a bird's eye view by a UAV, resembles the shape of a nuclear mushroom. In this case, the installation is not used for its intended purpose, but for the massive destruction of ISIS* militants.

UR-77 “Meteorite” was created on the basis of the 2S1 “Gvozdika” self-propelled howitzer in the late 70s. But it has not lost its relevance to this day. During the growing military conflict in Syria, several Gorynych Serpents were transferred to government forces to strengthen their combat capabilities.

Two reactive charges are placed on one installation. The explosive weight of each charge is 725 kg. As a result of the detonation of one charge, a passage is formed in a minefield 6 m wide and up to 90 m long. This is in the case of the destruction of anti-tank mines. When fighting anti-personnel mines, the corridor reaches a width of 14 meters.

Shooting is carried out as follows. “Snake Gorynych” launches a rocket, which pulls out a nylon “gut” stuffed with explosives placed in the aft bunker like a fire hose. Its length is 93 m, diameter is 7 cm. 8 kg of explosives are “packed” for each meter. The tail of the “gut” is attached to the car with a brake cable of the required length. In this case, the maximum firing range can reach 500 m. Flight altitude is 10-15 m.

When the brake cable is fully stretched, the rocket undocks from the charge and the “gut” falls to the ground. At this moment, the car, reversing, pulls it into a straight line. After which a signal to detonate is sent through the cable. At the same time, the squib shoots the cable, and the Serpent Gorynych can launch a second anti-mine charge.

The crew of the “Snake Gorynych” is 2 people: a mechanic driver and a commander-operator. Armor protection, like that of the Gvozdika self-propelled gun, protects against bullets and shell fragments. The charge launch interval is about 3-5 minutes. It takes half an hour to recharge.

UR-77 is a floating vehicle. It can be used during an amphibious landing or when crossing a river, the opposite bank of which is occupied by the enemy. Operates as part of a barrage detachment together with engineering vehicles and bridge layers ahead of advancing motorized rifle and tank units and subunits.

During the second Chechen war, the UR-77 began to be used not only for mine clearance, but also to suppress concentrated enemy manpower. This tactic paid off, demonstrating high combat effectiveness. Based on that experience, the “Serpent Gorynych” is used by the Syrian army for the massive destruction of militants.

It must be said that “Serpent Gorynych” is a moving name for military equipment in this direction. And quite accurate - a rocket is flying, breathing fire. After which her tail incinerates everything at a considerable distance. Before the UR-77, the army used the UR-67 vehicle based on the BTR-50PK, which was given that name in the army. With similar mine clearance parameters, the previous “Serpent Gorynych” had worse combat and operational characteristics. In addition, the crew consisted not of two, but of three people.

And before that there was an UZ-ZR installation, which was an unpredictable and very capricious “Snake Gorynych”. A tubular structure 100 meters long was assembled. Along its entire length, 45 miniature solid-fuel jet engines were installed, which pulled this “train” at a height of up to two meters for a distance of up to 300 meters. It was not possible to achieve complete synchronization of the engines, so the “Serpent Gorynych” curved bizarrely in flight and swung its tail. Due to the low efficiency of such a rigid scheme, the experiments were stopped.

Now the newest "Serpent Gorynych" - UR-07M "Resorting" - is beginning to enter the army. The vehicle was jointly developed by the Balashikha Research Engineering Institute and the Rubtsovsk Machine-Building Plant design bureau based on the BMP-3.

The machine also has two charges. Moreover, two types of charges can be used. The first is fired at 340 m, the second at 1 km. And their power is different. “Long-range” weighs 1.35 tons in a container. The length of the charges is not disclosed by the developers. But you can roughly estimate, taking into account that the weight of the brake cable, rocket and container is added to the 8 kg of explosives per meter. It turns out about 20 kg per meter. Accordingly, a “long-range” charge should clear a strip of mines about 70 m long. A “short-range” charge weighs 2.85 tons. Therefore, its length is about 150 m. Serious progress.

The tracked vehicle itself differs from the BMP-3 in that it uses steel rather than aluminum armor. The new “Zmey Gorynych” surpasses the UR-77 not only in its main parameters - the size of the mine clearing strip and the firing range. Using the “Cloud” smoke screen system, it is capable of camouflaging itself on the ground, firing off smoke grenades. For these purposes, 6 81 mm caliber grenade launchers are mounted in the body. There is heating and air conditioning. A fire extinguishing system is provided. A modern communication station has been installed.

The driving performance of the unit has been improved, both in terms of speed and the ability to overcome various kinds of obstacles. “Resorting” also floats, but instead of 6 km/h it reaches a speed of 9 km/h.

"Zmey Gorynych" on a tracked chassis and with anti-fragmentation armor is the most effective vehicle. But depending on the combat situation, when, say, there is no need for the landing party to break through the enemy’s powerful layered defenses, having a minimum time interval to prepare the operation, simpler installations are used.

In a calmer environment, you can use towed vehicles, which include the URP-01 “Garter”. Its mobility is lower than that of the UR-07 and the crew serving it is not protected by armor, but it makes passages in minefields with approximately the same dimensions as the UR-77.

The Russian army also uses the UR-83P portable unit. It can be used for firing both from a trench or from the surface of the earth, and from aboard a landing ship or boat. Installation weight - 360 kg. It is assembled by the sapper department and prepared for work within an hour and a half. Consists of guides, a base, an anchor device and two cassettes with charges. The length of the corridor being constructed is 115 m, width is 6 m.

The principle of explosive mine clearance is used in the armies of Great Britain, Germany and the USA. The British achieved the greatest success in this area of ​​engineering. Their extended Giant Viper mine clearance charge is 180 meters long. Moreover, its flight is carried out using eight jet engines. It clears a strip 180 m long and 7.3 m wide in a minefield. However, a specialized machine has not been created to launch it. The container is delivered to the desired location on a trailer of a wheeled or tracked vehicle, installed on the ground, and then launched.

Germany has the weakest position. The German extended mine clearance charge, which is a network of explosive bombs driven by a DM21 rocket, clears a strip 55 m long and 1 m wide. Which is only suitable for advancing manpower, but not armored vehicles. The Type 80 detonating cable clears a strip of 70 m x 60 cm.

Schemes of a plasma cutter using the example of the APR-91 device

When considering the electrical circuit diagram, we will use the APR-91 plasma cutting machine as a donor.

Power section diagram (click to enlarge)

Plasma cutter control circuit (click to enlarge)

Oscillator circuit (click to enlarge)

"League" - welding on water

Gas welding machines "League"

operate from a 220V network
using distilled water.
The electrochemical separation of water into a mixture of gases (hydrogen and oxygen) will forever relieve you of the difficulties associated with the acquisition of oxygen and acetylene. The flame temperature reaches 2600ºC, which ensures welding, soldering and cutting of ferrous and non-ferrous metals up to 4.5 mm thick.

Cost of gas welding when using electrolysis plants "Liga"

is reduced
by 45 times
compared to traditional gas welding using bulky gas cylinders.

Rice. 1. Gas welding machine “Liga-02”

The principle of operation of the “League” is as follows: when electric current flows through water, hydrogen and oxygen gases are released. The hydrogen-oxygen gas mixture produced in the electrolyzer passes through a gas cooler-enricher, in which excess moisture is condensed.

The cooler-enricher allows you to dose the introduction of vapors of volatile hydrocarbons (benzene, gasoline, alcohol, etc.) into the gas mixture using a control wheel. The resulting gas mixture flows through hoses into a burner equipped with a built-in “dry” flame arrester. The amount of gas mixture produced, and therefore the strength of the flame, is regulated by the current regulator.

The maximum flame temperature achieved is 2600 ºС.

If the performance of the installation does not correspond to the diameter of the burner nozzle or the gas lines are clogged, then the pressure inside the electrolyzer increases. When the pressure exceeds 0.4 atm. an electronic pressure sensor is triggered, which turns off the current through the electrolyzer, gives a continuous sound signal, and the LED lights up.

To increase the efficiency of the electrolysis process, KOH alkali (150 g per 1.5 liters of distilled water) is added to the water once (before putting it into operation), which is not consumed in the process of producing the gas mixture (the electrolyte is changed once a year or after 200 hours of continuous operation ). During operation of the installation, the electrolyte level constantly decreases. When the minimum level is reached, the electronic level sensor is activated, which gives an intermittent sound and light signal.

Burner device

The main element of the burner is a metal body made of stainless steel. Inside the battery housing there is a moisture-absorbing material based on a non-woven fabric made from quartz water-dispersible fibers. The battery is filled with this fiber. In the same way as in a regular felt-tip pen, it retains moisture and, under the action of capillary forces, it is supplied to the working area, where there are rings made of moisture-absorbing material “Monex”, which supply moisture to the evaporator. The latter transfers the thermal energy of the working fluid, evaporates it and the vapors participate in the process of plasma formation.

The second main element of the torch is the starting device, which is used to start and regulate the voltage in the arc. It is a small plastic housing on which a rod, an O-ring and a cathode holder axis are located. When you press the button, the axis moves and along with it the cathode wound onto it. When we press the button, the cathode moves and closes with the nozzle. When leaving, an electric arc is excited, which heats the steam to an ionization temperature of up to 10,000 degrees. Plasma is formed, which comes out through the nozzle and, in fact, with the help of which the material is processed.

Application area

  • soldering, welding and cutting of ferrous (up to 4.5 mm thick) and non-ferrous metals
  • jewelry and dental work
  • repair of complex equipment (refrigerators, cars)
  • soldering and repair of metal frames, spectacle optics
  • repair and installation of plumbing equipment
  • glass processing, including quartz
  • welding of thermocouples (nickel-constantan, platinum, etc.)
  • hardening, local annealing, normalization and tempering
  • sealing ampoules of biological and medical preparations
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