About tinning technology when soldering body parts
Restoring a body with tin - the basics. Hello! I am posting information from a book on car restoration. Will
Name several metals with the highest electrical conductivity
Physically, an electrical cable is an assembly consisting of one or more conductors with their
How to make a high-frequency induction heater with your own hands - a diagram of a simple inductive furnace for heating metal with electricity
An integral part of any HDTV (induction heater) installation is an inductor. Inductors are manufactured at our enterprise
Metal thickness table of factory values ​​on cars
Is it necessary to know the thickness of the metal body on a car? After all, the body is one of
Technology for soldering copper pipes at home: work in 9 simple steps
Other soldering options: working with copper pipes and various metals Soldering copper pipes requires
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Does a magnetic bracelet heal or cripple? About the benefits and harms of decoration
Principle of operation According to magnetic therapy, the cause of all diseases and malfunctions in the body is a violation
Characteristics of mass, rigidity and strength of parts
What is the coefficient of elasticity?
Home Directory Physics When exposed to external forces, bodies are capable of acquiring acceleration or deformation. Deformation
Quick-cut knife: step-by-step instructions for making it yourself
Domestic “medical” steel. Unique material or beautiful legend?
What is included in steel? To put it simply, steel is just a mixture of iron.
Full cycle ferrous metallurgy of the city
Russian economy, figures and facts. Part 8 Metallurgy.
Such a branch of economic activity as metallurgy includes two areas: ferrous metallurgy and
Which knife steel is better 95X18 or X12MF: advantages and disadvantages
We have already written about knife steels several times. Here is a review of the best foreign knife steels
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