Applying paint to aluminum products at home

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Aluminum, like some other non-ferrous metals, is quite difficult to paint well at home. The fact is that aluminum quickly oxidizes when interacting with ordinary air, and a coating forms on its surface, which practically does not interact in any way with traditional paints and varnishes - primer, paint, varnish. This means that if you do not follow the instructions for painting aluminum, the fresh paint will not last long and your aluminum product will need to be repainted. Typically, aluminum parts and products are painted under special conditions, using specialized equipment, and the process of anodizing precedes the painting of aluminum.

Anodizing is a process of chemical or electrochemical treatment of the surface of aluminum (or other non-ferrous metals) to prevent surface oxidation. Anodized aluminum can be easily painted in any color, because... The anodized surface has excellent adhesion (adhesion) to paint or primer.

So how and with what to paint aluminum with your own hands at home?

We offer you two options for painting aluminum:

1 With anodizing and aniline dye 2 Without anodizing, using a special primer and special zinc-aluminum metal paint

Of course, you will get the highest quality and durable result only after anodizing, but this is not easy to do at home, especially if you are painting something large - car rims, an aluminum boat, etc., so you can resort to a simpler option - preparing aluminum for painting with a primer “for aluminum, stainless steel and galvanized surfaces.”

Coloring methods

There are two main ways of painting aluminum products: with anodizing and aniline, and also without it, but using metal enamel and primer.
Thanks to these methods, you can paint aluminum products with your own hands right at home. If you have not encountered anodizing before, it is a chemical process that is performed to ensure that aluminum does not oxidize and the paint adheres normally to its surface. It is this procedure that guarantees the highest quality painting both at home and in industry. However, even without it you can achieve acceptable results if you follow all the instructions. After all, anodizing large objects with your own hands is a very, very difficult process.

Do-it-yourself anodizing

Painting aluminum surfaces using anodizing is done as follows. You will need:

  • for electrolyte solution - soda and salt;
  • aluminum dishes;
  • current source;
  • sandpaper;
  • aniline and vinegar;
  • degreaser.

First we need to make the electrolyte. To do this, you need to prepare solutions of salt and soda. To do this, you need to mix them in one vessel in a proportion of 9 parts salt to 1 part soda. Mixing must take place in a glass container!

We process the product to be painted with sandpaper and degrease its surface. After this, it should be dipped into water, being careful not to touch the surface of the profile with your hands. You need to pour an electrolyte solution into an aluminum dish and put the object to be painted in it. Next, connect the current source with the positive pole to the product, and the negative pole to the cookware. Let's leave it for 2 hours.

After this, you can proceed to painting with aniline dye. To prepare it, you need to add 1 ml of vinegar, 15 g to a liter of water. dye and heat about 75-80 degrees.

Next, we place the object to be painted in this solution for about a quarter of an hour. Now you know how to paint anodized aluminum.

Alternative technology

How to paint aluminum without anodizing at home? You will need:

  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • epoxy or acrylic paint for metal (aerosol is more suitable than standard powder paint if painting is done at home);
  • degreaser.

First you need to properly sand the product. Next, the profile should be degreased. After this, you need to start priming the profile surface as quickly as possible. After complete priming, you can begin applying paint. It is better to use an aerosol.

After painting, leave the profile to dry for 6 hours, after which its surface can be coated with an additional layer of varnish. This is exactly how painting aluminum at home ends up if you do it yourself.

But there is an even easier way to dye at home! To implement it, you just need to sand the product well and then degrease it. Afterwards you need to apply a special enamel paint on it. Be careful to follow all instructions on the enamel can exactly! The painting will be finished after drying.

Painting with powder paint

If you have the opportunity to use some production tools for painting, then an excellent option for you would be to give the aluminum a new color using powder paint.

This method of painting requires treating the part with a special solvent that will not leave previous layers of paint on the object. Next, a powder coloring agent is applied. This is done evenly and carefully so that the color is rich and permanent.

Immediately after applying powder paint, the part will not seem too perfect, but then the item must be placed in a special industrial heat chamber.

There, the part and the coloring powder are heated to a high temperature, due to which the powder begins to melt, uniformly coloring the surface to which it is applied.

This method of painting aluminum parts is the most durable and reliable, because this paint is of high quality. But carrying out a similar process at home is more than difficult.

Painting non-ferrous metal surfaces is a difficult process, but if you approach it competently, it can be easily accomplished even at home. The main thing is to follow the rules!

How to make sure it doesn't fall off

How to paint aluminum at home without peeling? There are three most optimal solutions. Each of these methods requires its own specific material or reagent.

With anodizing and aniline dye

The goal of the process is to create a special film on the surface of the metal, which will subsequently prevent its oxidation. However, before this, using chemicals, it is necessary to remove the thin top layer from the metal, that is, carry out the etching process. There is only one drawback in this method - without special equipment, only small parts or a small area near a large one can be processed.

For anodizing you will need:

  • Two containers. One should have an area larger than the part being processed, and the other will be needed for mixing, storage and subsequent distribution of the solution;
  • You also need to purchase chemical components for the solution, salt, soda and purified water;
  • Aniline based coloring pigment. If the substance is in powder form, then acetic acid is needed to dilute it;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Degreaser;
  • Car battery.

The goal of the process is to create a special film on the surface of the metal, which will subsequently prevent its oxidation.

How to paint aluminum using this method:

  1. Clean the part from dirt and dust. Remove old coating.
  2. Sand it, removing all irregularities.
  3. Degrease the surface. If there is no special product, you can replace it with gasoline.
  4. Wipe the part well and dry.
  5. Prepare a solution in two containers. Put salt in one, soda in the other. Maintain equal proportions, in which one part salt, soda and 5 parts water. Allow the elements to dissolve well. Next, by straining, pour both solutions into one container. Experts advise giving preference to aluminum utensils.
  6. Mix everything well and let stand.
  7. Take a kind of arc and attach the part to it.

The part should not touch the bottom. There should be no traces left on it from contact with the jumper.

The negative current source is connected directly to the container, and the positive one to the part. Anodizing time is from half an hour to two hours. The time parameter depends on the size of the part. During the anodizing process, the solution will darken. Its fumes are toxic, so the entire procedure must be carried out in a well-ventilated area. Next, the part is removed from the solution, immersed in clean water and boiled for another 30 minutes over low heat.

Subsequent painting of aluminum also occurs in stages. If aniline is selected in powder, then it is diluted with acetic acid at the rate: per liter of liquid you need 20 grams of paint and two milliliters of acid. The solution is heated to a temperature not higher than 80 and not lower than 75 degrees. Then the part is lowered into it and left for half an hour.

The part should not touch the bottom.

Without anodizing, using a special primer and special zinc-aluminum metal paint

Painting aluminum parts without preliminary etching does not guarantee the durability of the coating. However, this method is less expensive in terms of time and effort.

The integrity of silver metal is easily damaged when exposed to chemicals. Therefore, it is better to use special mixtures, having first tested them on a small area.

When using in the form of a spray, you need to remember that the surface of the product is pre-primed. All actions should be carried out step by step:

  1. First, the metal mold is polished.
  2. Next, the element is degreased and wiped dry. If gasoline or kerosene was used as a degreaser, then after that, the product is immersed in purified water for some time.
  3. Then the products are primed with a special composition. You need to spray paint on aluminum from a distance of at least 30 centimeters, while avoiding smudges.

After drying, the product is varnished. This method is less expensive both in terms of time and budget. However, they can only cover small parts or areas.

After drying, the product is varnished.

Powder coating of aluminum

How to paint a massive aluminum profile or large part? Powder paint. This method is optimal in this case. It involves special technological equipment. However, most materials can be purchased ready-made or made with your own hands. In essence, a mini production is being organized, which is unprofitable to organize if you only need to paint one part.

However, experts believe that powder paints are the future of paint and varnish materials, and the above requirements for the availability of special equipment slow down this fact. In addition to preparing the special surface on which painting will be carried out, the process itself can be divided into two stages.

The task of the first stage is to remove the old coating on the product using special compounds. Task number two is to coat the surface of the part with a new layer using powder dye.

But, not everything is so simple. The process is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to carry out a number of actions so that the new coating “takes root” and does not peel off several hours after painting, gives the product decorative properties and protects the surface.

To do this, the product with the coating applied to it must be heated well. This can only be done in a thermal chamber. This is necessary so that the powder paint melts completely and evenly covers the entire surface, protecting the metal layers.

It is necessary to carry out a number of actions in order for the new coating to “take root”.

Electrochemical painting method

It is better to paint aluminum using the electrochemical method, but it is not accessible to everyone and is quite labor-intensive. The process goes like this: first, electrochemical oxidation is performed, then a primer is applied, then paint. Before oxidation, the surface is chemically cleaned. After oxidation, a protective oxide film is obtained on top. To increase the resistance of such a film to corrosion, before priming, the part is placed in a chromium solution.

The oxidation process is performed electrochemically or chemically.

With the electrochemical method, the appearance of an oxide layer is achieved by passing current through an acidic electrolyte solution. And after that they are treated with chromium and covered with paint or varnish.

During chemical oxidation, aluminum is treated in special solutions of sodium bichromate, chromic anhydride, and potassium fluoride.

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At home, oxidation is quite difficult. It is necessary to have certain skills and strictly adhere to safety rules when working with chemicals.

After obtaining a layer of oxide by oxidation, you can begin painting the aluminum. To do this, purchase aniline dyes in the store - powders used for dyeing woolen fabrics. The aluminum part is placed in a hot (50-60°C) solution of aniline dye and kept there for no more than 20 minutes. After painting, the part is removed from the water, dried and coated with colorless varnish.

Where is the aluminum anodizing method used?

Anodized aluminum alloy parts are most commonly used in aircraft manufacturing, a number of architectural components, as well as consumer products (refrigerators, microwaves and grills), sporting goods (baseball bats, golf carts and equipment), etc.

The most well-known anodizing processes, such as sulfuric acid on aluminum, create a porous surface that easily accepts paint. The number of colors in paints is almost endless; however, the resulting colors tend to vary depending on the base of the alloys.

Painting aluminum at home

If you need to paint aluminum at home, you should follow all painting steps very clearly and consistently. An aluminum product must first be cleaned, then degreased and primed, and only then applied paint. The quality of the primer and paint is of great importance in this process. It is important to choose a good primer “for stainless steel, galvanized coatings and aluminum.” Special two-component epoxy/polyester paints can be used for painting. Use sandpaper to remove all old paint and white powder. Apply the first coat of primer as quickly as possible before the aluminum becomes dull. The oxidation process of aluminum in air occurs very quickly, so it is important to apply the first layer of primer as quickly as possible, before oxides form. After applying the first layer, wait the time specified in the manufacturer's instructions. When applying the second layer, there is no need to rush.

Even if the primer package says that no surface cleaning is required for its application, it is better to do so. Freshly cleaned aluminum will adhere better to paint. The sooner painting is done after mechanical cleaning, the better the adhesion.

Method 2

To paint aluminum at home you will need:

- primer for aluminum, stainless steel and galvanized coatings - fine sandpaper - acrylic or epoxy zinc-aluminum paint for metal - white spirit, acetone or kerosene for degreasing the surface

Instructions for painting aluminum without anodizing

1 Thoroughly sand the surface of your aluminum product with fine sandpaper.
The less grainy sandpaper you use, the better. Size 600, 800 or 1200 is suitable 2 Degrease the surface using white spirit, acetone or a special degreaser 3 After complete cleaning and degreasing, coat the surface with a primer for aluminum and stainless steel as quickly as possible. If you leave aluminum treated with sandpaper in the air for a long time, then after a short time it will begin to darken - this is the result of the oxidation process, and primer and paint do not adhere well to oxidized aluminum. This is why it is so important to apply the first coat of primer as soon as possible. A few minutes later, after the first layer of primer has dried, you need to apply a second layer of primer for better adhesion of the paint to your product 4 Let's move on to painting. How to paint aluminum treated with primer? To do this, you will need a special zinc-aluminum metal paint containing zinc and aluminum. It is best to use paint in an aerosol can, since when applying paint from an aerosol can, it goes on much more evenly and smoothly than when applied with a brush. Before you start painting, shake the can thoroughly; paint should be applied from a distance of 25-30 centimeters. Painting should be done from top to bottom to avoid drips. After the first coat of paint has dried (20-25 minutes is enough), apply the next coat of paint. As a rule, for good and high-quality painting of aluminum, 3-4 layers of paint are enough. 5 After painting is completed, let your aluminum product dry completely. This requires 4 - 6 hours 6 You can additionally coat the product with varnish, this will add depth to the color and additionally protect the painted surface from damage. If you have followed all the steps of the instructions exactly, the new paint on your aluminum product will last for many years and look like new !

How to paint aluminum yourself

The process of painting aluminum at home will not be easy. This is a complex event that requires compliance with all conditions. Even with minimal damage or scratches, the applied coating will easily peel off the metal. Only specialized paints and primers are used for aluminum. However, the anodizing process is most often still necessary.

There are various DIY painting methods. But we cannot say that the painting is carried out with very high quality, since the procedure must be carried out under appropriate conditions. This is explained by the properties of aluminum, which is easily oxidized by air.

The ideal painting method would be anodizing under special conditions and applying paint using professional equipment. It is in this case that the surface receives a high-quality and durable coating.

It will be no secret for any specialist who knows the properties of aluminum that there are 3 ways to paint it without specialized equipment. But you still can’t do it without special devices or reagents. Using regular paint and primer will get you nowhere. Only these three methods are effective:

  • Powder painting;
  • Anodizing or using aniline dyes;
  • Use special primers or enamels, having previously degreased the surfaces. This method is also called “painting without anodizing.”

Varieties of suitable paints for painting

There are four types of aluminum paints that meet the requirements to varying degrees. Coatings have their pros and cons, so when choosing, you should take into account the purpose of the part to be painted.


The main area of ​​application of aniline dyes is the textile industry. They are available in powder and liquid form.

Aniline is a toxic substance, but after drying the product is safe for health.


Resins form the strongest compounds.

Durable epoxy paints typically consist of two components—a base compound and a volatile hardener.


The paint base is a polymer that adheres firmly to the surface.

Aerosol paints are easy to use. The sprayer can be used to paint hard-to-reach corners and small elements. Acrylic paints are also more varied in color. White compositions can be colored.


Another advantage of powder coating is the absence of toxic emissions from the composition or solvent, more economical consumption. Most often, to fix the dye, parts are subjected to heat treatment in a special heat installation, so the technology cannot be reproduced at home.

Powder coating

Powder painting of aluminum involves treating the metal surface with special chemical compounds, and then applying a layer of powder paint. The part is then treated with high temperature, causing the dye to melt, ensuring the strength and durability of the polymer layer. The advantage is a wide range of colors, i.e. you can create a golden color or chrome without any problems. Defects that arise can be easily removed with a special coloring pencil. The widespread use of the method eliminates the need for specific equipment.

Powder painting is carried out in two stages. The first is the use of special solvents to remove previous layers. The second is treatment with a coloring composition. If everything was limited to this, then there would be no difficulties.

However, in order for painted, for example, alloy wheels or profiles to acquire the required attractiveness and be reliably protected, their surface must be additionally heated. This can be done using a thermal camera. In it, prepared surfaces are treated at high temperatures so that the applied powder paint spreads in an even, durable layer.

It is not always possible to use powder coating of aluminum. The price of specialist help can also be considerable. Therefore, for self-processing, you can use other staining methods.


This method involves applying a protective layer using the galvanic method. The most durable coating is obtained using this method. Most often, other methods achieve only temporary results.

Anodizing is a process of improving the appearance and providing protection against oxidation. Upon completion of the procedure, the metal can be painted with the necessary material, for example, aniline paint.

To work you will need the following:

  • Salt, soda - to prepare the electrolyte.
  • Aluminum cookware.
  • Current source.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Vinegar.
  • Aniline.
  • Degreasing agent.

This electrochemical method requires strict adherence to operating technology. It looks like this step by step:

  1. To begin, prepare your own electrolyte solution from salt and soda. The required volume of water to fully accommodate the workpiece should be determined in advance.
  2. The water is divided into 2 equal portions, from which a solution with soda and salt is prepared separately. Then they are mixed. The percentage should be approximately: 9 parts salt to 1 part baking soda. Mix in a glass container.
  3. After this, the part must be thoroughly sanded and degreased (for example, with acetone).
  4. Immersed in water. It is advisable not to touch the prepared surface. Then the workpiece is placed in an aluminum vessel with a solution.
  5. The current source is connected. “Plus” - for the part, “minus” - for the dishes. The power source can be a 12 V car battery with a current of 2 A. The current density should be based on a calculation of approximately 15 mA per 1 cm2.
  6. It remains turned on for about two hours, or rather, until the solution turns grayish-bluish.

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Upon completion of the process, aniline dye should be prepared with water and acetic acid. The proportions are as follows: for 1 liter of water add 1 ml of vinegar and 15 grams of paint. The composition must be heated to 75 – 80°C. This solution must be poured into a vessel with an anodized element. Many automotive and other parts often need to be painted black or other colors. This can be done quickly and cheaply in a similar way.

This method, despite its apparent complexity, is the simplest and least expensive of all. It has gained well-deserved popularity, as it allows you to obtain the most durable, water-resistant surface on such a finicky material.

Special primers and enamels

In order not to use the anodizing method, but not to reduce the quality of the created surface, you can use a special primer that provides high adhesion. To do this, the following tools and materials are needed:

  • Painting equipment - brushes or sprayers.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Special alkyd primer.
  • Suitable paint for aluminum.
  • Degreasers – acetone, white spirit, kerosene.

This staining method requires some preparation. To find special dyes and primers for painting aluminum elements (bumpers, boats or corrugated sheets), you will have to study the assortment of more than one hardware store. The dye is worth buying epoxy or acrylic. For home processing, it is better to choose an aerosol than a powder dye. However, searching and purchasing materials is one of the initial stages of processing. Alternative painting of aluminum involves performing the following operations:

  1. Surface treatment with sandpaper. You should get a uniform matte surface. It is optimal to use sandpaper with 1200 grit.
  2. Removing dust and dirt.
  3. Degreasing with special compounds.
  4. Treatment with a special primer. Moreover, it is necessary to complete priming after the degreasing effect ends.
  5. Uniform application of paint from a can onto a primed surface. Apply in 2-3 layers with a short interval necessary for the previous one to dry.
  6. Drying of the part within 6 hours.
  7. Applying protective varnish to the dry surface.
  8. If necessary, polish the finished surface.

You can use a less complex version if you have a grinding machine. After careful sanding, the surface is quickly treated with special enamel. In this case, you must strictly follow the instructions for using the coloring composition. If you have the necessary materials and tools, then this method is very simple.

To carry out all the activities with your own hands, you need to tune in to quickly carry out all stages, acquire basic knowledge of chemistry and reactions, as well as available tools. To study the process in detail, you can use the video provided and study the photos, which explain all the nuances of the procedure. In this case, high-quality painting will not be difficult.

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What is aluminum anodizing

The process of painting aluminum at home will not be easy. This is a complex event that requires compliance with all conditions. Even with minimal damage or scratches, the applied coating will easily peel off the metal. Only specialized paints and primers are used for aluminum. However, the anodizing process is most often still necessary.

There are various DIY painting methods. But we cannot say that the painting is carried out with very high quality, since the procedure must be carried out under appropriate conditions. This is explained by the properties of aluminum, which is easily oxidized by air.

The ideal painting method would be anodizing under special conditions and applying paint using professional equipment. It is in this case that the surface receives a high-quality and durable coating.

Tips and Cautions

How to paint aluminum correctly so that it does not peel off:

  • Metal that has been sanded must not be left in the open air. The reaction with oxygen will cause the part to oxidize, and the primer will not be taken. The work will have to start again. Therefore, after sanding and degreasing, you need to immediately start priming;
  • if the spray bottle is clogged, you need to shake the bottle and spray paint on the rough surface until the layer lies evenly;
  • suitable sandpaper fraction for sanding is 600, 800 and 1200;
  • the aluminum window profile is sanded with 500-grit sandpaper, primed and painted using a spray gun, and the glass is first wiped with alcohol and covered with masking tape over plastic film;
  • Automotive aerosol paint is suitable for painting aluminum profiles in sliding furniture;
  • The old coating from an aluminum boat is removed with a grinding machine or a remover; it can be painted with a roller or spray gun. It is better to use epoxy compounds to paint the bottom;
  • The specialized paint Hammerite has proven itself well. This is a durable anti-corrosion coating that is applied to rust without priming. But it requires a solvent from the same manufacturer, which is difficult to find on sale.

Safety precautions for home painting aluminum:

  • work in a ventilated area;
  • Before painting, carry out wet cleaning so that dust does not settle on the parts and does not mix with the paint;
  • Do not paint near heat sources - near a radiator, stove, or in direct sunlight;
  • remove chemicals, gasoline cans, medical solutions, and household chemicals from the work area;
  • Use lamps for lighting.

When working with powder dye, you need to wear protective clothing:

  • thick medical gown;
  • gas mask or respirator with safety glasses;
  • gloves.

During painting, it is important to maintain cleanliness: thoroughly clean the surface of dust after sanding, avoid drips and drops of paint, and when working in a garage or shed, ensure that midges do not get into the composition. The coating on a flat surface lasts longer.

Coloring methods

It will be no secret for any specialist who knows the properties of aluminum that there are 3 ways to paint it without specialized equipment. But you still can’t do it without special devices or reagents. Using regular paint and primer will get you nowhere. Only these three methods are effective:

  • Powder painting;
  • Anodizing or using aniline dyes;
  • Use special primers or enamels, having previously degreased the surfaces. This method is also called “painting without anodizing.”

Powder coating

Powder painting of aluminum involves treating the metal surface with special chemical compounds, and then applying a layer of powder paint. The part is then treated with high temperature, causing the dye to melt, ensuring the strength and durability of the polymer layer. The advantage is a wide range of colors, i.e. you can create a golden color or chrome without any problems. Defects that arise can be easily removed with a special coloring pencil. The widespread use of the method eliminates the need for specific equipment.

Powder painting is carried out in two stages. The first is the use of special solvents to remove previous layers. The second is treatment with a coloring composition. If everything was limited to this, then there would be no difficulties.

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However, in order for painted, for example, alloy wheels or profiles to acquire the required attractiveness and be reliably protected, their surface must be additionally heated. This can be done using a thermal camera. In it, prepared surfaces are treated at high temperatures so that the applied powder paint spreads in an even, durable layer.

It is not always possible to use powder coating of aluminum. The price of specialist help can also be considerable. Therefore, for self-processing, you can use other staining methods.

Features of the material

An oxide film forms on the surface of aluminum, like any metal. On aluminum it has the following features:

  • the surface is covered with a thicker layer than on other metals, regardless of the processing method and environmental conditions;
  • the film prevents moisture from reaching the surface, so water-based paints do not adhere to aluminum;
  • oil paint also peels off - slower from smooth parts, faster from shaped parts.

Surface particles of the material come into contact with oxygen from the atmosphere. As a result, aluminum oxide is formed, covering the product with a dense layer. The metal appears to be dusted with white dust and is slightly rough to the touch.


This method involves applying a protective layer using the galvanic method. The most durable coating is obtained using this method. Most often, other methods achieve only temporary results.

Anodizing is a process of improving the appearance and providing protection against oxidation. Upon completion of the procedure, the metal can be painted with the necessary material, for example, aniline paint.

To work you will need the following:

  • Salt, soda - to prepare the electrolyte.
  • Aluminum cookware.
  • Current source.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Vinegar.
  • Aniline.
  • Degreasing agent.

This electrochemical method requires strict adherence to operating technology. It looks like this step by step:

  1. To begin, prepare your own electrolyte solution from salt and soda. The required volume of water to fully accommodate the workpiece should be determined in advance.
  2. The water is divided into 2 equal portions, from which a solution with soda and salt is prepared separately. Then they are mixed. The percentage should be approximately: 9 parts salt to 1 part baking soda. Mix in a glass container.
  3. After this, the part must be thoroughly sanded and degreased (for example, with acetone).
  4. Immersed in water. It is advisable not to touch the prepared surface. Then the workpiece is placed in an aluminum vessel with a solution.
  5. The current source is connected. “Plus” - for the part, “minus” - for the dishes. The power source can be a 12 V car battery with a current of 2 A. The current density should be based on the calculation of approximately 15 mA per 1 cm 2.
  6. It remains turned on for about two hours, or rather, until the solution turns grayish-bluish.

Upon completion of the process, aniline dye should be prepared with water and acetic acid. The proportions are as follows: for 1 liter of water add 1 ml of vinegar and 15 grams of paint. The composition must be heated to 75 – 80°C. This solution must be poured into a vessel with an anodized element. Many automotive and other parts often need to be painted black or other colors. This can be done quickly and cheaply in a similar way.

This method, despite its apparent complexity, is the simplest and least expensive of all. It has gained well-deserved popularity, as it allows you to obtain the most durable, water-resistant surface on such a finicky material.

Dyes for aluminum in different colors

Anyone who has at least once tried to paint aluminum knows that this process is not easy. The fact is that paints applied using the usual method do not adhere well to this material, and then during use they begin to peel off. To paint aluminum, it is necessary to use special technologies that allow the paint layer to adhere well and serve for a long time.

Aluminum is highly chemically reactive; in the open air, products made from this metal are covered with a protective oxide film.

Industrial enterprises use two methods for painting aluminum:

  • Polymer (powder) painting
  • Anodizing
  • Aluminum painting without anodizing

Powder coating of aluminum:

Here the surface of the aluminum is treated with a special chemical and only then a layer of paint, which is in powder, is applied.

Then the product is placed in a special heat chamber and, under the influence of high temperature, the powder paint melts and the result is a durable layer of polymer coating.

Using this method it is possible to obtain a very wide range of different colors for painting aluminum coatings. If defects arise during further work, they can be eliminated using a special coloring pencil, which helps hide scratches on painted aluminum.

Aluminum anodizing:

With this method, a protective layer is applied to aluminum using the galvanic method.

Anodizing is a process that aims to improve the appearance of the metal and protect it from oxidation. After such procedures, the metal surface acquires a gray tint, and after this the product can be painted with any suitable paint.

To begin, prepare two high-concentration solutions - from baking soda and from table salt. The substances are dissolved in water for at least half an hour, stirring occasionally, then the solutions are left to settle for 15 minutes and filtered.

The anodizing process itself lasts about an hour and a half, and the part should acquire a grayish-blue coating.

After this, the part can be left in its current state or painted with a solution of aniline dye. To prepare a solution per liter of water heated to 60-80 degrees, take 1 ml of acetic acid and 15 grams of dye. The part is placed in the solution and left for 10-15 minutes. Depending on the duration of exposure, the color saturation changes.

Painting aluminum without anodizing:

To paint using this method you will need: metal primer, sandpaper, degreasing solvent, metal paint.

To begin with, the surface of the aluminum part is treated with fine-grained emery cloth. It is better not to use coarse sandpaper, since aluminum is a rather fragile metal and its surface can be easily damaged. If you do not treat the metal surface with sandpaper at all, the paint will not adhere well to the surface. Sanding with sandpaper creates microcracks and thereby promotes deep penetration of paint into the metal.

Using a solvent or acetone, treat the surface of the product for degreasing. Solvents not only remove dirt and greasy marks that make paint difficult to adhere to, but also improve adhesion.

to apply paint to aluminum to protect it from corrosion, since it is not afraid of rust.

Technical consultation

Rhodamine CRhodamine JINDIGO dyeBlack for aluminum
Disperse black KDispersed red 2CAniline yellowBright blue anthrachin
Green KRed FYellow KDeep black for aluminum
Dispersed scarlet FDisperse redYellow 2KCation blue
Straight orangeAlcohol soluble blueBright yellowBright green
Yellow 3Zh for aluminumYellowBrown fat solubleNigrosin
MasterbatchesActive brown FActive orangeDisperse blue
Disperse violet 2CAcid blackgreenorange 2G
alizarin redCubic bright blueDispersed brownred
blue-greenpurple 2Cpurple KFor aluminum yellow
orangeFat soluble yellowgreen anthraquinonered
Dark redpurple anthraquinoneAcid yellowOrange 2ZH
Alcohol-soluble nigrosineScarlet 2.4ZhTRuby CBlack 4CT
Organic acid blue dye KDye chrome bright red 2Ccationic blue dyemagenta dye
methyl violet dyealizarin red dyeorganic methyl blue dyeDiamond dye
dark red dye FIndulin fat-solublesynthetic dyesdirect dyes
acid dyesactive dyesyellow lightfast brandscarlet F
scarlet concentratedactive turquoise dye 2 “Z” Tscarlet pigment TPgreen pigment TP
pigment black TPdirect yellow lightfast dye “Z” Xdirect yellow dye Kdirect dye bright orange
direct scarlet dye Fdye direct pink lightfast Cdirect red-violet lightfast dye 2KMdirect ruby ​​lightfast dye
direct lightfast burgundy dye SMdirect lightfast burgundy dye 4ZhMdirect brown lightfast dye 2KHdirect black dye 2C
direct green dye 2Cdirect dye dark green 2Cdirect olive dyedirect turquoise dye SV-K
direct blue dye KUdirect blue lightfast dye KUacid red dye 2Cacid scarlet dye
acid green dye 4Zhacid blue dye 2Kacid black dye 2CHdark brown acid dye KMSh
chrome black dye Nchrome brown dye Kchrome blue dye 2Kdye sovelan yellow M
dye sovelan orange Mdye sovelan red Mdye sovelan burgundy Mdye sovelan blue M
dye sovelan violet Mdye sovelan black Mdark brown dye Mdye red-brown M
olive dyedye sovelan gray Mdispersed yellow dye 4 “Z” dispersed yellow dye Kdisperse dye orange F
disperse scarlet dye 2 Fpink disperse dye 2Cdispersed red dye Fdisperse red dye 2C
dispersed ruby ​​dye Fruby disperse dye 4Zhdisperse dye dark blue 2Kdispersed dark blue dye “Z”
disperse dye yellow-brown 2Gdispersed dye red-brown Fdisperse dye dark green 2Gdispersed dye black 2K
dispersed dye black Cactive yellow dye 2KTactive dye bright orange 4KTactive orange dye ZhT
active red dye ZhTactive dye red-violet 2KTactive dye red-brown 2KTactive black dye 4CT
active dye bright red 5СХfat-soluble yellow dyefat-soluble yellow durable dye 2 “Z”fat-soluble dye golden yellow
fat-soluble red dye Cfat-soluble orange dyefat-soluble dark red dye Ffat-soluble dark red dye 5C
fat-soluble brown dyeoligomeric yellow dyescarlet pigment 2Cphthalocyanine blue pigment
yellow transparent pigment 2 “Z”pigment yellow 4Kgreen pigment grade Bgolden yellow pigment durable
green pigment “O”red pigment “F”pigment red 5 “C”pigment orange F
orange pigment K, burgundy varnish SKred reinforced concrete varnishbasic green varnishbasic green varnish 5G
base red varnish 4Cbase blue varnish Kbase varnish violet 2Cruby varnish SK
ruby varnish 3SKhot pink nail polishyellow pigment 4 “Z”yellow lightfast pigment 2 “Z” T
Pwhite pigment TPemerald pigment Cbright red pigment 2 “C”
pigment black softwarebright green pigmentyellow pigment 12 “Z”

For questions regarding purchasing Dyes for aluminum in different colors and receiving detailed advice on product properties, delivery conditions and concluding a contract, please contact our managers:

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Special primers and enamels

In order not to use the anodizing method, but not to reduce the quality of the created surface, you can use a special primer that provides high adhesion. To do this, the following tools and materials are needed:

  • Painting equipment - brushes or sprayers.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Special alkyd primer.
  • Suitable paint for aluminum.
  • Degreasers – acetone, white spirit, kerosene.

This staining method requires some preparation. To find special dyes and primers for painting aluminum elements (bumpers, boats or corrugated sheets), you will have to study the assortment of more than one hardware store. The dye is worth buying epoxy or acrylic. For home processing, it is better to choose an aerosol than a powder dye. However, searching and purchasing materials is one of the initial stages of processing. Alternative painting of aluminum involves performing the following operations:

  1. Surface treatment with sandpaper. You should get a uniform matte surface. It is optimal to use sandpaper with 1200 grit.
  2. Removing dust and dirt.
  3. Degreasing with special compounds.
  4. Treatment with a special primer. Moreover, it is necessary to complete priming after the degreasing effect ends.
  5. Uniform application of paint from a can onto a primed surface. Apply in 2-3 layers with a short interval necessary for the previous one to dry.
  6. Drying of the part within 6 hours.
  7. Applying protective varnish to the dry surface.
  8. If necessary, polish the finished surface.

You can use a less complex version if you have a grinding machine. After careful sanding, the surface is quickly treated with special enamel. In this case, you must strictly follow the instructions for using the coloring composition. If you have the necessary materials and tools, then this method is very simple.

To carry out all the activities with your own hands, you need to tune in to quickly carry out all stages, acquire basic knowledge of chemistry and reactions, as well as available tools. To study the process in detail, you can use the video provided and study the photos, which explain all the nuances of the procedure. In this case, high-quality painting will not be difficult.

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