Thermal conductivity of steel, aluminum, brass, copper

Thermal conductivity and density of aluminum

The table shows the thermophysical properties of aluminum Al depending on temperature.
The properties of aluminum are given over a wide temperature range - from minus 223 to 1527 ° C (from 50 to 1800 K). As can be seen from the table, the thermal conductivity of aluminum at room temperature is about 236 W/(m deg) , which makes it possible to use this material for the manufacture of radiators and various heat sinks.

In addition to aluminum, copper also has high thermal conductivity. Which metal has the greater thermal conductivity? It is known that the thermal conductivity of aluminum at medium and high temperatures is still less than that of copper, however, when cooled to 50K, the thermal conductivity of aluminum increases significantly and reaches a value of 1350 W/(m deg). For copper, at such a low temperature, the thermal conductivity value becomes lower than for aluminum and amounts to 1250 W/(m deg).

Aluminum begins to melt at a temperature of 933.61 K (about 660 ° C), while some of its properties undergo significant changes. The values ​​of properties such as thermal diffusivity, aluminum density and thermal conductivity are significantly reduced.

The density of aluminum is mainly determined by its temperature and depends on the state of aggregation of this metal. For example, at a temperature of 27°C, the density of aluminum is 2697 kg/m3 , and when this metal is heated to its melting point (660°C), its density becomes equal to 2368 kg/m3. The decrease in aluminum density with increasing temperature is due to its expansion when heated.

The table shows the following thermophysical properties of aluminum:

  • aluminum density, g/cm 3 ;
  • specific (mass) heat capacity, J/(kg deg);
  • thermal diffusivity coefficient, m 2 /s;
  • thermal conductivity of aluminum, W/(m deg);
  • electrical resistivity, Ohm m;
  • Lorentz function.

Properties of aluminum alloys with silicon, copper, magnesium and zinc

The table presents the composition and the following thermophysical properties of aluminum alloys:

  • density of alloys, kg/m 3 ;
  • thermal conductivity coefficient, W/(m °C);
  • coefficient of linear thermal expansion, 1/deg;
  • corrosion resistance in water and air;
  • temperature of strength change.

The density, thermal conductivity and coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the alloys are presented as a function of temperature in the range from 500 to 660°C. The density of aluminum alloys with silicon and zinc is the highest. Light alloys include alloys containing magnesium.

Specific heat capacity of aluminum

The specific heat capacity of aluminum depends significantly on temperature and at room temperature is about 904 J/(kg deg) , which is significantly higher than the specific (mass) heat capacity of other common metals, such as copper and iron.

Below is a comparative table of the specific heat capacities of these metals. The heat capacity values ​​in the table are in the temperature range from -223 to 927°C.

According to the table, it can be seen that the value of the specific heat capacity of aluminum is significantly higher than the value of this property for copper and iron , therefore this property of aluminum, such as the ability to accumulate heat well, is widely used in industry and heating engineering, making this metal irreplaceable.


Physical properties of metal

Aluminum is a chemical element (atomic number 13). It belongs to the group of light metals and is a common element found in the earth's crust. Paramagnetic metal has a silvery-white color, it is very easy to machine, and it is convenient to cast products from it.

The metal has high thermal and electrical conductivity. It is resistant to air due to the ability to form metal oxide films that protect the surface from the influence of the external environment.

The film is destroyed under the influence of alkaline solutions. To prevent the metal from reacting with aggressive liquids, indium, tin or gallium are added to the alloy.

The specific heat of fusion is 390 kJ/kg, and the specific heat of evaporation is 10.53 MJ/kg. The metal boils at a temperature of 2500°C. The melting gradient depends on the degree of purification of the material and is accordingly:

Aluminum easily forms alloys, among which everyone knows compounds with copper, magnesium, and silicon. In the jewelry industry, this metal is combined with gold, which gives the composition new physical properties.

Aluminum easily forms alloys.

In nature, a chemical element forms natural compounds. It is found in minerals such as:

In some places (volcano vents) native metal can be found in small quantities.

Tables of specific heat capacity of substances (gases, liquids, etc.)

Tables of specific heat capacity of substances are presented: gases, metals, liquids, construction and thermal insulation materials, as well as food products - more than 400 substances and materials.

The specific heat capacity of a substance is the ratio of the amount of heat imparted to a unit mass of this substance in any process to the corresponding change in its temperature.

The specific heat capacity of substances depends on their chemical composition, thermodynamic state and the method of imparting heat to them. In the International System of Units, this value is measured in J/(kg K).

It should be noted that the experimental determination of the specific heat capacity of liquids and gases is carried out at constant pressure or at constant volume. In the first case, the specific heat capacity is denoted Cp , in the second - Cv . For liquids and gases, the most commonly used specific heat capacity at constant pressure is Cp.

For solids, the heat capacities Cp and Cv do not differ. In addition, in relation to solids, in addition to the specific mass heat capacity, specific atomic and molar heat capacities are also used.

Thermal conductivity, heat capacity and resistivity of alloy 1151T

The table shows the values ​​of the thermal conductivity coefficient, W/(m deg), specific (mass) heat capacity, kJ/(g deg) and resistivity of aluminum alloy 1151T.

The properties of aluminum alloy 1151T are given depending on temperature (in the range from 0 to 400 ° C). According to the table, it can be seen that the thermal conductivity of this alloy increases when heated, but around a temperature of 200°C there is a slight decrease followed by an increase. The same nature of change is characteristic of the specific heat capacity of the 1151T alloy. The electrical resistivity of the alloy in question increases as its temperature increases.

Table of specific heat capacity of gases

The table shows the specific heat capacity of Cp gases at a temperature of 20°C and normal atmospheric pressure (101325 Pa).

Table of specific heat capacity of gases

GasesCp, J/(kg K)
Nitrogen N21051
Ammonia NH32244
Argon Ar523
Acetylene C2H21683
Hydrogen H214270
Helium He5296
Oxygen O2913
Krypton Kr251
Xenon Xe159
Methane CH42483
Neon Ne1038
Nitric oxide N2O913
Nitric oxide NO976
Sulfur oxide SO2625
Carbon monoxide CO1043
Propane C3H81863
Hydrogen sulfide H2S1026
Carbon dioxide CO2837
Chlorine Cl520
Ethane C2H61729
Ethylene C2H41528

Change in internal energy and temperature during melting

So where does the energy that we impart to the body go during melting?

You know that in crystalline solids, atoms (or molecules) are arranged in a strict order (Figure 1). They do not move as actively as in gases or liquids. However, they are also in thermal motion - oscillating.

Figure 1. Structure of crystalline quartz

Take another look at the ice melting and solidifying graph (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Graph of ice melting and solidification

The ice is heated in section AB. At this time, the average speed of movement of its molecules increases. This means that their average kinetic energy and temperature also increase. The range of vibrations of atoms (or molecules) increases.

This happens until the heated body reaches its melting point.

At the melting temperature, the order in the arrangement of particles in crystals is disrupted.

This is how the substance begins the transition from solid to liquid.

This means that the energy that the body receives after reaching the melting temperature is spent on the destruction of the crystal lattice. Therefore, body temperature does not increase - part of the BC graph.

Table of specific heat capacity of some metals and alloys

The table shows the specific heat capacity of some common metals and alloys at a temperature of 20°C. You can find the heat capacity values ​​of most metals at other temperatures in this table.

Table of specific heat capacity of metals and alloys

Metals and alloysC, J/(kg K)
Aluminum Al897
Aluminum bronze420
Tin bronze380
Tungsten W134
Iron Fe452
Au Gold129
Copper Cu383
Nickel Ni443
Tin Sn228
Platinum Pt133
Mercury Hg139
Lead Pb128
Silver Ag235
Reinforcing rod steel482
Carbon steel468
Chrome steel460
Titan Ti520
Uranium U116
Zinc Zn385
White cast iron540
Gray cast iron470

Change in internal energy and temperature during solidification

During hardening, the opposite happens.

The average speed of movement of molecules and their average kinetic energy in a liquid (molten substance) decreases upon cooling . This corresponds to the section of the DE graph in Figure 2.

Now the attractive forces between the molecules can hold them close to each other. The arrangement of particles becomes ordered - a crystal is formed (section of the EF graph).

Where is the energy released during crystallization spent? The body temperature remains constant during this process. This means that energy is spent maintaining this temperature until the body completely hardens.

Now we can say that

At the melting point, the internal energy of a substance in the liquid state is greater than the internal energy of the same mass of substance in the solid state.

This excess energy is released during crystallization and maintains the body temperature at the same level throughout the solidification process.

Table of specific heat capacity of liquids

The table shows the specific heat capacity Cp of common liquids at temperatures of 10...25°C and normal atmospheric pressure.

Table of specific heat capacity of liquids

LiquidsCp, J/(kg K)
Nitric acid (100%) NH31720
Aniline C6H5NH22641
Antifreeze (antifreeze)2990
Acetone C3H6O2160
Aviation gasoline B-702050
Benzene C6H61050
Water H2O4182
Sea water3936
Water is heavy D2O4208
Vodka (40% vol.)3965
Aqueous sodium chloride solution (25%)3300
Gas oil1900
Ammonium hydroxide4610
Glycerol C3H5(OH)32430
Carborane C2H12B101720
Fuel oil2180
AMG-10 oil1840
Oil VM-41480
Castor oil2219
Corn oil1733
MS-20 oil2030
Refined sunflower oil1775
Oil TM-11640
Transformer oil1680
Refined cottonseed oil1737
Oil HF-221640
Condensed milk with sugar3936
Whole milk3906
Liquid paraffin (at 50C)3000
Sulfuric acid (100%) H2SO41380
Carbon disulfide CS21000
Cream (35% fat)3517
Grape juice2800…3690
Methyl alcohol (methanol) CH3OH2470
Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) C2H5OH2470
Toluene C7H81130
Diesel fuel (diesel fuel)2010
Jet fuel2005
Hexamine C6H12N41470
Freon-12 CCl2F2840
Ethyl ether C4H10O2340

Areas of application

The property of chemical element No. 13 to perfectly accumulate heat allows it to be widely used in industrial production and heating engineering.

Aluminum radiator.

Aluminum is used as a raw material to create building structures. It is lightweight, durable, stable and is an attractive raw material for the production of window structures.

The chemical element forms non-toxic oxides, which allows its use in the production of foil for the needs of the food industry. Aluminum is a raw material for creating space rockets and aircraft. Its high reflectivity determines its use in the manufacture of mirrors.

The specific heat capacity of a substance means the amount of heat required to heat a unit of substance by one degree. Most often, a mass of 1 kg is taken as a unit of substance. Less commonly used are units of volume, such as cubic meters or liters. In chemistry, thermochemical reactions use molar heat capacity, when a mole is taken as a unit of a substance. Specific heat capacity changes noticeably with changes in temperature and, to a greater extent, with changes in the state of aggregation of a substance; for example, the values ​​of the heat capacity of water will be different in liquid, solid and gaseous states. The table below also indicates the temperature and state of aggregation of the substance. Specific heat capacity of materials

Name of materialTemperature 0CSpecific heat
kJ/(kg K)cal/(g 0С)
Specific heat capacity of gases and vapors
Nitrogen0 — 2001,00,25
Hydrogen0 — 20014,23,41
water vapor100 — 5002,00,48
Air0 — 4001,00,24
Helium0 — 6005,21,24
Oxygen20 — 4400,920,22
Carbon monoxide26 — 2001,00,24
Alcohol vapor40 — 1001,20,29
Chlorine13 — 2000,50,12
Specific heat capacity of liquids at normal atmospheric pressure
Gasoline (B-70)202,050,49
Water1 — 1004,191,00
Glycerol0 — 1002,430,58
Kerosene0 — 1002,090,50
Machine oil0 — 1001,670,40
Sunflower oil202,430,58
Oil0 — 1001,67 — 2,090,40 — 0,50
Mercury0 — 3000,1380,033
Specific heat capacity of molten metals and liquefied gases
Aluminum660 — 10001,090,36
Gold1055 — 13000,140,034
Silver960 — 13000,290,069
Specific heat capacity of solids
Nitrogen solid-2500,460,11
The air is solid-1932,000,47
Graphite0 — 1000,750,18
oak0 — 1002,400,57
fur tree, pine tree0 — 1002,700,65
Rock salt0 — 1000,920,22
Stone0 — 1000,840,20
Oxygen solid-200,31,600,39
Ice-40 — 02,100,50
Cork0 — 1002,000,48
ordinary0 — 1000,670,16
mirror0 — 1000,790,19
laboratory0 — 1000,840,20
Porcelain0 — 1001,100,26
Specific heat capacity of metals and alloys
Aluminum0 — 2000,920,22
Tungsten0 — 10000,150,035
Iron0 — 5000,540,13
Gold0 — 5000,130,032
Iridium0 — 10000,150,037
Magnesium0 — 5001,100,27
Copper0 — 5000,400,097
Nickel0 — 3000,500,12
Tin0 — 2000,230,056
Platinum0 — 5000,140,033
Lead0 — 3000,140,033
Silver0 — 5000,250,059
Steel50 — 3000,500,12
Zinc0 — 3000,400,097
Cast iron0 — 2000,540,13

Relationship between units of specific heat capacity

Units of specific heat capacityJ/(kg K)kJ/ (kg K)cal/(g · 0С) or kcal/(kg · 0С)
1 J/(kg K)10,0012,39 · 10-4
1 kJ/ (kg K)100010,239
1 cal/(g 0С) = 1 kcal/(kg 0С)4,19 · 1034,191
Note: 1 cal /(g 0С) = 1 kcal/(kg 0С) = 4186.8 J /(kg K) = 4.1868 kJ /(kg K). Degrees Celsius and Kelvin are equal in magnitude.

Specific Heat Capacity Table for Solids

The table shows the specific heat capacity of solid substances: building materials (sand, asphalt, etc.), thermal insulation of various types and other common materials in the temperature range from 0 to 50 ° C at normal atmospheric pressure.

Specific Heat Capacity Table for Solids

Construction, thermal insulation and other materialsC, J/(kg K)
ABS plastic1300…2300
Aggloporite concrete and concrete based on fuel (boiler) slags840
Fibrous asbestos1050
Asbestos cement1500
Asphalt concrete1680
Airgel (Aspen aerogels)700
Bitumen perlite1130
Petroleum bitumens for construction and roofing1680
Mineral wool920
Glass wool800
Cotton wool1675
Slag wool750
Vermiculite concrete840
Woolen felt1700
Gas and foam concrete, gas and foam silicate, gas and foam ash concrete840
Dry molded gypsum1050
Fireproof clay800
Gneiss (facing)880
Gravel (filler)850
Expanded clay gravel840
Shungizite gravel840
Granite (cladding)880…920
Wet ground (soil)2010
Lunar soil740
Sandy soil900
The soil is dry850
Reinforced concrete840
Reinforced concrete840
Wood ash750
Limestone (cladding)850…920
Products made from expanded perlite with a bitumen binder1680
Sandy silt1000…2100
Building stone920
Carbolite black1900
Corrugated cardboard1150
Cardboard facing2300
Thick cardboard1200
Multilayer construction cardboard2390
Natural rubber1400
Crystalline quartz836
Expanded clay750
Expanded clay concrete and expanded clay foam concrete840
Dinas brick905
Carborundum brick700
Red dense brick840…880
Magnesite brick1055
Facing brick880
Fireproof semi-acid brick885
Silicate brick750…840
Construction brick800
Treble brick710
Fireclay brick930
Masonry "Poroton"900
Rubble masonry made of medium-density stones880
Gas silicate masonry880
Masonry made of ordinary clay bricks880
Ceramic hollow brick masonry880
Sand-lime brick masonry880
Treble brick masonry880
Slag brick masonry880
Powdered coke1210
Oil paint (enamel)650…2000
Volcanic lava840
Ice from heavy water2220
Ice at 0°C2150
Ice at -100°C1170
Ice at -20°C1950
Ice at -60°C1700
Asbestos-cement flat sheets840
Gypsum cladding sheets (dry plaster)840
Sunflower husk1500
Stitched fiberglass mats and strips840
Mineral wool mats, stitched and with a synthetic binder840
Marble (cladding)880
Deck flooring1100
Oak parquet1100
Piece parquet880
Panel parquet880
Pumice concrete840
Foam concrete840
Foam plastic PVC-1 and PV-11260
Expanded polystyrene1340
Expanded polystyrene "Penoplex"1600
Polyurethane foam1470
Foam glass or gas glass840
Reinforced ceramic ceiling with concrete filling without plaster850
Flooring made of reinforced concrete elements with plaster860
Monolithic flat reinforced concrete floor840
Perlite concrete840
Perlite phosphogel products1050
Sand for construction work840
Fine river sand700…840
Fine river sand (wet)2090
Sand sugar1260
Sand dry800
Polyester plastic1000…2300
Cork plate1850
Alabaster slabs750
Wood-fiber and particle boards (chipboard, fiberboard)2300
Gypsum slabs840
Resol-formaldehyde foam boards1680
Glass staple fiber boards with synthetic binder840
Reed slabs2300
Flax insulating slabs2300
High-hardness mineral wool slabs840
Semi-rigid mineral wool slabs with starch binder840
Peat thermal insulation slabs2300
Fiberboard and wood concrete slabs based on Portland cement2300
Carpet covering1100
Seamless gypsum floor800
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)920…1200
Polycarbonate (Diflon)1100…1120
Polymethyl methacrylate1200…1650
Polystyrene UPP1, PPS900
Polystyrene concrete1060
Polyvinyl chloride1130…1200
High Density Polyethylene1900…2300
Low density polyethylene1700
Portland cement1130
Cork granulated1800
Gypsum grout mortar900
Gypsum perlite solution840
Porous gypsum perlite solution840
Lime-sand mortar840
Lime mortar920
Complex mortar (sand, lime, cement)840
Cement-perlite mortar840
Cement-sand mortar840
Cement-slag mortar840
Soft rubber1380
Porous rubber2050
Ordinary hard rubber1350…1400
Epoxy resin800…1100
Stale snow at 0°C2100
Freshly fallen snow2090
Pine and spruce2300
Resinous pine 15% humidity2700
Mirror glass (mirror)780
Quartz glass890
Laboratory glass840
Ordinary glass, window670
Flint glass490
Glass wool800
Pressed wood shavings1080
Peat slabs2100
Tuff (facing)750…880
Fibrolite (gray)1670
Granulated slag750
Boiler slag700…750
Cinder concrete800
Slag pumice concrete (thermosite concrete)840
Slag pumice foam and slag pumice gas concrete840
Gypsum plaster840
Polystyrene mortar plaster1200
Lime plaster950
Lime plaster with stone dust920
Perlite plaster1130
Facade plaster with polymer additives880
Shungizite concrete840
Crushed stone and sand from expanded perlite840
Crushed stone from blast furnace slag, slag pumice and agloporite840
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