Rating of the best construction safety glasses and screens for 2022
Many construction professions require the availability of personal protective equipment. It can be
3 options for making a homemade vibrator for compacting concrete
Constructing a vibrator from a drill To make an internal vibrator at home from a drill, you will need
juice press in operation
Juice press: types, device and how to make it yourself
Owners of orchards, vineyards and berry plantations are well aware of the problem of crop processing. An effective way to
Precious metal Platinum
How can you determine the authenticity of platinum at home?
Platinum is one of the precious metals. The first mentions of it are found in documents
How to do zone hardening on a blade, and will it be similar to traditional Japanese?
Technological nuances of hardening Hardening, which is one of the types of heat treatment of metals, is performed in
Bellows gas connection: the safest way to connect gas equipment
SHARE ON SOCIAL NETWORKS FacebookTwitterOkGoogle+PinterestVk Until recently, gas household appliances were connected directly to the gas
You can buy luxury wheels, but it’s cheaper to update old ones by covering them with chrome using one of the available technologies
Chrome plating of car rims: methods and subsequent care
Chrome plating of car wheels is one of the options for modifying and tuning it, allowing you to give it
Homemade circular sawmill drawings
Do-it-yourself circular sawmill: device and operation
Making a machine from a grinder You need to approach the creation of a large sawmill gradually. It's connected with
Rod and wire - production and use
Wire is one of the most popular types of metal products. It could be steel
KD2124 General view of the crank open non-tilting press
KD2124 Single-crank open, non-tilting, single-crank press diagrams, description, characteristics
LLC SO "PRESSMASH" produces and sells open-type crank presses. The equipment is intended for
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