How to make a tin soldier at home

In our age of machine technology and smart computer devices, few people return to real life from virtual life. We and our children forget that we can experience joy and happiness not from virtual games and endless surfing on the Internet, but from simple and real creativity with our own hands. If you want to break out of the shackles of virtual reality yourself or your child and are ready to taste the joy of real, living creativity with which you can surprise and delight your friends and acquaintances, then we would like to invite you to take a look at the unique products of the Golden Antelope folk arts and crafts enterprise. , which produces everything needed to create tin soldiers.

Remember Anderson's fairy tale "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"? At that time they were the favorite toys for most children. Now our children are playing other games. But you and I have still seen the times of those same wooden or tin soldiers, the times of their battles and battles on the nursery’s carpet, and not on the screens of plasma monitors. We ourselves were storytellers, commanders and soldiers, we experienced their lives almost live, learning lessons unknown to us, which we later used in life, without realizing it.


Molds for casting tin soldiers

If you have long wanted to create unusual things with your own hands, molds for casting soldiers, which you can buy in our online store, are perfect for these purposes. Melting a small amount of pewter alloy and pouring it into a mold is all you need to make your own unique figurine.

Our assortment includes molds for casting a wide variety of shapes. These could be soldiers from the era of the Napoleonic Wars, Roman legionnaires, armies of fantasy worlds and chess pieces - choose what you like best. Soldier uniforms are available in different sizes. The small height of the figures - 25 and 28 mm - is convenient for organizing authentic battles in miniature on the table. The taller soldiers - 32 and 54 mm high - are attractive because their small details are more carefully worked out.

Once your cast figures are ready, you can find many uses for them. At your discretion, leave the soldiers unpainted or paint them, turning them into a small work of art and at the same time learning about the armor and weapons of the selected historical period. With our casting molds you can create real collectible tin soldiers and souvenir chess sets. You can keep the handmade figures for your own collection or games. They will also be an excellent gift for friends and especially children. After all, many boys and even girls dream of having their own army of little soldiers.

With one mold for casting soldiers from our online store, you have the opportunity to produce about five hundred first-class castings. The molds are designed so that everyone can master the casting technology and at the same time quickly enough. We invite you to the world of military-historical miniatures made by yourself!


Paper soldier made from tubes

Before making a paper soldier, as in the photo below, you need to draw a detailed pattern of the torso and feet, cut out the details of the craft according to the template and assemble them into a three-dimensional structure using PVA glue. The warrior's legs and arms are made by rolling paper into a tube. The head, along with a shako or any military cap, is cut out of cardboard separately and attached to the back of the figure.

This version of the soldiers holds a vertical position well, so a child can move it back and forth across the battlefield or use it for a model for an exhibition at school. Knowing how to make soldiers from a pattern, you can glue soldiers of different sizes. For giant versions of outdoor figures, you can use large cardboard sleeves, for example, from linoleum or cling film, and assemble the body from corrugated cardboard.

How to make a tin soldier at home

Tin soldiers are boys' favorite toys of all times, but what if you only have one soldier of a certain shape, but you need several of them for play or for your collection? In this case, you can try to make them yourself, although this will require a lot of patience and effort.

How to make a tin soldier at home? Read these instructions, look at the pictures and try to make it. If you try, you should get a soldier.

Army made of cardboard tubes

You can make an entire army of warriors out of toilet paper rolls or kitchen napkins. The shape of the crafts remains unchanged, cylindrical; variety is introduced by small details of the costume and changes in the appearance of the hussars.

It’s easy to make soldiers at home using the model that can be seen in the photo above. These are old hussars in tunics with cross belts and medals made of colored paper with appliqué. People differ not only in the colors of their uniforms, but also in their age. Some only have a mustache, while others have a long gray beard. It’s also interesting to fantasize about the high cockades on the shako.

How to make a mold for casting tin soldiers

The mold for casting tin soldiers is made of three components: two parts are plaster, and the third is a metal block.

1. Take a flat block of plasticine and press the sample soldier into it halfway, and press the metal block against the soldier’s stand as shown in Figure 1.

2. Make a fence from the walls of a matchbox and protect the plasticine blank with it - just stick it into the plasticine as in Figure 2. Make two or three indentations in the plasticine, as in the figure. These holes will be needed when joining the two halves of the future plaster mold.

3. Spread vegetable oil over the entire surface of the plasticine, the soldier pressed into it, the pits and the metal block, and begin making a plaster mold. To do this, pour gypsum or alabaster powder sifted through a sieve into a cup and, stirring, pour in so much cold water so that the mixture looks like liquid sour cream.

4. Slowly and carefully pour the plaster of Paris from the cup into the plasticine blank. In this case, you must carefully ensure that there are no bubbles. Due to the chemical reaction, the plaster will heat up a little and should be given time to cool - about 10-15 minutes.

5. When the plaster has cooled, carefully remove half of the plaster mold and take out the soldier.

6. The second half of the plaster mold is made in the same way as the first one already made, only instead of a plasticine blank, take the first half of the mold along with the soldier placed in it. Place a metal block on the soldier’s stand and stick a fence with plasticine (Fig. 6).

Lubricate the surface inside the fence with oil, fill it with liquid plaster, and when it has cooled, separate the halves of the mold, carefully remove the sample soldier, and leave the mold to dry for a week.

7. In order to pour tin into a mold, you need to make a sprue in it - a special groove that can be easily cut with a knife from the edge of the mold to the base of the figurine in both of its halves. Also, with the tip of a knife, you need to scratch scratches-grooves from the edges of the figure to the edges of the shape. These are airs, through which the air displaced by the molten tin will exit the mold. The airs should not be made too wide, otherwise the tin poured through them will flow out of the mold.

8. Before casting, place a smooth sheet of paper between the tightly clenched halves of the mold and a metal block for thermal insulation.

How to make soldiers with your own hands from different materials

  • July 4, 2019
  • Crafts
  • Natalia Penchkovskaya

Soldiers for boys' games can be made from absolutely different materials - from wood and ice cream sticks, from paper and cardboard, cut out of wood or poured into a mold using tin. In this article we will look at how to make soldiers with your own hands. These are simple options that even schoolchildren can handle making.

You'll learn how to quickly create an army out of cardboard toilet paper rolls and paper straws. We will also consider ways to sculpt soldiers from plasticine or clay, and also tell you how to properly pour tin warriors in self-prepared plaster molds.

To make uniforms for a man with a weapon or simply in military uniform, a variety of materials are used. Then the blank needs to be painted in the chosen colors, be it a modern warrior or a soldier of an ancient army. A child can show his imagination and decorate his uniform with any small details.

Depending on the type of base material, gouache or acrylic paints are chosen; tin men can simply be sanded and rubbed with felt so that the soldier shines like a mirror.

Popsicle stick soldier

Let's figure out how to make soldiers from thin and flat sticks. To create one person, prepare three identical blanks. You will also need a glue gun to connect them together with the end part. This will be the head, torso and legs.

To create arms, one stick is cut in half and attached to the sides of the body, departing the length according to the size of the head from the upper ends. When the glue has hardened, the resulting figure can be additionally sanded with fine sandpaper and painted on both sides with paints.

Before you make soldiers, think about their purpose. If they are made for a child's play, then you need to make a solid base so that they maintain an upright position. This craft can be made as a Christmas tree decoration or as a pendant on the handle of a children's closet door. For this purpose, a hole is cut out on the top for threading the ring.

Army made of cardboard tubes

You can make an entire army of warriors out of toilet paper rolls or kitchen napkins. The shape of the crafts remains unchanged, cylindrical; variety is introduced by small details of the costume and changes in the appearance of the hussars.

It’s easy to make soldiers at home using the model that can be seen in the photo above. These are old hussars in tunics with cross belts and medals made of colored paper with appliqué. People differ not only in the colors of their uniforms, but also in their age. Some only have a mustache, while others have a long gray beard. It’s also interesting to fantasize about the high cockades on the shako.

Paper soldier made from tubes

Before making a paper soldier, as in the photo below, you need to draw a detailed pattern of the torso and feet, cut out the details of the craft according to the template and assemble them into a three-dimensional structure using PVA glue. The warrior's legs and arms are made by rolling paper into a tube. The head, along with a shako or any military cap, is cut out of cardboard separately and attached to the back of the figure.

This version of the soldiers holds a vertical position well, so a child can move it back and forth across the battlefield or use it for a model for an exhibition at school.

Knowing how to make soldiers from a pattern, you can glue soldiers of different sizes.

For giant versions of outdoor figures, you can use large cardboard sleeves, for example, from linoleum or cling film, and assemble the body from corrugated cardboard.

Plasticine warrior

Plasticine is an excellent material for bringing creative ideas to life. You can sculpt soldiers in any pose, add grenades or machine guns, pistols or a spear to their hands. In this art form, you can use many techniques - smearing and rolling, pressing and joining parts together.

As it hardens, the plasticine figure becomes harder. If desired, you can change the soldier’s weapon and add small details - put on a backpack, binoculars, or bandage him if he is wounded in battle. If the soldier is tired, the plasticine can be easily crushed back into the chest and sculpted into a new battle character.

How to make a tin soldier

There are several ways to cast tin soldiers. This is a soft metal that melts at relatively low temperatures, so such crafts are easy to make at home. Different materials are used as a form.

Many in childhood were engaged in casting right on the street, tamping the dense soil with a little man from a set of friends. Liquid metal was poured into the resulting hole with the contours of a soldier.

After hardening, the excess parts were cut off and it was possible to play “war games”.

It is convenient to make a mold at home from thick rubber or plaster mixture. When it is still soft, the finished little man is placed in it. After hardening, it is removed. The same is done with the second part of the plaster. Then the parts are connected to each other and tin is poured into the hole between the bricks. Usually it is done in the area of ​​the soldier’s legs. All that remains is to polish it and you can play with friends.

We have described several simple ways to make soldiers, try the one you like.

How to make a tin soldier at home, casting a soldier

To cast a figurine of a soldier, find a clean jar (suitable for Vaseline) and use pliers to bend it into a ladle shape (as in the picture). From such a ladle it will be more convenient to pour liquid tin into the mold.

Attach pliers to the ladle instead of a handle, put on a mitten or glove and carefully melt the pieces of tin in it on the stove.

When the tin melts, firmly hold the two halves of the mold folded together in your hand (they should be held with the sprue facing up) together with a metal bar (as in the picture) and pour the liquid tin into the mold.


Then let the tin cool well, carefully open the mold and the tin soldier is almost ready. All that remains is to remove the excess with nippers and process the figure with a file. If the figurine is unsuccessful, then it can be melted and the soldier is cast again.

How to make a mold for tin products -

How to make a mold for casting tin soldiers

The mold for casting tin soldiers is made of three components: two parts are plaster, and the third is a metal block. 1. Take a flat block of plasticine and press the sample soldier into it halfway, and press the metal block against the soldier’s stand as shown in Figure 1. 2.

Make a fence from the walls of a matchbox and protect the plasticine blank with it - just stick it into the plasticine as in Figure 2. Make two or three indentations in the plasticine, as in the figure. These holes will be needed when joining the two halves of the future plaster mold. 3.

Spread vegetable oil over the entire surface of the plasticine, the soldier pressed into it, the pits and the metal bar, and begin making a plaster mold. To do this, pour gypsum or alabaster powder sifted through a sieve into a cup and, stirring, pour in so much cold water so that the mixture looks like liquid sour cream. 4.

Slowly and carefully pour the plaster of Paris from the cup into the plasticine blank. In this case, you must carefully ensure that there are no bubbles. Due to the chemical reaction, the plaster will heat up a little and should be given time to cool - about 10-15 minutes. 5. When the plaster has cooled, carefully remove half of the plaster mold and take out the soldier. 6.

The second half of the plaster mold is made in the same way as the first one already made, only instead of a plasticine blank, take the first half of the mold along with the soldier placed in it. Place a metal block on the soldier’s stand and stick a fence with plasticine (Fig. 6).

Lubricate the surface inside the fence with oil, fill it with liquid plaster, and when it has cooled, separate the halves of the mold, carefully remove the sample soldier, and leave the mold to dry for a week. 7. In order to pour tin into a mold, you need to make a sprue in it - a special groove that can be easily cut with a knife from the edge of the mold to the base of the figurine in both of its halves.

Also, with the tip of a knife, you need to scratch scratches-grooves from the edges of the figure to the edges of the shape. These are airs, through which the air displaced by the molten tin will exit the mold. The airs should not be made too wide, otherwise the tin poured through them will flow out of the mold. 8. Before casting, place a smooth sheet of paper between the tightly clenched halves of the mold and a metal block for thermal insulation.

What do we know about tin?

This metal has been known to man since prehistoric times. Tin, like copper, was discovered and mastered earlier than iron! Today, archaeologists are finding tin items dating back to 5000 BC.

The ancient Egyptians went to Persia for tin. The Phoenicians brought tin ore from the British Isles. The ancient Indians also actively worked with this metal.

At one time, bronze, a strategically important metal for all mankind, began to be produced from an alloy of tin and copper.

Tin is a fairly malleable and soft metal with which you can work perfectly and make the most complex finishes from it. The silver-gray tint and noble matte shine make tin art products aristocratically majestic and aesthetically attractive.

Today, tin is widely used in jewelry alloys. Designer jewelry made of tin looks like real works of art - stunning medallions and bracelets, pendants and rings.

Tin is hypoallergenic and absolutely harmless to the body. This is one of the purest metals, so jewelry made from it is of high value. Pewter jewelry is often plated with gold or rhodium alloy, which gives it even more beauty and shine.

Designers of the world's leading brands do not forget to include this ancient metal in the best examples of their collections. Such jewelry is very practical - you can wear it for years without taking it off. Tin is not afraid of corrosion; you can swim in the shower and in sea water.

Jewelry containing tin is a practical and stylish gift!

Tin is ruled by Jupiter. The energy of metal is solemn and festive. Symbolizes the rule of law, material wealth, and the authority of its owner. Strengthens the energy of people whose lives are dedicated to duty of service - to the state, society, their people.

Pure tin is recommended to be worn by patriotic girls with an active civic position. This is the metal of spiritual and social leaders, as well as people with an active and stable cosmogram: Fire-Water, Fire-Earth, Earth-Fire.

Tin favors Sagittarius, Taurus, Leo, Pisces and Cancer, as well as balanced representatives of the Aries sign. It is not recommended to wear “air” signs often. If your patron planet is the Sun and Venus, also feel free to choose tin jewelry.

But if Uranus, Mercury and Pluto dominate in your cosmogram, use tin extremely carefully.

Homer also wrote about tin. There are mentions of this metal in the Bible (4th book of Moses). In ancient Rome and ancient Greece, tin was highly valued and was available only to the wealthy classes.

In ancient times, excellent tin figurines were cast on religious and secular themes. It was believed that the spirits of Saints lived in them.

Hellenic religion and culture attributed tin figurines to the guardians of the home and hearth, so they were in every home and, of course, in temples.

It is curious that for many centuries, Christian church relics, both in Europe and in Russia, were most often stored in tin boxes.

In ancient times, castings with the finest detail were made from low-melting tin. Low-relief openwork stripes and magnificent figured tin plaques were used to decorate wooden frames, mirrors, the walls of caskets and caskets, cabinets, frames for icons, etc. The top and bottom of the icon rows in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin are covered with patterned openwork tin.

The main proof of the absolute harmlessness of tin is the widespread use of the metal in the manufacture of tableware.

In the Middle Ages, tin dishes and household utensils made of tin were evidence of the prosperity and financial well-being of the owners of the house. Pewter dishes with elaborate engravings adorned the royal tables.

In the era of Peter the Great, this was a mandatory attribute of table decoration for representatives of the nobility. Today it can be seen in the history museums of St. Petersburg.

Pewter cookware has no smell or taste. Unlike other metals, tin does not rust. Over time, the metal fades slightly, acquiring a pleasant velvety tone. Antique tin tableware is still in demand among collectors today, especially in Europe.

Tin Scream

A characteristic phenomenon has been noticed - when bending a bar of pure tin, you can hear a sound that is very similar to the creaking of snow underfoot in frosty weather. This sound is called a “tin scream.” It indicates the purity of the metal. If you add a little of any other alloy to the composition of tin, then you will no longer hear the tin cry.

Metal professionals often use this method to determine the purity of tin. Melodic sounds generated by tin can be heard in the ringing of bells - this metal is almost always included in the composition of copper and other alloys that are used to cast bells. Also, tin pipes give birth to divine organ music.

The magical power of tin

Tin figurines originally had magical and sacred meaning. They were passed on to newly minted oracles and priests during the initiation rite, which made it possible to interact as harmoniously as possible with the elements and energies of the Earth, to penetrate the secrets of nature carefully and carefully, maintaining physical and mental balance.

How to make a tin soldier at home if there is no sample

If you don’t have a ready-made soldier for a sample, then you can copy the exact profile of a soldier from a picture you like onto thick paper and cut it out. To make the cut profile in relief, you can stick thick pieces of paper on it. They need to be glued one on top of the other on both sides of the profile (as in the picture), and the edges of the thicknesses can be leveled with plasticine. Small details can be scratched into a ready-made plaster mold.

Here are the instructions on how to make a tin soldier at home. All that remains is to paint it with a thin brush with oil paints diluted with oil varnish or turpentine. You just need to paint all the same-color parts first, and then, after letting them dry, parts of other colors.


Popsicle stick soldier

Let's figure out how to make soldiers from thin and flat sticks. To create one person, prepare three identical blanks. You will also need a glue gun to connect them together with the end part. This will be the head, torso and legs. To create arms, one stick is cut in half and attached to the sides of the body, departing the length according to the size of the head from the upper ends. When the glue has hardened, the resulting figure can be additionally sanded with fine sandpaper and painted on both sides with paints.

Before you make soldiers, think about their purpose. If they are made for a child's play, then you need to make a solid base so that they maintain an upright position. This craft can be made as a Christmas tree decoration or as a pendant on the handle of a children's closet door. For this purpose, a hole is cut out on the top for threading the ring.

Tin casting

Tin is a low-melting metal. It ranks fiftieth in the periodic table. It is quite widespread in nature, in particular, ore for its production is actively mined in the Laptev Sea.

Man began to use tin back in the Bronze Age. In particular, it was used to produce bronze. Nowadays, it is used as solder, coatings, etc. In addition, tin is used in jewelry and in the manufacture of toys, for example, tin soldiers, etc.

Tin casting process

The melting point of tin is only 231 °C. But its boiling point is within 2,300 °C. The temperature at which the metal will be melted can be achieved at home. That is, it is quite possible, of course, subject to certain rules and safety precautions, to perform tin casting at home. In industrial conditions, special centrifugal casting machines are used for tin casting. To make molds, gypsum, alabaster, epoxy resin, silicone and, of course, metal are used.

Tin casting process in industry

Creating a form is perhaps the most important process. First you need to create a sketch of the future model. After this, the model is made from polymer clay. To apply small parts you must use an awl. Another, no less important process is the production of injection molds. When manufacturing it, it is necessary to ensure that the correct connector is present. It is needed so that the finished casting can be removed without causing damage to the product itself.

Silicone tooling for tin casting

Making equipment from silicone will require more material and time. This is because it must be subjected to a vulcanization process. But as a result of all the hassle, multi-turn equipment for casting tin products will be obtained. If the future part is quite complex, then it will be necessary to provide for the presence of embedded parts. We must not forget about the air ducts; air must escape through them as the mold is filled with tin.

An important element of the design of the equipment is the hole through which the filling will be performed. If it is small, the metal will flow too slowly and the solidification process may begin before it is completely filled. Before casting begins, the mold halves must be joined together and placed between a sheet of plywood. The sheet must be at least 12 millimeters thick, and the size must exceed the dimensions of the metal mold. Upon completion of assembly, the entire structure is tied together with a rope.

Plasticine warrior

Plasticine is an excellent material for bringing creative ideas to life. You can sculpt soldiers in any pose, add grenades or machine guns, pistols or a spear to their hands. In this art form, you can use many techniques - smearing and rolling, pressing and joining parts together.

As it hardens, the plasticine figure becomes harder. If desired, you can change the soldier’s weapon and add small details - put on a backpack, binoculars, or bandage him if he is wounded in battle. If the soldier is tired, the plasticine can be easily crushed back into the chest and sculpted into a new battle character.

Tools and materials for casting

Tin is almost an ideal material for casting in both domestic and industrial settings. What materials and tools will be needed to produce the mold and perform casting. To make the mold you will need sealant and plaster. The first will be used to make the equipment itself, and gypsum will be needed to make the frame into which the technological equipment will be installed.

Tin Casting Tools

In addition to the materials mentioned above, you will need simple metalworking tools - files with different sections, pliers, a soldering iron, etc.

Tin casting molds

For the manufacture of injection molding equipment, materials such as gypsum or silicone are used. It all depends on the part and its purpose. The simplest one is gypsum. To make it you will need a wooden box, some plaster and a piece of metal tube.

Creating a snap-in is performed in several steps:

  1. Preparation of gypsum mixture. It should resemble thick sour cream in appearance.
  2. The mixture is poured into a pre-prepared box and leveled.
  3. To obtain a half-mold, you need to take the part and immerse it halfway in the prepared plaster. A similar operation must be performed with the second half of the part. As a result, 2 half-forms will be obtained.
  4. The halves must be connected, or fastened with locks, or simply tied together with a tight elastic band. A prepared metal pipe must be inserted into the place through which the molten tin will be poured.

In principle, the injection molding equipment is ready for use. The molten tin can be safely poured into the resulting mold.

What is the difference between gypsum forms and others - the main thing is that they have less durability. If their surface is not prepared, then such equipment can withstand one or two cycles.

Main methods of tin casting

In industrial conditions, there are several technologies that make it possible to quickly and efficiently produce castings from tin and its alloys.

The most popular is casting in a centrifugal machine.

The essence of this method is quite simple: molten metal is fed through a system of gates into molds located around the same axis and rotating at a certain speed. Their rotation causes the creation of a centrifugal force, which presses the incoming metal inside the mold. Thus, excess gases are eliminated from the body of the future casting. This engineering solution makes it possible to obtain metal with a fine-grained structure. Casting is performed in metal molds produced in a factory. Before pouring, compositions can be applied to the working surfaces to facilitate the removal of the finished casting from the mold.

Tin casting at home

As already noted, tin casting at home is used to produce fishing gear, figurines, for example, soldiers, etc. The procedure for performing tin casting is as follows:

  1. Making the mold.
  2. Casting products.
  3. Mechanical processing of castings.

To perform tin casting at home you will need:

  1. Kitchen stove;
  2. Tin.
  3. Casting mold.
  4. A file, a scalpel and some other simple tools.

Accessories made of aluminum or silicone can be used several times. To obtain a high-quality result, you will have to spend a lot of time, and it is advisable to have certain artistic skills. After the figurine is cast, it is advisable to paint it. Acrylic paints are used for this. In order for it to fit well, the figure must be degreased before starting work.

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