Sewerage in a country wooden house - design, types, installation

For many, a country house is the embodiment of comfort and coziness, a place where they live for pleasure. For this to be the case, it is important to take care of all the points at the design and construction stages. Proper electrical wiring, water supply, ventilation and sewerage. A locker-type toilet does not contribute to comfort in a country home; the bathtub, shower room and kitchen are equipped with drains to remove wastewater. But how to make a sewer system in a wooden house outside the city, where city communications are not available?

  • Types of autonomous sewers
  • What determines the cost of sewerage in a country house?
  • Installation - rules, technology


  • Components of the sewer system
  • Choosing sewer pipes
  • Interior of the sewer
  • External sewage system of a wooden house
  • cesspool
  • Septic tank
  • Deep biological treatment stations
  • Sewage installation for your country house
  • Video on sewerage in a wooden house

Sewage in a wooden house is often autonomous, and you have to arrange it yourself. To do this, you need to know all the intricacies of placing communications both inside and outside the house. You also need to think in advance where the waste collection site will be and how it will be disposed of.

How to insulate sewer pipes

Sewer pipes must be insulated in almost all cases. Such an investment will pay off in any case, even at the stage of laying the pipeline: the depth of the trench in this case can be reduced. There are three basic schemes for pipe insulation:

  1. Natural.
  2. Using thermal insulation materials.
  3. Using electric heating.

The natural heating method is the simplest. To implement it, it is enough to bury the pipes at a great depth so that the layer of soil located above the pipeline protects it from exposure to low temperatures. This method is well suited for warm regions, but in colder conditions you will have to use others. The most common and effective way to insulate pipes is to use thermal insulation. Thermal insulation, in turn, can be used in two ways:

  1. Rolled
    . This method involves wrapping material around a sewer pipe.
  2. Formovym
    . For insulation, special molds of the appropriate diameter are used.

In very harsh conditions, when even thermal insulation materials cannot cope with the task, the heating problem can be solved with the help of electric heating. For this, a special cable is used, which is laid along the entire highway. Some models of sewer pipes are made with a cable, which eliminates the need to install it yourself.

Components of the sewer system

The sewerage diagram shows the placement of all the constituent elements of the sewerage system. In total, there are three main groups of parts.

Components of the sewer system:

  1. The internal structure is represented by pipes and plumbing fixtures.
  2. The external outlet of wastewater is represented by communications that ensure delivery of waste to the processing site.
  3. Septic tanks and other treatment systems. They can simply accumulate waste or recycle it.

The choice of each element depends on the characteristics of the site itself. Communications must meet certain requirements. Much depends on the volume of operation of the structures.

Norms, standards and requirements for organizing a sewer system

Since wastewater moves from the house to the septic tank by gravity, it is important to lay the pipes at a certain angle to avoid stagnation. Typically the slope is from 2 to 3 cm per meter of pipeline, but not less than 1.5 cm

It is also important to choose the correct diameter, which depends on the type of pipe and the number of devices connected to the cleaning system. Recommendations for choosing the diameter:

Recommendations for choosing the diameter:

  • To connect a washbasin or bidet – Ø32-40 mm,
  • To connect a sink or bath – Ø from 50 mm and more,
  • For a riser or when connecting several elements of sanitary equipment at once - from 70-85 mm in diameter,
  • For connecting a toilet or for installation as a drain pipe, riser – Ø100 mm or more.

Important! In an unheated room or outside, installing a sewerage system yourself necessarily involves protecting pipes from overheating and freezing. In order to maintain a constant temperature in the range +5-+45C, the pipes are usually covered with mineral wool or other types of thermal insulation

As for the angle of inclination, the angle of change in the direction of laying the pipeline should be more than 90°, but those pipes with which various plumbing fixtures are connected to the riser are fixed at an angle of 45° or less.

Choosing sewer pipes

It is important to understand how to make a sewer system in a wooden house yourself, even if the work is performed by professionals. You can choose the material yourself. And orientation in all processes will help control the installation of wastewater disposal systems.

It is best to use plastic pipes for sewerage. The optimal diameter for risers is 110 mm, and for bends - 50 mm. External sewerage can be made of eurocast iron. Popular use of products made from domestic materials.

Plastic pipes for external sewerage are also popular, but their characteristics have distinctive features from those for internal drainage.

Features of different materials:

  1. Cast iron. Able to withstand significant loads and last a long time. But the material is heavy and fragile. During operation, corrosion and roughness are formed, which negatively affects the permeability of the pipes.
  2. Polypropylene. Has no disadvantages. Among the advantages are flexibility, lightness and stability.
  3. Polyvinyl chloride. The material will last a long time. It is quite durable, lightweight and affordable. But there is no resistance to high temperatures.

Eurocast iron has undeniable advantages. This is a sustainable, durable and environmentally friendly material. Pipes are installed using clamps. Be sure to use rubber gaskets, and the joints are tightened together with bolts.

Domestic cast iron is not inferior in quality to European analogues. But there are slight differences in the assembly. To connect them, the socket method is used. The communications are inserted into each other and then sealed with a bundle.

Plastic pipes for external and internal sewerage differ in color. For the street, bright shades are used for communications so that they can be noticed during excavation. The pipes are also more durable so that they can withstand internal and external pressure.

What to consider when installing sewerage in a timber house

Finally, the decision has been made. The first step towards its implementation is the development of a design for a sewer system in a house made of timber. Everything needs to be carefully thought out, taking into account the characteristics of your house and the prospects for its redevelopment and expansion. Make detailed calculations regarding sewerage, based on many factors, design and financial capabilities.

The most important factor influencing the design is the volume of water that will likely be used by the occupants of the home. This indicator is calculated taking into account the number of water intake points and the total number of users of plumbing fixtures. The list of plumbing fixtures includes not only bathtubs, sinks, toilets, showers, but also dishwashers and washing machines, swimming pools, etc. It is important to take into account the type and number of devices that collect water and form drains, and correctly position these devices, taking into account the requirements for the design of sewer systems.

Another factor that needs to be given serious attention is where the wastewater collection area will be located on your property or where the septic tank will be located. It is advisable to highlight this zone at the stage of developing a country house project.

It is imperative to take into account existing sanitary standards and rules and understand that septic tanks (or a cesspool) must be located at a certain distance from residential buildings, roads, etc. so that they do not cause harm to your health and are not damaged. If you place a septic tank in an irrationally chosen place, it will no longer be possible to move it anywhere, since this is due to its connection to sewer pipes and sanitary areas. Therefore, take your time and think carefully about everything in advance.

When choosing a material for sewerage in a house made of timber, builders often give preference to plastic pipes, abandoning cast iron ones. Despite the fact that cast iron pipes are stronger and more durable, they are significantly more expensive and heavier. In addition, over time, metal corrosion occurs inside them, the rate of development of which is related to the quality of the discharged water. As a result, the inside of the drain pipes becomes rough, which increases the risk of clogging.

Practice has shown that the use of pipes made of polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride is much more rational. They are quite durable (especially polypropylene pipes), reliable and easy to use. In addition, these pipes are significantly cheaper, and everyone can install them and, if necessary, repair them themselves.

Please note that the pipes used for external and internal work are of different types. The reason lies in the different operating conditions. Let's say, pipes located outside the building, passing underground, carry heavy loads from the layer of earth pressing on them. In addition, during the winter they are exposed to very low temperatures. Accordingly, their strength should be higher. External pipes are orange in color (as opposed to white and gray indoor pipes). This makes it easier to detect them in the ground if dismantling or repair work is necessary.

Pipes for external use must be installed below the freezing depth of the soil. There are specially calculated indicators for Russia depending on the region. On average, pipes are laid no higher than 70 cm and lower than 2-3 meters from the ground surface.

It would be better if they were additionally insulated. For these purposes, there are heat-insulating materials and, as an option, thermal cables. Types of thermal insulation for sewer pipes: rolled and molded. If your choice is made in favor of using a thermal cable, you have the opportunity to buy pipes with a cable already built into the design.

Interior of the sewer

The main thing is to take care of the close location of all communications horizontally and vertically. This reduces the length of the pipes, which will allow wastewater to be discharged faster. You also need to take care of your convenience.

Internal sewerage communications:

  • Bathroom, sink, toilet and other plumbing fixtures;
  • Communication outlets;
  • Risers;
  • Ventilation tube.

The diameter of pipes for internal sewerage is usually 40-50 mm. Only the toilet requires a size of 110 mm. All pipes are connected to a common riser. You can use tees for connections. It is recommended to install inspections at each bend of communications. This will allow you to quickly deal with any blockage.

Pipes indoors can be hidden in walls, niches or special boxes.

It is imperative to provide for the installation of water seals. The installation of the ventilation pipe is also important. It not only removes unpleasant odors, but also increases the service life of the entire system. Combining fan communication with other house hoods is prohibited.

How to install a sewer system in a timber house

To properly install sewerage in a country house, you need to provide:

  • number of floors;
  • number of people using water;
  • plan of each floor;
  • depth and layout of the basement;
  • depth of the septic tank.

If your summer cottage has a flat topography, there are no third-party communications, there is no basement, the sewer system can be carried out by gravity. If, against the background of a height difference, there are already installed systems or the discharge must be carried out from low-lying rooms, the organization of sewerage in a house made of timber will require the installation of additional forced pressure pumps.

In the absence of a basement or attic, installation of sewerage for a one-story house is carried out according to the simplest scheme. It looks like this:

  • a bathroom with a kitchen and a bath, often attached to a common wall. A vertical riser adjoins the bathroom;
  • from the farthest point of the spillway to the riser, the main line runs downhill;
  • plumbing fixtures are connected sequentially to the main branch using the “siphon to tee” principle;
  • the main pipeline together with the toilet is built into the riser cross;
  • toilet (bathroom) communications are built into the main highway.

With such a sewerage layout in a country house, there should be no problems during operation for a long time: the drains move by gravity, the angles of inclination are adjusted, the height of the auxiliary main is minimal. Additional installation of bathrooms and toilets on one floor makes living more comfortable, but also increases the load on sewer lines. To solve the problem of ensuring efficient drainage, additional risers are installed from pipe sections with the ability to diagnose the condition of communications and their timely maintenance.

If a house has several floors, this will certainly be accompanied by the installation of additional toilets and bathrooms, and the complexity of installing communications increases.

In accordance with current SNiPs, premises with similar functional purposes should be located one above the other. Therefore, the toilet room on the 2nd floor should be located directly above the toilet on the 1st floor. The risers increase in length, while their upper part continues into a fan pipe, rising one and a half meters above the roof. The fan part of the pipe is sometimes replaced with an analogue in the form of a vacuum valve that completes the riser of the 2nd floor or attic. In general, the layout of the second floor sewer lines in a timber house follows the structure of the previous floor.

Where the risers pass through the floor slabs, compensators are installed, which insure in the event of a linear increase or decrease in pipe parameters. The clamps used to fix the riser to the wall are mounted taking into account the possibility of moving the risers in a vertical plane. At the bottom of the riser, an outlet is installed to allow communication to enter the external system.

From the room in which plumbing fixtures are installed, located at a level below the septic tank, it will not be possible to remove wastewater by gravity into the sewer system. In this situation, fecal pumps must be included in the scheme. They are installed directly after plumbing fixtures (sometimes after tees that combine drains from several fixtures). If there are no plumbing fixtures installed at a level below the septic tank, but there are elevation differences, as well as other pipelines that need to be bypassed by an external pipeline, it is advisable to install a collector near the country house. Then wastewater will flow into it by gravity, and then it will be pumped into the treatment tank by pumps.

Forced-type sewerage is energy-independent, more expensive in price, with a greater risk of system breakdowns. You can try to save money by replacing pipes with a diameter of 100 mm with pipes of a smaller diameter - 50 mm; the external sewerage trench can be laid without taking into account the horizontal slope.

External sewage system of a wooden house

When considering how to install a sewer system in a wooden house, many questions relate to the external arrangement. The main requirement for external sewerage pipes is compliance with the slope. The indicator depends on the diameter of communications. Usually it fluctuates around 2-3 degrees. The effluent will eventually end up in a filtration or storage facility. This can be a septic tank, a cesspool and a biological treatment station.

External sewer network

Laying external pipes begins with preparing the trench. To do this, you need to choose areas with untouched land. Over time, the soil will begin to sag. To avoid this, it is recommended to compact the bottom of the trench with a layer of sand.

To maintain the straightness of the laid pipelines, it is necessary to make small excavations at the points of their connection.

The depth of the pipes is important. In places with deep freezing of the soil, it is advisable to lay the pipeline to a depth of more than 70 cm. If the pipes are laid shallow, they must be insulated. There is a high probability that in winter, when there is frost, they will freeze very much and become clogged with ice.

Any external sewage system in a village house requires placing pipes in a trench at a slope. This ensures the necessary gravity flow of wastewater towards the tank for storage and purification.

It is recommended to avoid turns and bends in the pipeline to avoid blockages. If there are bends, then a well must be installed under each of them for convenient access to the treatment system.


The simplest storage tank is a cesspool. It's just a well with walls but no bottom. Concrete rings or bricks are used to construct the walls. This is a simple design and does not require cash injections. But there are many more disadvantages of capacity.

Disadvantages of a cesspool:

  1. It is impossible to properly clean the drains. The waste can end up in the ground and contaminate drinking water sources.
  2. It will be necessary to make a large hole, since a large amount of waste is discharged.
  3. The container must be pumped out periodically.

A cesspool is considered an outdated option for collecting wastewater. She doesn't perform her functions well. It can be installed in a summer cottage where people come only on weekends.

Which sewerage system to choose for a timber house

There are two types of sewer systems: local and external. In an external sewer system, waste removed from the house is fed into the main line. Local sewerage requires the creation of an individual project and must be adapted to the conditions of a particular home. Waste disposal occurs within the system.

The most budget-friendly and technically simplest option for organizing a sewer system in a house made of timber is to dig a cesspool. Waste along with water will flow into it through pipes. All drained suspensions and impurities will remain here. Over time, the water will leave the hole, seeping through the soil layer. A filled pit requires periodic cleaning.

Some disadvantages of a cesspool:

  • accident risk;
  • contributes to site contamination;
  • over time, an unpleasant odor may appear over its area;
  • if there is an artesian well or well nearby, digging a cesspool is unacceptable;
  • fills up quickly;
  • the need to provide access for special equipment involved in cleaning such containers.

Another type of sewer tank for collecting wastewater is a storage tank. In summer cottages this solution is often used. In this case, household waste flows through external pipes into a sealed tank.

Positive aspects of storage tanks:

  • no contamination of the site;
  • possibility of hidden installation;
  • the container is not damaged, does not react to temperature changes or chemical influences;
  • ease of replacement.

Negative sides:

  • fast filling;
  • It is advisable to save water.

In recent years, septic tanks have often been used to provide clean water at the outlet.

Modern septic tanks are presented in several sections, and each is designed for a certain level of cleaning. As a result, the volume and quality of processes performed by the cleaning system are related to the number of installed sections. After preliminary cleaning, the water in the septic tank is additionally filtered in a special layer of soil.

Recommended reading:

  • Options for laminated timber houses for every taste and budget
  • Construction technology of a half-timbered house
  • Types of foundations for a private house

When installing a septic tank hidden, the dacha area will be protected from contamination by sewage. The septic tank needs to be cleaned once every few years. The cost of a septic tank is low. It can be easily matched to almost every country house.

If you want to perform even more effective biological treatment, you need to add a biofilter and an aeration tank to the septic tank. To speed up biological treatment, special catalysts are purchased. These systems are installed in close proximity to your home. All of them are long term use. True, the cost of these units is quite high. They are focused primarily on cottages.

If you are faced with the question of choosing a sewer system in a house made of timber, it is better to decide right away:

  1. Will it be possible to connect to the central highway over time?
  2. Who will maintain your sewer?
  3. Is the sewerage system going to operate continuously, or will there be interruptions?
  4. What will be the approximate volume of wastewater per day?
  5. What is the probability of exceeding the rated loads?
  6. Are you able to save water?
  7. Are there plans to increase the volume of water supply?
  8. What budget are you willing to spend on sewerage equipment?

The answers to these questions will help simplify the decision regarding the correct choice of sewer system for a country house.

Septic tank

A modern method of wastewater treatment is a septic tank. The design of the device includes several compartments. The first chamber performs filtration. The solid parts settle to the bottom, and the liquid passes into the next compartment, where anaerobic bacteria work. Cleaning is completed in filtration wells or fields.

You can find storage septic tanks. This is an improved version of cesspools.

Concrete and plastic are used for the septic tank. The volume is calculated individually, depending on the needs of the family. The amount of plumbing in the house is also important.

Septic tanks also have negative aspects. This is how the distance of the structures from the house and sources of drinking water is determined. Cleaning is not always high quality. Septic tanks need to be pumped out periodically.

Septic tank installation

A septic tank is a tank divided into several sections. Usually there are 2 or 3, but more can be used. The wastewater enters the first chamber, settles, and enters the second section through the overflow hole. As it is filled, partially clarified water flows into the next container - and so on. The last overflow connects the septic tank to the filtration well.

The septic tank is installed so that the inlet is at the required height. It is necessary to calculate the length of the pipes and calculate the height difference that forms the given slope. Then the depth of the socket is calculated so that the inlet hole is at the desired level and connected to the end of the pipe. After connecting the sinuses, the nests are covered with soil and carefully compacted, ensuring the immobility of the tank.

Deep biological treatment stations

A biological treatment station will allow you to clean wastewater efficiently. At the output, you can get a liquid that will be 98-99% purified. Such water is often reused for household needs.

The stations operate using aerobic bacteria. Thanks to their active work, purified liquid and sludge are obtained. It is often used for garden fertilizer.

Even the deep cleaning design has disadvantages. This is an expensive device. The cost is several times higher than the price for a septic tank. In addition, the stations require a connection to the electrical network to operate. Bacteria work using oxygen, which is supplied to the containers using fans.

The biological treatment station is quite convenient to use. This is a compact device that does not require pumping. You will be pleased with its attractive appearance and the absence of an unpleasant aroma. In addition, electrical costs are insignificant. And the costs of purchasing the structure pay off over time.

How to make a sewer line

The most labor-intensive part of the work is considered to be the installation of sewerage for a private home; how to carry it out correctly is indicated in the design and installation rules.

Inside the house

Elements of the sewerage system for a private house are installed parallel to the construction of the building. Holes for internal wiring are laid during the construction of walls, partitions and ceilings.

The sewerage installation technology provides for several types of pipes:

  • Sewer riser, diameter 100 mm.
  • Main (between the riser and the outlet); diameter 70 mm.
  • Branch pipes (connected to a washbasin, bathtub, washing machine) – 50 mm.

Completed installation of the drain pipe Source The drainage system inside the house is gravity (non-pressure). To avoid blockages, pipes are installed with a slope, the magnitude of which is controlled by the level and depends on the diameter. A sewer pipe with a diameter of 40–50 mm is given a slope of 30 mm per linear meter, with a diameter of 100 mm – 20 mm.

Completed ceiling wiring Source

Horizontal wiring is carried out using oblique tees and adapters (crosses) for connection. Turns are carried out using two knees with a smooth bend at an angle of 45°; This arrangement reduces the risk of clogging. After each turn, inspections (cleaning) are provided. Right angles are permissible only in vertically located structures.

Fan pipe

If a large amount of waste suddenly enters the sewer, the latter can completely fill the entire diameter of the pipe. At the same time, when the drains go down, an area of ​​low atmospheric pressure (rarefaction) is created behind them, into which water from the siphon and air from the room are sucked in with characteristic sounds.

When the pressure equalizes, without a water plug, the smell from the sewer enters the room through the siphons. To prevent the occurrence of vacuum, a drain pipe with an air valve is installed - they are responsible for maintaining atmospheric pressure in all parts of the sewer system.

Features of the fan pipe:

  • It is designed and installed 50-70 cm above the roof.
  • It is prohibited to combine it with a chimney or ventilation.
  • It is not placed near windows or balconies.

Output of the exhaust (waste) pipe through the roof Source

External part

Installation of the external part of the sewer system begins after determining the location of the septic tank.

The outlet (the connecting link between the external and internal sewerage at the boundary of the room) is laid in the foundation of the house below the freezing point of the soil and is thermally insulated. If it was not provided for when laying the foundation, it is necessary to drill a hole for the protective sleeve, 200-250 mm wider than the diameter of the pipe. Its edge should protrude 15 cm from each side of the foundation. The space between the sleeve and the outlet pipe is filled with foam.

Laying external communications Source

Sewage installation for your country house

The quality of work is guaranteed if you turn to professionals. You can try the installation yourself. Then you will need to study the technology in more detail and follow all the rules.

Basic rules for sewer installation:

  1. It is necessary to immediately determine the groundwater level. Otherwise, you can spoil the drinking source both on your site and in neighboring ones.
  2. It is necessary to maintain a certain distance from utility and residential buildings and sources of drinking water.
  3. When purchasing cleaning structures, you need to carefully evaluate the device data sheet. The degree of filtration must comply with sanitary standards.
  4. You need to carefully study the instructions. Incorrect installation and operation negatively affect the operation of the device.

If all requirements are met, the drainage system will work properly. Sewerage in a wooden house with your own hands can function perfectly if you follow the installation rules and regulations. The main thing is to study the installation technology in detail.

The sewage system of a private house consists of elements of internal and external outlets, as well as a treatment facility. Much attention is paid to the selection of materials for communications. It is better to entrust sewerage installation to professionals. When choosing a filtration installation, consider a cesspool, a septic tank and a biological treatment station.

Types of autonomous sewers

It is not necessary to choose the complex route of sewerage equipment in private housing. There are three types, here they are - from simple to complex:


Excavation work is being carried out on the site to construct a pit of sufficient capacity. The drains lead there; when full, the contents are pumped out by vacuum trucks. This solution is suitable for miniature country houses whose residents do not strive for excessive comfort.
Septic tank

Modern and advanced equipment, although it’s also not complicated. One or two fiberglass barrel-shaped containers are located underground. This is where wastewater is sent. Thanks to the sectional structure of settling tanks, water gradually flows from one section to another, leaving behind solid particles. At the output we obtain a weakly purified liquid, but suitable for sending to filtration fields. There are types of septic tanks with aeration, this increases the level of water purification up to 70%.
Aerobic cleaning equipment An improved option for a country house. Such a sewer allows several houses to connect to it - they team up with neighbors to save on installation and maintenance. In the previous two types, water purification is carried out by anaerobic bacteria (living conditions require the absence of oxygen). Modern sewage equipment is based on a combination of mechanical and biological effects, and final treatment takes place in the presence of aerobic microorganisms. The wastewater is brought to a state suitable for use on the site for watering plants, and the characteristic sewer smell is absent.

The choice of installation type is a personal matter for everyone. But the first option is more suitable for those who do not yet have enough time and money to install a modern sewer system in a private house.

Internal piping

The internal sewerage diagram with pipe routing is shown in Photo 1.

Photo 1.

It displays the placement of sewer risers inside the house, distribution pipes and plumbing connected to them. You can do the wiring of sewer pipes in a private house with your own hands only in compliance with the following principles:

1. First, pipes are laid from plumbing fixtures: toilets, washbasins, showers, etc. In a private house, smooth-walled polyvinyl chloride pipes of different diameters are now used. A plastic pipe D=100 mm is ideal for removing waste from the toilet. Pipes D=50 mm are usually connected to washbasins and other plumbing fixtures.

2. It will not be possible to lay all the pipes in a straight line for completely natural reasons, so you need to stock up on PVC elbows at 15, 30 or more degrees, as well as tees at 45°.

3. Each turn of the sewer pipe is a complex area with a tendency to blockages, so you need to equip it with your own hands with a so-called “inspection”. Thanks to this element, in a private home it will be possible to check the condition of the pipes at any time and, if necessary, clean them.

Photo 2.

4. All drain pipes are installed at a slight slope (photo 2) and are ultimately connected to a common riser. The latter is connected to the wall using a coupling and then taken out.

During construction, cast iron pipes were previously used in a private house, but due to their high cost and short service life, they have almost fallen out of use. Nowadays, cheaper, lighter and more practical PVC pipes are used everywhere. They are not afraid of temperature changes and are easy to install with your own hands. All components can be purchased at a building materials supermarket along with the pipes themselves.

During the installation of internal sewerage, emphasis should be placed on the accuracy of each stage. PVC pipes are quite strong, but they will not withstand the pressure of an entire wall. For this reason, wiring is always done in ceilings. The supporting beams of the house should not be affected.

In a wooden building, you also need to take into account that the walls shrink significantly. Make a gap so that if the wall subsides, the pipe will not be damaged. The pipes must be attached to a movable joint, the joints are carefully sealed. All elements must be secured to avoid structural shifts.

General design principles

Ideally, the drainage system should be laid out at the design stage of the building. But the arrangement of a bathroom capable of providing an urban level of comfort can be completely organized in an old building.

It’s great if it is possible to connect communications to a centralized village or city highway. In the absence of one, the problem will have to be solved by creating an autonomous sewer system.

The main stages of work in both options when laying communications inside the building will be identical; the only difference is in the organization of wastewater disposal outside the building

  1. Indoor system. Its constituent components are water inlets and pipelines. If it is a two- or three-story house, then the system includes a vertical riser with horizontally laid pipes connected to it through fittings, which are connected to plumbing fixtures.
  2. Outdoor system. It is represented by a pipeline laid horizontally at a certain slope. It receives wastewater from intra-house pipes and diverts it to an autonomous treatment facility or to a centralized main.

When installing sewerage in a house under construction, the installation of bathrooms and kitchens should be designed in one part of the building, placing them closer to the wall where the sewerage goes out onto the street.

When designing drainage in a two-story building, to simplify installation and reduce the number of risers, place the bathrooms on top of each other (+)

If you plan to place several bathrooms in the house and install a complex sewer system, you will need to use a powerful sewer pump to ensure uninterrupted operation. The installation of this unit will also be relevant if the site does not have any slope.

Key points to consider when planning outdoor sewerage:

  1. Landscape of the site. To ensure unhindered drainage of waste liquid, the cesspool or septic tank must be located at the lowest point of the site.
  2. Soil type and groundwater level. The choice of the type of treatment structure and the depth of the external pipeline depend on this parameter.
  3. Area and location of the site. It is necessary to provide access for carrying out repairs and access for sewage disposal equipment.

When designing internal sewerage, it should be taken into account that horizontal pipes from devices to the riser must run at a slope.

According to the standards, pipes D 50 mm are inclined 3 cm per linear meter; for pipes D 100-110 mm, maintain an inclination angle of 2 cm per linear meter

On average, the length of the pipeline from the drain to the vertical riser is about 3 m. According to standards, the furthest plumbing fixture can be 5 m away from the riser. The distance of the connection point from the toilet to the riser is 1 m.

You can handle the construction of internal sewerage with your own hands:

Do-it-yourself sewerage in a wooden house. In the village, village...

Have you ever wondered how a sewer system should be installed in a wooden house, as well as how to make it yourself and install all the elements correctly? Then make yourself comfortable about everything in order.

Not all owners of private houses have the opportunity to connect to main sewer lines. We have to solve the issue in other ways and create an autonomous system.

The sewage system in a wooden house can have a completely modern design and meet all sanitary requirements. There are ready-made structures that you just need to purchase and install on the site.

You can also make the system yourself, and this option is preferred by most residents of rural or village houses. The main condition will be to study the issue and obtain detailed and high-quality information.

Features of creating sewage systems in wooden houses

Traditional methods, like how sewerage was done in old villages, will not suit modern people. Residents of villages or remote villages do not want to lag behind the times.

The construction of an autonomous sewer system allows you to obtain comfortable living conditions that are practically no different from urban ones. Such structures differ from urban centralized systems only in the method of wastewater disposal.

The whole process takes place here, on the site, with the help of a special tank and some additional elements.

There is a wide selection of ready-made sewer systems on sale. They are quite expensive, but only require installation on the site and in the house. However, most users prefer to create kits themselves.

This makes it possible to save a lot of money and create an installation of the required volume and productivity. The main part of the assembly is the laying of pipelines inside the house and underground. This work is the same for ready-made and homemade systems.

Sewerage in a village, assembled and installed with your own hands, will cost much less than a ready-made kit. Considering the need to perform the same amount of excavation in both cases, the advantage of homemade systems is obvious.

Composition of an autonomous sewer system

The autonomous system consists of three parts:

  • internal;
  • external;
  • container for waste disposal.

Internal sewerage is a set of pipes connected to the drain holes of sinks, bathtubs, toilets and other plumbing fixtures. The external part is all the pipes located outside the walls of the house. As a rule, external sewerage is located underground.

The main task will be to create a facility that ensures wastewater recycling. An ordinary cesspool is inconvenient to use - it requires frequent cleaning, for which you have to call a sewer truck.

This is an old method that is practically not used today.

A modern autonomous sewage system in a village house is created on the basis of a septic tank - a multi-section tank in which wastewater is clarified and organics are disposed of.

From the point of view of sewerage design, a wooden house differs little from brick or concrete buildings.

However, the installation of sewerage in a wooden domain must be carried out taking into account the shrinkage of the walls in the first years of operation.

If the building is new, compensation inserts made of flexible (corrugated) pipes should be provided on the riser. Otherwise, the design of the system is similar to any other autonomous sewer system.

As a rule, the sewage system in the village is self-flowing. This means that all parts must be located at an angle to ensure independent drainage of liquid.

Internal part of the system

The main element of the internal sewerage system is the riser. This is a vertical pipeline, the upper part of which (fan pipe) passes through the roof and provides ventilation to the internal cavity of the system. The lower part is connected to the outer (underground) part.

The most common pipes are PVC, usually with a diameter of 110 mm . Older systems used cast iron pipes, but these have now been abandoned almost everywhere.

The laying of sewer pipes in a wooden house is made of PVC (less often polypropylene) pipes, which are quickly assembled and do not have much weight.

Horizontal pipes (beds) are connected to the riser, to which the plumbing is connected. They usually have a smaller diameter, 50 mm, since they do not transport large volumes of organic matter.

When assembling, they usually start with the riser, then move along the distance, make horizontal wiring and finish by connecting the drain sets to the sun loungers. It is necessary to observe the required slope, which has its own meaning for each pipe diameter.

Before making a sewer system in a wooden house, you should carefully mark the walls or other load-bearing surfaces, taking into account the position of the pipes. The difference in levels at the upper and lower points must be within specified limits.

External sewerage

External sewerage in a rural house is located outside the walls of the building. The outer part of the system is submerged underground and placed in trenches.

Their depth should be greater than the freezing level of the soil. This is important, since a pipe frozen in winter will stop the sewer system until spring.

It is recommended to carry out all excavation work during the construction stage of the house. The territory is marked and the following is determined:

  • placement of nests under the septic tank;
  • immersion points of inspection wells and collectors;
  • pipeline laying lines.

In addition, the location of the filtration well is determined. It is the final point where clarified wastewater is absorbed into the ground. A large distance from the septic tank is not required; sometimes they are installed in the same nest, only the immersion depth of the well should be greater.

If the area of ​​the site allows, mark out the filtering field. This is an area where perforated pipes are buried, from which clarified waste is discharged and absorbed into the ground.

The efficiency of PF is higher than that of conventional filtration wells, but it requires a fairly large area that cannot be used for planting.

Therefore, most owners prefer to install a well with a small area.

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PVC pipes for sewerage GOST 51613 2000 non-pressure. Shaped parts.

Insulation of pipelines

External sewerage in a wooden house, laid in trenches with your own hands, needs insulation. Even if the freezing depth is relatively small, there is always the possibility of cold entering the internal cavity of the pipes.

The easiest way to protect them from freezing is to install a heat insulator. It is necessary to choose materials that are impermeable to water.

The best option is a polystyrene shell, which tightly wraps around the outer part of the pipe and reliably cuts off contact with cold soil or ground water. Sometimes bulk materials are used - expanded clay, foam chips and other types.

They are easy to install and practically do not conduct cold. The only drawback is permeability to moisture, so bulk heat insulators are used only in dry sandy soils.

Septic tank installation

A septic tank is a tank divided into several sections. Usually there are 2 or 3, but more can be used.

The wastewater enters the first chamber, settles, and enters the second section through the overflow hole. As it is filled, partially clarified water flows into the next container - and so on.

The last overflow connects the septic tank to the filtration well.

The septic tank is installed so that the inlet is at the required height. It is necessary to calculate the length of the pipes and calculate the height difference that forms the given slope.

Then the depth of the socket is calculated so that the inlet hole is at the desired level and connected to the end of the pipe.

After connecting the sinuses, the nests are covered with soil and carefully compacted, ensuring the immobility of the tank.

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