Examination tickets for the profession “Electric welder 3-4 categories”

Tickets with answers for certification according to NAKS

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Testing program for certification according to NAKS. There is the possibility of self-testing, working on errors after passing each test and free training using tickets.

2 testing modes:

  • Ordinary. A ticket will be generated randomly, the same as during the exam. Just like in an exam, there is a time limit on the answers. You can answer each question once, then work on your mistakes.
  • Full. A complete list of questions for the specified objects will be created. There are no time limits or number of attempts to answer.

NACS levels:

  • I level
  • Level II
  • Level III
  • IV level

Welding methodsObjects (technical devices):
General exam

[PTO] Lifting and transport equipment

  • 1. Lifting cranes
  • 2. Cranes - pipe layers
  • 3. Cranes - manipulators
  • 4. Elevators
  • 5. Waist
  • 6. Winches
  • 7. Load-handling devices
  • 8. Lifts (towers)
  • 9. Escalators
  • 10. Ropeways, their units, mechanisms and parts
  • 11. Chains for material handling equipment
  • 12. Construction lifts
  • 13. Passenger conveyors
  • 14. Metal structures for handling equipment

[KO] Boiler equipment

  • 1. Steam boilers with steam pressure more than 0.07 MPa and hot water boilers with water temperatures above 115 degrees C
  • 2. Steam and hot water pipelines with a working steam pressure of more than 0.07 MPa and a water temperature of more than 115 degrees C
  • 3. Vessels operating under pressure above 0.07 MPa
  • 4. Fittings and safety devices
  • 5. Metal structures for boiler equipment

[GO] Gas equipment

  • 1. Pipelines of internal gas supply systems
  • 2. External gas pipelines of low, medium and high pressure steel
  • 3. Gas equipment for boilers, process lines and units
  • 4. Gas burners
  • 5. Capacitive and instantaneous water heaters
  • 6. Apparatuses and ovens
  • 7. Fittings made of metal materials and safety devices

[NGDO] Oil and gas production equipment

  • 1. Field and main oil product pipelines, pipelines of oil pumping stations (OPS), providing transportation of oil and oil products during construction, reconstruction and major repairs
  • 10. Pumps, compressors and other equipment during manufacturing and repair in the factory
  • 11. Oil and gas pipelines during production and repair in factory conditions
  • 12. Oil and gas field, drilling and oil refining equipment
  • 13. Pipelines of automated gas filling compressor stations (CNG filling stations)
  • 2. Field and main oil product pipelines, pipelines of oil pumping stations (OPS), providing transportation of oil and oil products during routine repairs during operation
  • 3. Field and main gas pipelines and condensate pipelines; pipelines for transporting commercial products, pulse, fuel and starting gas
  • 4. Pipelines within the gas treatment facility, compressor station; NPS; SPHG; DKS; GRS; UZRG; PRG, etc., with the exception of pipelines providing transport of gas, oil and petroleum products
  • 5. Tanks for storing oil and petroleum products, gas tanks for gas storage facilities during construction and repair
  • 6. Offshore pipelines, offshore facilities (pipelines on platforms, as well as welded bases of offshore platforms) during construction, reconstruction and repair
  • 8. Shut-off valves during production and repair in the factory
  • 9. Pipeline parts during production and repair in the factory

[ОХНВП] Equipment for chemical, petrochemical, oil refining and explosion-hazardous industries

  • 1. Equipment for chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industries, operating under pressure up to 16 MPa
  • 2. Equipment for chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industries operating under pressure more than 16 MPa
  • 3. Equipment for chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industries operating under vacuum
  • 4. Tanks for storing explosive and fire hazardous and toxic substances
  • 5. Isothermal storage facilities
  • 6.Cryogenic equipment
  • 7. Equipment for ammonia refrigeration units
  • 8.Ovens
  • 9.Compressor and pumping equipment
  • 10.Centrifuges, separators
  • 11.Tanks, containers (barrels), cylinders for explosive and fire hazardous and toxic substances
  • 12. Waste heat boilers
  • 13. Energy technology boilers
  • 14. Boilers HERE
  • 15.Pipe fittings and safety devices
  • 16.Technological pipelines and pipeline parts

[SK] Building structures

  • 1.Metal building structures
  • 2. Reinforcement, reinforcing and embedded products of reinforced concrete structures
  • 3.Metal pipelines

STO Gazprom

  • 1. STO Gazprom 2-2.2-115-2007
  • 2. STO Gazprom 2-2.2-136-2007 and STO Gazprom 2-2.3-137-2007
  • 3. STO Gazprom 2-2.2-136-2007

Instructions for use: Be sure to read the included instructions for installing and running the program.
It will not work from an arbitrary location on the disk or, especially, directly from a downloaded archive. The program was provided by Ruslan Abdulnasyrov.


Ticket No. 1

  1. Who approved the Rules for Certification of Welding Production Specialists? (PB)
  1. Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;
  2. by decree of the President of the Russian Federation;
  3. Resolution of the Department for Boiler Inspection and Supervision of Lifting Structures;
  4. Resolution of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia.
  1. What are the requirements for the minimum work experience in the specialty required to admit a welder to the initial certification of mechanized welding with non-consumable and consumable electrodes in shielding gases? (PB - clause 3.3., table 2.)
  1. 3 months;
  2. 6 months;
  3. 9 months;
  4. 12 months
  1. Are the following specialists subject to mandatory certification at level II? (PB – clause 5.3.)
  1. specialists who are heads of individual departments of the enterprise that ensure the implementation of welding work, and whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the use of documents defining the technology for carrying out welding work at the enterprise;
  2. specialists whose written or oral instructions are mandatory for welders to carry out when carrying out welding work;
  3. specialists who are managers of the welding service of an enterprise (organization), whose signature is necessary and sufficient for the management of the enterprise (organization) to approve guidelines and regulatory documents for the performance of all types of welding work;
  1. What is the purpose of certification of welding materials? (RD3 – clause 1.2.)
  1. determining the possibility of using certified welding materials for work in the manufacture, reconstruction, installation and repair of technical devices by checking the compliance of the actual properties and characteristics of the welding materials, the properties of the deposited metal and weld metal with the requirements of the regulatory documents in force for technical devices;
  2. determining the possibility of using certified welding materials for work in the manufacture, reconstruction, installation and repair of technical equipment;
  3. determining the possibility of using certified welding materials for carrying out work in the manufacture, reconstruction, installation and repair of technical devices by checking the properties and characteristics of welding materials, the properties of the deposited metal and weld metal in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documents in force for technical devices;
  4. determining the possibility of using certified welding materials for work in the manufacture, reconstruction, installation and repair of technical devices by checking the compliance of the actual properties and characteristics of the welding materials, the properties of the deposited metal and the weld metal.
  1. If available, what document does the Certification Center have the right to carry out certification of welding equipment? (RD4 – clause 4.1.)
  1. “Certificate of Attestation”;
  2. “Certificate of Conformity”;
  3. "Certificate of conformity";
  4. “Certificate of Attestation”;

Ticket No. 2

  1. Who developed the Rules for Certification of Welding Production Specialists? (PB)
  1. Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;
  2. Rostechnadzor;
  3. management for boiler inspection and supervision of lifting structures;
  4. Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia.

2. The welder is considered to have passed the general and special exam if he answered the questions asked of him at each exam in the following volume: (RD1 - clause 1.8.)

  1. not less than 80%;
  2. not less than 90%;
  3. at least 80% taking into account the results of the interview;
  4. at least 90% taking into account the results of the interview.
  1. Do they undergo extraordinary certification? (PB – clause 5.9.)
  1. welding production specialists are undergoing training in order to extend the validity of their certification certificates for performing relevant types of production activities;
  2. Welding specialists undergo testing before they are allowed to work after being suspended from performing the types of work specified in their certification certificates, at the request of the employer or representatives of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia in accordance with current legislation;
  3. Welding specialists are required to undergo access to types of production activities not specified in their certification certificates when new regulatory documents of Rostechnadzor are put into effect and during a break in work in their specialty for more than one year;

4. For how long are all documents drawn up during certification and samples - witnesses of welding materials - stored? (RD3 – clause 4.16.)

  1. within 1 year;
  2. within 3 years;
  3. within 5 years;
  4. during the validity period of the Attestation Certificate.
  1. Welding equipment is divided into equipment: (RD4 – appendix 1, clause 1.)
  1. general (SOon) and specialized (SOsn) purpose, manufacturer (SOpr) and consumer (SOpo);
  2. general (SOon) and specialized (SOSN) purposes;
  3. producer (SOpr) and consumer (SOpo);
  4. general (SOon), industrial (SOpm) and specialized (SOsn) purposes, manufacturer (SOpr) and consumer (SOpo).

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What documents will be needed

Before receiving a NAKS certificate, you need to complete a package of documents. We bring to your attention a complete list of required papers:

  • Documents confirming education.
  • Medical certificate indicating the absence of diseases incompatible with welding production.
  • A certificate indicating the length of work experience.
  • A certificate confirming the existing rank.
  • 2 photographs measuring 3 by 4 cm.

If you are applying for a higher rank and have completed the necessary courses, then you should add a certificate of completion of the training courses to the listed documentation.

Please note: for each of the 4 levels of certification you must have a different length of experience and rank. Check this information in advance with the department where the certification is carried out. In addition, please note that certification of NAKS welders is carried out separately for each type of welding.

Tickets with answers for certification according to NAKS - Page 2 - Certification of welding technologies and welders

Sent 15 June 2012 15:53

Thank you

Sent 21 June 2012 12:28

Does anyone have tickets with answers General exam and VET II level

Posted 25 June 2012 15:44

Thanks a lot

Sent 26 June 2012 19:21

thank you very useful

Posted 24 July 2012 17:17

Posted 24 July 2012 21:28

And I write myself. I rummage through the Internet and write. 21 tickets out of 30 have already been written. There is an exam in September.

I am collecting valuable information about electric gas welding.

Posted 24 July 2012 21:32

It’s necessary to understand that we are writing, but you are copying?

Posted 24 July 2012 21:47

You need to understand that I myself write where I find it (not on forums) - on various sites on electric gas welding.

I am collecting valuable information about electric gas welding.

Sent 11 August 2012 12:42

Sent 12 August 2012 14:55

guys, that’s great, I can’t find the answers to the level 1 certification, welding method anywhere. who knows, please tell me, I will be very grateful!!!!!!

Posted 16 August 2012 21:59

Thanks for the tickets! The NAKS certification is coming soon, you need to prepare. I never thought that theory would be such a hassle, I thought you’d make samples and that’s it, little theories. It turns out that you can just fail at theory! I’ll slowly cram.

Sent August 17, 2012 10:03

Hello! Maybe someone can help me find the answers to the test for the Welder Practice Interprovincial Red Seal Exam to obtain the Red Seal in Canada.

Posted 17 August 2012 22:21

thank you very much, tell me, are the answers the ones shown in the table?

Posted 29 August 2012 14:25

Dear murich 1! Thank you very much from all Welds! Honor and respect!

Posted 29 August 2012 17:17


Posted 07 September 2012 10:24

Nothing was useful to me. I was waiting for text files with questions and correct answers, but the algorithms loaded. I didn’t intend to take the NACS, but I wanted to test my understanding of this issue. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out...

Hi colleague. I took it to level 3. There is something left. If you're interested, I'll be happy to share. NGDO, Gas equipment, Construction.

Posted 07 September 2012 10:36

The answers are of course good to the halos program question answer.

Posted 09 September 2012 08:46

Tickets with answers for certification according to NAKS.

Good day, could you upload everything with just one file?

Posted 19 September 2012 22:45

damn, at least write if anyone found it useful))))

Thank you very much, due in a week, I hope it works

Sent 05 October 2012 13:03



To obtain a certificate, you need to pass three exams: general, special and practical. If one of them was passed with an unsatisfactory result, you will have to retake it. This can be done no later than 6 months, and no earlier than a month after an unsuccessful attempt. Please note that before this you will have to undergo NAKS training again and pay the full cost of the exam. How much does it cost to take the exam? This figure depends on the specific training center and the level for which you are applying. The average cost of a certificate in the Russian Federation ranges from 25 to 150 thousand rubles.

If all three tests were successful for you, then you will soon become the owner of the coveted “crusts”. First level specialists must undergo re-certification once every 2 years, second and third level specialists – once every 3 years, fourth level – once every 5 years.

Testing welders using NAKS exam tickets, download free tickets with answers

Testing of welders on NAKS issues

Tests on NACS questions are posted on the website; tickets with answers can be downloaded on the forum.

If anyone has other areas of certification, please contact the administration through Contacts, and we will post additional tests for welder certification.

Passed it yourself, help others prepare for the exams.

1. General exam. (metals) Level:I

2. Boiler equipment Steam and hot water pipelines with a working steam pressure of more than 0.07 MPa and a water temperature of more than 115 degrees C. Level: I Welding method: RD

3. Boiler equipment Steam and hot water pipelines with a working steam pressure of more than 0.07 MPa and a water temperature of more than 115 degrees C. Level: I Welding method: RAD

4. Oil and gas production equipment Field and main oil product pipelines, pipelines of oil pumping stations (OPS), providing transportation of oil and oil products during construction, reconstruction and major repairs.

Level: I Welding method: RD

5. Equipment for chemical, petrochemical, oil refining and fire and explosion hazardous industries. 2. Equipment for chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industries operating under pressure of more than 16 MPa. Level: I Welding method: RDОХНВП-I-РД

6. Download (NAKS). Certification for level II: specialists, all types of welding work (chief welders, their deputies, etc.).


Algorithm of actions

To pass the NAKS certificate and begin welding critical structures, you need to consistently follow the following steps:

  1. Collect a package of documents. NAKS in Russia is represented by many branches in the form of educational and certification centers. It won’t be difficult for you to come to the nearest one and take samples of the necessary papers.
  2. Apply. This can be done in any city, since the documents are drawn up according to a single template. The professionalism requirements for applicants are also the same in all branches.
  3. Wait for the application to be reviewed.
  4. Find out the date on which the exam will be scheduled.
  5. Prepare for certification.
  6. Pass the exam.
  7. Get a certificate.
  8. After 2 weeks, find your name in the general register of welders. Everyone who receives a certificate is transferred to the category of highly professional specialists.
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