How to repair a hole in a metal barrel so that it lasts longer

Iron barrels are among the strongest and most durable, however, holes can also appear in them. We will learn how to repair a hole in a metal barrel, what tools and materials will be needed, how to carry out repairs correctly, and what determines the choice of repair method. Let’s figure out how else you can use leaky old barrels, and what useful things can be done from them in your summer cottage.

Barrel of water Source

Why are old barrels needed?

Metal is one of the strongest and most durable materials. Barrels made from it are often used in summer cottages for a variety of purposes: storing water or fertilizers, mixing building compounds, burning garbage.

Before figuring out how to plug a hole in a barrel, it’s worth checking whether it can be used differently. From them you can make:

  • Toilet . Several holes are made at the bottom and around the circumference. Then they dig a hole, put drainage at the bottom, and put a barrel and a structure on top to protect it from rain.
  • Wash basin . You will need to install a faucet and sink.
  • Furniture . Barrels make good tables and chairs. It is enough to attach a table top or soft seats. To make the furniture stable, you need to put several bricks or stones inside. By cutting the container vertically and securing the shelves inside, it is easy to get a cabinet.
  • Flower beds or beds . Several holes are drilled in the bottom to allow oxygen to enter the ground, and soil is poured inside. Such flower beds are easy to move and put away for the winter. They can be made from a whole container or sawn in half.

Flowerbed from a barrel Source

  • Concrete mixer . It will be useful during construction or repair work. The barrel is placed on its side and a mixing mechanism is built in. In addition to cement, you can mix other mixtures: clay, gypsum, fertilizers, etc.

Before you plug a hole in a barrel, you should make sure that the container is not suitable for other purposes - for example, for a barbecue. You will need to lay the container on its side and cut off half or cut out part of the side wall. The cut piece can be used as a lid. A grate or mesh is installed inside, which will be used for cooking meat.

There are many more options for using barrels - you can even use them to assemble a children's train or car.

Causes of deformation and nuances of repair

One of the causes of damage to plastic water containers is improper installation. An uneven surface and the presence of sharp objects can lead to changes in the geometry of the tanks, the appearance of cracks and leaks. Deformation can also be caused by mechanical influences, including impacts during operation.

Before sealing a plastic water tank, you need to know the composition of the material that was used to make it. Depending on the feedstock, the following types of polymers are distinguished:

  • Polyethylene (PE-HD)
    . It is characterized by a combination of hardness and ductility, which simplifies the processing of plastic. Low-density polyethylene is resistant to various organic and inorganic environments and retains its parameters at temperatures from -50..+80 °C.
  • Polypropylene (PP-H)
    . It is characterized by increased hardness, tensile strength and chemical resistance.
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U)
    . Withstands temperatures ranging from 0...+60 °C, as well as exposure to oxidizing environments and chemically aggressive substances. In addition, it has high strength and hardness.

Read also: Ferrous metal production cycle

The type of polymer influences the choice of method by which damage and leakage of containers is repaired. Repair of plastic water tanks made of plastic with different compositions is carried out using certain technologies.

How to seal a hole

Despite their significant service life, metal barrels do not last forever. Cracks and holes may appear in them. If there are no defects other than holes, they should be sealed and the container can be used further.

Before repairing, it is important to prepare the container itself. It needs to be cleaned, washed and dried. If necessary, you should get rid of the rust near the hole, otherwise problems with adhesion and sealing may occur.

Old barrels Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in paints and varnishes and related work


When choosing how to seal a hole in an iron water barrel without welding, you usually choose glue or resin. If the bottom is leaky and the container will stand in one place, you can make a clay “bowl”.

When choosing a repair option, it is worth considering the location where the crack appeared:

  1. On the wall . The outside of the crack is covered with pre-melted resin or waterproof glue. The area is covered with thick fiberglass or a piece of rubberized fabric and covered with glue or resin again. To prevent the crack from leaking, the inside is cleaned of rust and also coated with glue.
  2. At the bottom . If the barrel stands still, you can make a clay “bowl” that will close the hole in the bottom. Dig a shallow hole: its diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter of the container. Then they dilute the clay, fill the hole 3/4 full and place a barrel so that it goes deep. To make the latter lower, several heavy stones are placed in it. The clay should envelop the bottom; after drying, its layer will not allow water to seep through.

Both options will allow the container to last for several years.

Small hole

If there is a hole in the barrel, it can also be repaired. There are several ways to quickly and efficiently carry out repairs.

Barrel for burning waste Source

Video description

How to repair a container using rubber, watch in this video:
When deciding how to repair a hole in an iron barrel under water, it is important to remember that you cannot use electric or gas welding. The barrels are made of metal that is too thin; it will burn through.

Other options

In addition to the above repair options, you can use other means. There is one simple and easy way to seal a hole in an iron barrel without welding. For this, use a plastic bag.

A durable and fairly large cellophane bag is placed in the barrel, which is secured along the edges. If you don't have a ready-made bag, it's easy to make. To do this you will need:

  • Take strong cellophane folded into a tube. Cut a piece, the length of which will be slightly greater than the height of the barrel - the “extra” length will go to the bottom and the bend at the top.
  • Bend one end, put newspaper on both sides and run the heated iron several times. The cellophane should heat up, melt and stick together to form a finished bag. It is important to ensure that there are no holes through which water can leak.

Cold Welding Crack Repair

Currently, specialized cold welding for sewer pipes is offered in specialized stores. It is manufactured specifically for the repair of plastic products used in the organization of water supply systems, cooling systems, and heating communications.

Using cold welding, damage of almost any degree of complexity can be repaired. There is no need for thermal exposure, since a chemical reaction is used to bring the components into working condition.

The work itself to repair a damaged plastic pipe has the following sequence:

  1. It all starts with surface preparation, for which the entire problem area is treated with emery cloth. This is followed by degreasing the base using alcohol-containing liquids. If you neglect this procedure, the applied patch will serve much less.
  2. You need to calculate exactly how much material is needed for a high-quality seal. For this, a simple visual inspection is usually enough: the main thing here is that the repair mixture can cover the entire problem area.
  3. You need to take the substance into your hands, which you have previously put on protective rubber gloves, and begin to knead. This procedure is continued until the material is painted a specific brown shade. Another sign that the material is ready is when the mass reaches the state of plasticine.
  4. You need to seal the damage well with the finished plastic material, pressing it with a tourniquet. Next, there is a pause in work for about an hour: during this time, the repair mixture hardens. It must be made so strong and dense that any drilling, cutting and other impacts on its surface are completely safe.

It is important to take into account the presence of components harmful to the human body in cold welding. For safety reasons, it is recommended to acquire protective gloves and goggles in advance. To speed up the hardening process of the plastic mass, some experts recommend exposing it to warm air, using a construction or regular hair dryer.

Cold welding for sewer pipes is suitable for repairing damaged plumbing fixtures. For example, if a piece of material breaks off from a sink or toilet, cold welding will help to properly glue it back. When purchasing this universal product, you should check its expiration date, composition features and availability of a quality certificate.

Briefly about the main thing

Metal barrels last for many years, but they can also develop cracks and holes. This is not a reason to throw away the container - if you seal the holes correctly, it will last for many years.

When repairing holes, it is important to consider their size and location, as well as what the barrel will be used for. For example, if you plan to store water in it, you will need to use waterproof glue.

There are several ways to seal a hole in a barrel: close it with a nut or rubber, seal it or tar it, use cold welding. One of the simplest options is a plastic bag - it is inserted inside.

If the hole cannot be repaired, the barrel can be used for other purposes. They make furniture, washbasins, flower beds, barbecues, even concrete mixers.

Using plastic bags

A hole in a metal barrel is not a reason to throw it away. The container can still be used for many years thanks to one fairly simple means - plastic bags. This is not only the easiest, but also the most inexpensive option for restoring a leaky container. To do this, you will need to purchase garbage bags with a volume of about 240 liters and a density of at least 60 microns at a hardware or hardware store. It is necessary that the polyethylene product exceeds the capacity in volume and perimeter. The package may be larger than the barrel, but it is also allowed to be smaller, but not more than 20-30 mm, since polyethylene tends to stretch. As a result, the water will be stored in dense polyethylene, and the barrel structure serves as support for it.

The denser the package, the longer it will last

It is worth knowing that it is not enough to insert a plastic bag into a barrel and continue to use the container. There are several nuances that must be taken into account for this method to work properly.

Puncture prevention

Polyethylene is still not metal and can tear, no matter how dense it is. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the barrel for reuse. The inner surface of the metal container must be cleaned of rust, loose hard pieces of paint and burrs that could damage the bag. It is better to treat the barrel with a metal brush. When cleaning, check the surface of the container with your palm, and if there are no more sharp areas, you can stop processing. There is no need to paint the inside of the barrel.

The barrel must be cleaned of sharp edges

After cleaning the inner surface of the barrel or instead of it, you can play it safe and use cardboard or plastic. First you need to cut out a circle corresponding to the inner diameter of the container, and a rectangle in which one side corresponds to the height of the barrel, and the other to its perimeter. This way you can be sure that sharp edges from a hole or crack will not damage the plastic bag.

Two is always better than one

To be sure of the integrity of the restored container, it is better to use two bags at the same time. It is necessary to insert them one into another so that their corners on the sealed side completely coincide. Next, lay them out on a flat surface and smooth them from the bottom to the neck, thus expelling the air. You won't be able to get rid of it completely, but that's not a big deal.

Now you need to align the edges of the neck and fasten the bags together around the perimeter with tape at a distance of 100-150 mm from each other. Place the resulting double bag into the barrel, bending the edges of the sleeve (50-150 mm) onto the outer surface of the metal container. Do not allow the bags to be suspended, otherwise they will burst under the weight of the water. To prevent the wrapped edge from sliding back into the container, it is necessary to secure it with wide tape on the outer surface of the barrel along the entire perimeter.

It is advisable to choose a large bag so that the bend is more than 150 mm, and secure it with tape around the perimeter

Advantages of using polyethylene

When using bags to restore a metal container, water will be saved throughout the entire summer season and will remain clean and free of rust. Such water can be used not only for irrigation, but also for washing and primary processing of vegetables. In winter, it is recommended to remove the bags, dry them and store them folded in a warm place. Polyethylene is lightweight, takes up little space and, thanks to its properties, can last another 1-2 seasons. The same goes for the barrels themselves. If you want them to serve you for many years, at the end of the season they need to be emptied, dried and stored in a dry shed.

Thanks to the use of polyethylene, there will be no rust in the water

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