Welding technology for medium-alloy (heat-resistant) and high-alloy (stainless) steels

The melting point of steel type 18-8 is 1475°C

steel grade Weldability Technological features of welding
Medium alloyed 12X5; X5; Х5М;Х5ВФ GOOD Shielding gas: CO2, Ar Electrode wire: Sv-08KhG2SM; Sv-04Х19Н9; Sv-06Х19Н9Т Cleaning edges to a metallic shine
20ХГС 25ХГС 30ХГС 30ХГСА SATISFACTORY Shielding gas: CO2; CO2+O2; Ar+СО2 Electrode wire: Sv-10GSM; Sv-10GSMT; Sv-10HG2S; Sv-15KhMA; Sv-18KhGSA

With a thickness of up to 10 mm - without heating More than 10 mm - preheating to 250-300°C

15ХМА 20ХМА Shielding gas: CO2; Ar; Ar+СО2 Electrode wire: Sv-08ХГСМА; Sv-08ХГ2СМА Preheating to 250-300°C followed by high tempering
High alloy 0X13



Shielding gas: Ar; CO2; Ar+СО2 Electrode wire Sv-10Х13; Cv-06X14; Sv-08Kh14GT with subsequent tempering to 700°C


Shielding gas: Ar; CO2 Electrode wire: Sv-10X13; Sv-06X14; Sv-08Х18Н2ГТ Temperature up to 700°С



GOOD Shielding gas: Ar; CO2; Ar+CO2; Ar+O2; Ar+СО2+О2

Electrode wire: Sv-06Х19Н9Т; Sv-08Х20Н9Г7Т




Shielding gas CO2 Electrode wire: Sv-08Х20Н9С2БТУ; Sv-07Х18Н9ТУ

Welding low alloy steels. How to weld low alloy steel

Welding of low-alloy steels has found wide application in the manufacture of structures in construction.
This is due to the fact that low-alloy structural steels have increased strength and, due to this, metal structures are lightweight and, therefore, more economical. As a rule, the weldability of low-alloy structural steels is satisfactory. But, it is necessary to take into account that when the carbon content in the steel composition is more than 0.25%, there is a risk of the formation and development of hardening structures and hot cracks in the weld. In addition, other weld defects, such as the formation of pores, are likely to occur. And this happens due to carbon burnout during welding.

Steel 30ХМ (30ХМА) structural alloy


  • According to GOST 4543-2016, the number 30 in the designation of steel indicates the average mass fraction of carbon in steel in hundredths of a percent, i.e. carbon in steel 30ХМ is about 0.30%
  • The letter X indicates that the steel contains chromium (Cr), the absence of numbers behind the letter indicates that the steel contains up to approximately 1.5% chromium.
  • The letter M indicates that the steel contains molybdenum (Mo), the absence of numbers behind the letter indicates that the steel contains up to 1.5% molybdenum.
  • The presence of the letter A at the end of the steel grade designation indicates that 30ХМА steel is high-quality, i.e. with increased requirements for the chemical composition and macrostructure of metal products made from it compared to high-quality steel.


Replaceable steel gradeSteel substitutes
30ХМ (30ХМА)35ХМ35HPA

Foreign analogues [1, 2]

Designation of steel grade, (country)StandardOther name
15 131 (Czech Republic/Slovakia)CSN 415131
2225 (Sweden)SSOVAKO 522 (S-6)
4130 (US)SAEI404, AISIG 41300, 6348 A (AMS)
1717 CDS 110 UKB.S.
4130 (Australia)AS 1444 (86)
25 CD 4 (France)AFNOR.NF A-35-556 (84)F 66S (F-05)
30CrMo4 (Italy)UNI 6403 (86)D 221 (1-04), UM6 (1-07)
25CrMo4 (Germany)EN10083-1, DIN 1652 T.4, DIN 1654 T.4, DIN 17176, DIN 17204, E172011.7218
30ChM (Bulgaria)BDS 6550
25CrMo4 (Spain)UNE 36 051-91 (1)
25CrMo4 (European standards)EN 10083-1 (91)
30CrMo (China)GB3077-88
S4730 (Yugoslavia)JUS C.B9.021
F.222 (Spain)A-222 (E-2)
SCM 430 (Japan)JIS
SCM2 (Japan)JIS G4105 (74)
30HN (Poland)PN/H 84030/04

Chemical composition, % (GOST 4543-2016)

steel gradeMass fraction of elements, %

Type of delivery

  • Long products, including shaped steel: GOST 4543-71, GOST 2590-88, GOST 2591-88, GOST 2879-88.
  • Calibrated rod GOST 7417-75, GOST 8559-75, GOST 8560-78, GOST 1051-73.
  • Polished rod and silver GOST 14955-77.
  • Strip GOST 103-76.
  • Forgings and forged blanks GOST 1133-71, GOST 8479-70.
  • Pipe GOST 8731-74, GOST 8732-78.

Characteristics and properties [3]

Chrome-molybdenum steel 30ХМ (30ХМА) is a structural alloy steel that can be improved. The usual heat treatment of such steels is oil quenching and high tempering (550-650°C).

The hardenability of 30ХМ is slightly higher than that of 40Х steel, but the cold brittleness threshold is lower; in addition, 30ХМ steel is insensitive (like other molybdenum steels) to type II temper brittleness.


  • shafts,
  • gears,
  • spindles,
  • hairpins,
  • flanges,
  • disks,
  • tires
  • rods and other critical parts operating under conditions of heavy loads and speeds at temperatures up to 450-500 °C.
  • Jet engine power parts operating at temperatures up to 450°C.

The use of 30KhMA steel as a pipeline material depending on the parameters of the transported medium (GOST 32569-2013)

Technical requirements for pipes (standard or specifications)Nominal diameter, mmTypes of tests and requirements (standard or specifications)Transported mediumPipeline design parameters
Maximum pressure, MPaMaximum temperature, °CPipe wall thickness, mmMinimum temperature depending on the pipe wall thickness with stress in the wall from internal pressure [σ], °C
more than 0.35[σ]no more than 0.35[σ]
TU 14-3-433-78 TU 14-3-251-746-500TU 14-3-433-78 TU 14-3-251-74All environments (see tables 5.1 (GOST 32569-2013))≤80450minus 30minus 50

The use of steel 30ХМ and 30ХМА as a material for the manufacture of fasteners (GOST 32569-2013)

steel gradeTechnical requirementsAcceptable operating parametersPurpose
Wall temperature, °CMedium pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2), no more
30ХМ, 30ХМА GOST 4543STP 26.260.2043-40 to +45016(160)Studs, bolts
-40 to +510Nuts
-70 to +450Washers

Limits of application, types of mandatory testing and control of steel 30ХМА for flanges, lenses, gaskets and fasteners for pressures above 10 MPa (100 kgf/cm2) (GOST 32569-2013)

Steel grade, standard or specification30ХМА
the name of detailHairpinsNutsFlangesLenses
Limit parametersWall temperature, °C, no more-50 to +400-50 to +510-50 to +400
Nominal pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2) no more80 (800)100 (1000)80 (800)
Mandatory testsσ0.2++++
ControlFlaw detection+++
Non-metallic inclusions+

Maximum permissible temperature for the use of 30KhMA steel in hydrogen-containing environments, °C (GOST 32569-2013)

Temperature, °C, at partial pressure of hydrogen, MPa (kgf/cm2)
1,5 (15)2,5 (25)5 (50)10 (100)20 (200)30 (300)40 (400)

Maximum permissible temperatures for the use of 30KhMA steel in environments containing ammonia, °C (GOST 32569-2013)

Temperature, °C at ammonia partial pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2)
From 1 (10) to 2 (20)From 2 (20) to 5 (50)From 5 (50) to 8 (80)

Conditions for using 30ХМА steel for bodies, covers, flanges, membranes and valve assembly made from rolled products, forgings (stampings) (GOST 33260-2015)

ND for supplyTemperature of the working medium (wall), °CAdditional instructions for use
Long products GOST 4543. Forgings GOST 8479-50 to 450For non-welded fittings with mandatory heat treatment (hardening and high tempering) at a temperature of the working medium (wall) below minus 40°C to minus 50°C

Conditions for using 30KhMA steel for reinforcement fasteners (GOST 33260-2015)

Material grade, class or group according to GOST 1759.0Material standard or specificationApplication options
Bolts, studs, screwsNutsFlat washers
Ambient temperature, °CNominal pressure PN, MPa (kgf/cm2)Ambient temperature, °CNominal pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2)Ambient temperature, °CNominal pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2)
30ХМАGOST 4543-40 to 450Not regulated-40 to 510Not regulated-70 to 450Not regulated

NOTE. It is allowed to use fasteners made of steel grade 30ХМА at temperatures below minus 40°C to minus 60°C, if during impact bending tests on samples of type 11 according to GOST 9454 at operating temperatures below zero, the impact strength is not lower than 300 kJ/m2 (3 kgf* m/cm2) on any of the tested samples.

Recommendations for the use of steel 30ХМА for parts of valves and pneumatic actuators that do not operate under pressure and are not subject to welding, intended for operation at low temperatures (GOST 33260-2015)

Quenching + tempering at temperature, °CApproximate strength level, N/mm2 (kgf/mm2)Application temperature not lower, °CUse in thickness no more than, mm
550950 (95)-8030

Resistance of steel 30ХМА against crevice erosion (GOST 33260-2015)

Durability groupPointErosion resistance against steel 12X18H10TMaterial
Reduced durability40,15-0,25Forged alloy pearlitic steel 30ХМА, containing up to 1.5% chromium, heat treated at KP50 - KP75 and its welded joints

NOTE. The coefficient of erosion resistance of a material is the ratio of the rate of erosive wear of the material to the rate of erosive wear of steel 12Х18Н10Т (taken as 1).

Recommended heat treatment of steel 30ХМА [4]

  • Preliminary heat treatment: normalization at 900°C, tempering at 670°C.
  • Final heat treatment: hardening at 880±10°C in oil, tempering at 550-650°C with cooling in oil or water.

Approximate heat treatment regimes for 30ХМ steel [5]

steel gradeHeat treatment operationTemperature, °CCooling methodHardness HB
30ХМNormalization840-860On air207-255

Heat treatment modes for steel 30ХМ and 30ХМА [5]

steel gradeHeat treatment
Temperature, °CCooling mediumTemperature, °CCooling medium
30ХМ880Oil540Water or oil

Brinell hardness of metal products made from steel 30ХМ and 30ХМА (GOST 4543-2016)

steel gradeHardness NV, no more

NOTE. Brinell hardness is indicated for metal products in the annealed (OT) or high-tempered (HT) state, as well as hot-rolled and forged metal products, normalized with subsequent high tempering (H+HT), with a diameter or thickness of over 5 mm.

Mechanical properties of metal products made from steel 30ХМ (30ХМА) (GOST 4543-2016)

steel grade30ХМ30ХМА
Heat treatment modeHardeningTemperature, °C1st hardening or normalization880
2nd hardening
Cooling mediumOil
VacationTemperature, °C540
Cooling mediumWater or oil
Mechanical properties, no lessYield strength σТ, N/mm2735
Tensile strength σв, N/mm2930
Relativeelongation δ5, %1112
narrowing ψ, %4550
Impact strength KCU, J/cm27888
Sectional size of workpieces for heat treatment (circle diameter or square side), mm15

Mechanical properties depending on the section [6]

Section, mmSample cutting locationσ0.2, MPaσв, MPaδ5, %ψ, %KCU, J/cm2Hardness HRCе
Hardening at 880°C in oil; tempering at 500°C
Quenching at 880°C in water; tempering at 500°C

Mechanical properties depending on tempering temperature

tref., °Cσ0.2, MPaσв, MPaδ5, %ψ, %KCU, J/cm2Hardness HRCе

Note. Hardening at 880°C in oil.

Mechanical properties at elevated temperatures [6]

tsp., °Cσ0.2, MPaσв, MPaδ5, %ψ, %KCU, J/cm2
Hardening at 880°C in oil; tempering at 650°C
Sample 6 mm in diameter, 30 mm long, pressed. Deformation speed 16 mm/min; strain rate 0.009 1/s

Endurance limit

Strength characteristics and heat treatmentσ-1, MPan
σ0.2 = 710 MPa, σв = 820 MPa. Quenching at 870°C in water; tempering at 600°C [7] 40710′
σ0.2 = 710 MPa, σв = 850 MPa, НВ 260. Quenching from 880°C in oil; tempering at 560°C [8] 366
σ0.2 = 530 MPa, σв = 730 MPa, НВ 212. Quenching from 880°C in oil; tempering at 650°C [8] 304

Impact strength KCU [6]

Heat treatmentKCU, J/cm2, at temperature, °C
Hardening at 880°C in oil; tempering at 350°C. Hardening from 880°C; tempering at 550°C 14742108

Mechanical properties during long-term strength testing [9]

Creep limit, MPaCreep rate, %/hLong-term strength limit, MPat,°CDuration, ht,°C

Technological properties [10]

  • Forging temperature, °C: beginning 1260, end 760-800. Sections up to 100 mm are cooled in air, sections 101-300 mm are cooled in a mold.
  • Weldability - limited weldability. Welding methods: RDS, ADS submerged arc and gas shield. Preheating and subsequent heat treatment are recommended.
  • Cutting machinability - Kv tv.spl = 0.7 and Kv b.st. = 0.3 MPa after hardening and tempering at HB 229-269 σw = 930 MPa.
  • Flock sensitivity is insensitive.
  • Tendency to temper brittleness - not prone.

Density ρп kg/cm3 at test temperature, °C


Linear expansion coefficient α*106, K-1

steel gradeα*106, K-1 at test temperature, °C

Thermal conductivity coefficient λ W/(m*K)

Steel gradeλ W/(m*K), at test temperature, °C

Young's modulus (normal elasticity) E, GPa

Steel gradeAt test temperature, °C

Specific heat capacity c, J/(kg*K)

steel grades, J/(kg*K), at test temperature, °C

Electrical resistivity ρ nom*m

steel gradeρ nom*m, at test temperature, °C


  • Shishkov M.M. Brand of steels and alloys - 2000
  • ST TsKBA 005yu3-2009
  • Gulyaev A.P. Metallurgy. 1986
  • Sklyarov N.M. Structural steels T1 - 1975
  • Firger I.V. Heat treatment of alloys. Directory - 1982
  • Materials in mechanical engineering. T.2. Structural steel: Handbook / Ed. I.V. Kudryavtsev, E.P. Mogilevsky. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1967.-496 p.
  • Gulyaev A.P., Meshcherinova O.N., Trifonova T.N. The influence of boron on the properties of alloyed structural steels / S. scientific. tr. TsNIIChM. 1962. Special steels and alloys. Vol. 27. - M.: Metallurgy, P.29-46
  • Vashchenko K.I., Rostovtsev L.I., Alenkevich A.V. Nickel-free sptals for casting grates for refrigerators of cement kilns / Foundry production. 1973. No. 6. pp. 22-23.
  • Mikhailov-Mikheev P.B. Handbook of metal materials for turbine and engine construction. -M. -L.: Mechanical Engineering, 1961.
  • Brand of steels and alloys / Ed. V.G. Sorokina. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1989.-639 p.

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Common grades of low-alloy steels used in welding metal structures

Low-alloy steels, from which building structures are welded, contain no more than 0.25% carbon and no more than 3% alloying elements.

For the manufacture of metal structures for industrial and civil buildings, the most suitable steel grades are 15HSND, 14G2, 09G2S, 10G2S1, 10G2S1D, 16GS, 14G2AF, 16G2AF, etc.

Steel grades such as 18G2S, 25G2S, 35GS, 20KhG2Ts, etc. are well suited for the manufacture of welded gas pipes. The same grades are also used in the manufacture of reinforcement for reinforced concrete slabs.

Features of welding low-alloy steels

Welding of structural steels 15HSND, 15GS, 14G2, 14G2AF, 16G2AF

For welding low-alloy steel grades 15HSND, 15GS, 14G2, 14G2AF, 16G2AF, etc. Manual arc welding with E50A or E44A electrodes is well suited. But the highest quality welded joints are obtained when welding with UONI-13/55 and DSK-50 electrodes. But, the best results are obtained when welding with direct current with reverse polarity. At the same time, welding must be carried out at low currents, 40-50 A per millimeter of electrode diameter.

Automatic arc welding of these steel grades is performed using Sv-08GA or Sv-10GA welding wire under AN-348-A or OSTS-45 fluxes.

Metal structures made from steels 15HSND, 15GS, 14G2, 14G2AF, 16 G2AF can be welded at an ambient temperature of at least -10°C. If the ambient temperature is in the range from -10°C to -25°C, then preheating is necessary during welding. The heating width of the welding zone is 100-120 mm on both sides of the seam. Preheating temperature 100-150°C. At ambient temperatures lower than -25°C, welding of the above steels is not permissible.

Welding low-alloy steels 09G2S, 10G2S1, 10G2S1D

Assessment of the weldability of steel grades such as 09G2S, 10G2S1, 10G2S1D, etc. can be given a good one (see the table of weldability of steels), and this is due to the fact that they are not subject to hardening, are not prone to overheating and are resistant to the formation of hot and cold cracks in the weld and heat-affected zone. Welding of low-alloy structural steels of these grades can be performed either by manual or automatic arc welding.

For manual welding, electrodes of the E50A and E55A brands are well suited. For automatic welding, welding wire of the Sv-08GA, Sv-10GA or Sv-10G2 brands is used. To protect the welding zone, fluxes AN-348-A or OSTS-45 are used.

Welding of sheets made of steels 09G2S, 10G2S1, 10G2S1D, with a thickness of less than 40 mm, is carried out without cutting the edges. And, subject to the technology and welding conditions, the mechanical properties of the weld are almost as good as the mechanical properties of the base metal. The uniform strength of the weld is due to the transition of alloying elements from the electrode wire into the metal of the weld.

Welding chromium-silicon-manganese low-alloy steels 25KhGSA, 30KhGSA, 35KhGSA

Welding of low-alloy steels 25KhGSA, 30KhGSA, 35KhGSA, etc. complicated by the fact that they are prone to the formation of cracks during welding and the appearance of hardening structures. And the smaller the thickness of the welded edges, the higher the risk of the formation of hardening zones and the appearance of cracks in the weld metal and, especially, the heat-affected zone.

The tendency of these steels to weld defects is due to the increased carbon content in their composition (0.25% or more). Welding of these steels can be performed with welding wire Sv-08 or Sv08A, as well as electrodes of these brands.

For particularly important welds, it is recommended to use Sv-18KhGSA or Sv-18KhMA electrodes with the following types of protective coating: TsL-18-63, TsK18M, UONI-13/65, UONI-13/85, UONI-13/NZh.

When welding low-alloy chromium-silicon-manganese steels, depending on the thickness of the metal being welded, the following welding modes are recommended:

Source of the article: https://taina-svarki.ru/svarka-chernyh-metallov/svarka-nizkolegirovannnyh-staley.php

Preparation for welding

It is better to prepare the edges of joined parts made of high-alloy steels mechanically. However, plasma, electric arc, gas flux or air arc cutting is allowed. After fire methods, the edges must be processed with a mechanical tool to a depth of 3-5 mm.

It is necessary to remove a chamfer to obtain an edge bevel only mechanically. Outside and inside the edges are cleaned of scale and dirt to a width of 20 mm and degreased.

Then the shielding gas is dried, the electrode wire is cleaned of grease and dirt by etching or mechanically, followed by calcination.

The joints are assembled using fixtures or tacks. They must be placed evenly along the entire length of the joints at a distance of 75-125 mm from one another. The dimensions of the tacks are selected depending on the thickness of the metal and the geometry of the joint. Before welding, the tacks are cleaned to a metallic shine and checked for cracks and other defects. Tacks with unacceptable defects are removed mechanically.

Tacks cannot be installed where seams intersect.

Welding technology for steel 30KhGSA.


I really love building airplanes!
. and flying is even more interesting. /&


I really love building airplanes!
I love building airplanes!
Let's smile, friends, and get to work. shall we remain silent?


We invent absolutely everything!

Repair of the Yak-12R aircraft: https://ifolder.ru/12305833

Welding wire 18ХМА or 18ХМУА. In any case, avoid drafts. Immediately after welding, do not allow the weld to cool quickly (you can cover it with asbestos cloth or the like).


I love jumping from a normally flying plane.

Welding steel 30xgsa Post by Albert 57 » March 05, 2012, 09:22

Good day to all. I’m starting to build a frame and my own questions arise. Does everyone adhere to the technology of welding steel pipes of grade 30xgsa or do they weld without any problems? 30KhGSA is welded using all types of welding. Steel 30KhGSA has an increased tendency to crack formation during welding. To relieve internal stresses after welding, it is necessary to apply tempering. Structures that are heat treated after welding to a given strength are also subjected to tempering at 650 °C in the event of a long gap between welding and heat treatment. If there are a large number of seams on assemblies made of the specified steels, creating a rigid system (a large number of stiffeners, etc.), it is recommended to carry out intermediate high tempering after welding a certain number of seams. Structures made from heat-treated elements are tempered at a temperature 50 °C lower than the tempering temperature after hardening. Tempering at 250 °C with a holding period of at least 2 hours is allowed. Parts made of 30KhGSA steel with a thickness of more than 3 mm (welded in an annealed state), having seams with particularly rigid contours, are recommended to be welded with heating to a temperature of 250-350 °C to avoid the formation of cracks which must be maintained during the welding process. Heating can be either local or general, but it must be uniform along the entire perimeter of the weld and nearby areas for a width of at least 100 mm on both sides of the seam. In particularly complex welded assemblies, it is possible to use heating for steels 25KhGSA and 23Kh2NVFA. Steel 23Kh2NVFA is welded by resistance welding; satisfactory - arc welding of all types. After welding, the part must be tempered at 500 °C. Tempering of parts with complex configurations must be carried out immediately after welding.

Selecting mode parameters

Welding is carried out with direct current of reverse polarity, preferably in an environment of inert gases. It is advisable to choose welding wires similar in chemical composition to the base metal.

The welding mode must be observed so that the seam cools as quickly as possible.

Welding of high-alloy corrosion-resistant steels is possible in CO2, gas mixtures: Ar+CO2; Ar+O2. To obtain high-quality seams, wires with a high content of titanium and aluminum are used, for example: Sv-07Х18Н9ТУ, Sv-08Х20Н9С2БТУ

Approximate welding modes for steel type 18-8 in inert gases

Type of connection Size, mm Gas Welding current, A Arc voltage, V Electrode diameter, mm Electrode extension, mm Gas consumption, l/min
S b k
1,5-2 0+0,5 2-3 Ar 60-90 70-130 19-20 18-21 0,8 1-1,2 8-12 8-12 10-12 10-12
3-4 0+0,5 3-4 Ar 90-170 130-190 19-22 20-23 0,8-1 1,2-1,6 12-16 12-16 12-18 12-18
5-8 0+0,5 4-6 Ar Ar Not 160-300 230-300 160-300 20-25 22-26 24-30 1,2-1,6 1,6-2 1-1,6 16-20 16-20 10-16 18-20 18-20 40-60
12-25 0+1 Ar Ar Not 280-400 350-550 280 450 22-26 25-28 30-40 1,6-2 3-4 1,6-2 16-30 25-40 16-30 30-40 40-45 60-80

Approximate welding conditions for high-alloy steels in carbon dioxide

Compound Size, mm Welding current, A Arc voltage, V Electrode diameter, mm Electrode extension, mm Gas consumption, l/min
S b
1 1,5 2 3 0 0 0,5 0,5 25-60 35-80 45-100 70-120 16-17 16-17 16-18 18-20 0,5 0,5-0,6 0,6-0,8 0,8-1,2 6-8 6-8 6-10 8-10 5 5-6 6-8 7-9
4,5 6 8 0,5 1 1 110-180 150-260 170-280 20-24 26-30 26-30 1,2-1,6 1,6-2 1,6-2 10-12 12-14 12-14 8-14 14-18 14-18
10 1,5 240-400 27-34 2 12-18 16-24
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