Where is there a lot of copper in what devices?

Source: www.livemaster.ru

By the method of empirical calculations. But seriously, it is important to remember that they differ in both length and width. Oddly enough, the convenience of a condom depends on its width, since the average length of a condom is 18 centimeters. Therefore the classification is:

S – basic: 4-3 cm wide;

M – medium: 5 cm wide;

L – large: more than 5 cm wide;

XXXL, Extra Large: more than 6.2 cm wide at the glans area and more than 5 cm wide at the base of the penis.

According to the Russian GOST number 4645-81, it is assumed that the standard sizes of condoms are dictated as follows: length 178 +/- 2 mm, width - 54 +/- 2 mm. The thickness varies within the acceptable range of 0.02 - 0.08 mm.

Standard condom sizes are approximately 18 centimeters long, 4 centimeters wide at the base, and just over 4 centimeters at the tip. Such condoms have their advantages, but they also have a number of disadvantages that can significantly affect the process:

The condom fits too tightly on the head of the penis.

The condom fits too tightly at the base of the penis.

The condom slips off during sexual intercourse.

If we talk about the length of the contraceptive, then it is not decisive. Condoms have the ability to stretch well and the risk that the condom will break due to lack of length is extremely small. Since most men have an erect penis from 13 to 18 centimeters long, you can safely use a condom with a penis size of, for example, 21 cm. Moreover, if the condom is a little larger, you can simply not roll it out to the end, and even too much a long condom won't slip off anyway. And if you look at wider condoms, then during sexual intercourse they can slip off, and narrow ones can tear accordingly. This is why choosing the right width condom is of greater importance.

When choosing a condom, the main thing is not to forget to look at the size on the pack. Just not on the front side, where it says Large, XXL and something like that. After all, XXL is a relative concept, but 52 mm wide – you can’t get more precise. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the back of the package.

Dmitry Zelenkov33

Source: ask-mania.com

What you need to search

First of all, you need a car. Still, search places are often located at a considerable distance from the searchers’ homes. And having found 20-25 kilograms (and on a good day you can find more), dragging such a load in a bag or backpack is very tiring. Fortunately, copper is a fairly heavy metal due to its high density, so up to several hundred kilograms can easily fit into the trunk of a regular passenger car. So, it is not necessary to have a minibus or truck at hand.

In addition, a gas cutter or grinder will come in handy. With their help, you can extract copper from the most inaccessible places (and, as practice shows, there are many of them).

Finally, you need to know where exactly to look for copper. After all, pieces of this red gold are not lying around on the streets of the city, waiting for someone to pick them up. The search for copper should be approached wisely and carefully.

Search equipment

Without violating current legislation, copper can only be taken from abandoned objects. Such places are often located outside populated areas, so first of all you will need a vehicle to travel to the site and transport what is found to the place of delivery. It should be noted that copper is a high-density material and therefore has a lot of weight. It is possible to load several hundred kilograms of valuable scrap into the trunk of a passenger car.

A metal detector will greatly facilitate your search. To detect non-ferrous metal underground, you do not need an expensive device; budget models can provide the necessary signal.

The list of required tools should include the following:

  • shovel;
  • cutting tool (hacksaw, grinder or gas cutter);
  • wire cutters

Such equipment will allow you to get copper from various industrial machines, as well as devices and instruments used in everyday life.

Having set the goal of your trips to search for scrap non-ferrous metals, it is wise to purchase a spectrometer (analyzer) that allows you to quickly determine the identity of the non-ferrous metal or the composition of the alloy. The device is especially useful when the capacity of the vehicle is limited. The disadvantage of the device is its high cost.

As additional equipment, bring:

It is possible that a cart will be needed to deliver the loot to the car.

Where to look?

Many people who know a lot about collecting non-ferrous metal know exactly where to look for copper scrap metal. First of all, this is a city dump. We do not recommend looking for non-ferrous metal in this not very pleasant place. But hardly anyone will have a complaint against a person who is looking for the copper he needs in the mountains of various, useless rubbish, unless, of course, there is a “garbage mafia” of his own.

In addition, copper can be found in power plant service stations. Here you can find a decommissioned cable, and if you’re lucky, a damaged and useless transformer. But most often the employees themselves, knowing full well about the cost of copper, mine it and sell it on their own. However, trying is not torture. Try to establish relationships with the workers, inspect the territory and the transformers found and try to bargain for them for a nominal fee. If you are lucky enough to pull this off several times, you can make good money.

What places are worth visiting?

Copper finders who distinguish this alloy from others know the exact places where this metal can be found. One of the popular places is a landfill, which is far from a pleasant place, but everything that is there is no one’s. There will be no complaints, unless the place is already occupied by the “garbage mafia”. At the landfill you can find broken household appliances and appliances.

Discarded cables and damaged transformers can be found at service power stations and construction sites. Often, station employees themselves don’t mind earning extra money. Therefore, try to get in touch with the station employee and offer your small price for the found transformer. And it won’t be at a loss and you can make good money.

What does copper contain?

Particular attention should be paid to old tube TVs. Installation wires, inductor and transformer are the main sources of copper contained in them. Massive, slow-heating TVs may well contain up to 1.5 kilograms of copper. Therefore, two or three disassembled devices will already give a good catch.

A semiconductor TV gives less profit, but you shouldn’t ignore them either - each can contain up to 500 grams of copper.

An old refrigerator is a real treasure. His compressor can bring from 1 to 1.5 kilograms of copper. True, the treasured metal is enclosed in an iron casing, which will have to be sawed to get to the goal. If you're lucky, you might come across a model with a copper coil. This will give almost another kilogram of non-ferrous metal.

You should not ignore any electric motors - they always contain copper. Moreover, the more powerful the engine, the more copper it contains (approximately 1 kg of metal per 1 kW of energy ). But you won’t be able to handle the case manually either.

Watch the video “How to remove copper from a winding”:

Fluorescent lamps can also please the searcher. Each contains reinforcement weighing 100-300 grams, depending on the model. Of course, not too much. But many companies, after repairs in the office or enterprise, throw away these lamps in whole boxes. Having discovered a treasure for 20-30 of these lamps, you can make a good profit.

Well, a transformer can be called a real dream of any copper collector. From a decommissioned device, you can extract several hundred kilograms of valuable metal and even more. Of course, such treasures come across extremely rarely - they attract the particularly close attention of many people, so most often you come across already gutted boxes. But it’s still worth a look once again.

It is foolish to hope that each trip will bring several tens or hundreds of kilograms of copper. But still, even finding a few kilograms in half a day of not too hard work can be a pleasant help and replenishment of the family budget. Moreover, for this you only need to show observation and perseverance. Surely you will soon become an expert in finding and collecting copper.


Where can I get copper wire? Today I will tell you where to get copper wire and how to prepare it for weaving jewelry using the wire wrap technique? Copper played a major role in the development of all mankind; its appearance became a bridge from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age. Copper is the very first metal that appeared among people. In the Copper Age, Chalcolithic (from Lat. and Greek - copper stone) IV-IIIt. l. BC. , a processing method called cold forging appeared. It has both healing and magical properties. Due to its softness and pliability, copper can be given different shapes, textures, it can be embossed, bent, minted, soldered, ... in general, it is easy and pleasant to work with. Copper is often coated with precious metals, patinated, tinted, and decorated with enamel. So where can you get copper wire for jewelry? The easiest way to get what you want is to visit a store that sells electrical wires. Ask for those with a copper core and choose the core diameter you need. The store indicates the cross-sectional area in mm. sq., sometimes the size of the wire can be measured in gauge (calibers), this marking is used in the USA and Canada, so you can take a caliper with you or look at the table below. Wires may have one or more copper strands, which are usually insulated from each other and enclosed in a sheath.

A knife cable can consist of a bundle of thin wires (power cable) and by purchasing a meter of such cable you can get a lot of thin wires for braiding. The cores can have different cross-sectional shapes: round, semicircular, square. You can also find wires without insulation, but in this case they are covered with a layer of varnish. You can also buy wire in hobby stores; it is usually uncoated and you can work with it right away. What diameter is used for what: 1-2 mm is used to create frames and main elements. Pins, earrings, ornamental elements, as well as basic elements are bent from 0.8-0.6 mm wire. 0.4-0.2 mm for braiding and connecting various parts. How to prepare the wire for work? If you purchased a cable with copper conductors, you will need to remove the sheath and insulation. I cut the sheath with a knife carefully away from myself, and the insulation with a blade along a tangent to the wire away from me. If the wires are without a sheath (they have a dark honey color), then they are most often coated with a special varnish that easily burns in a fire. I anneal the wire in the flame of a gas burner. The wire catches fire (more precisely, it is the varnish that burns), heats up and turns red (here you need to be more careful, especially with thin wire, so as not to burn it). After heating, move the wire further, section by section, and so on along the entire length. After annealing, the wire has black scale, which can be easily removed in acidified lemon water. I would like to note that after annealing the wire becomes softer and more pliable. I wish you all good luck and creative discoveries!)) by Ekaterina


Scrap collection areas

Searching for scrap non-ferrous metals is an interesting activity . In order to find impressive volumes of metal recyclables, it is important to know the places where non-ferrous metal can be found with a high probability.

  1. Landfills. Searching for scrap here brings good results, because in landfills you can find not only spare parts that have become unusable, but also old household appliances:
    • TVs,
    • refrigerators,

  2. washing machines.
  3. And they are the source:

  • copper,
  • zinc,
  • aluminum

Collecting non-ferrous metals from a landfill is complicated by the fact that there is a lot of garbage, and it is difficult to find the right thing. Plus an unpleasant smell and unsanitary conditions. However, if you dress correctly and invite friends to help, you can collect up to 50-100 kg of metal recyclables per day.

  • Fields _ The main “catch” of scrap hunters in the fields are old spare parts from large agricultural machinery, unusable pistons from cars, and out-of-date motors.
  • Outskirts of villages , abandoned villages and towns. In such places you can find both household appliances that have fallen into disrepair (for example, Soviet refrigerators - a source of copper and aluminum) and small items made of non-ferrous metals (kitchen utensils, household items made of stainless steel, zinc, lead).
  • Repair bases . Old engines and spare parts, pistons and cylinders made from non-ferrous alloys, scraps of cable braid, and unusable batteries are often found here. Often, in order to collect non-ferrous metals, it is necessary to disassemble motors and other equipment in order to extract the necessary scrap. It takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it.
  • Abandoned enterprises store significant deposits of non-ferrous scrap. In destroyed factories you can find products made of aluminum, zinc and copper, and lead.
  • Beaches . The loot here includes both remnants of ship parts and small items - aluminum cans, lost bracelets and rings.
  • Abandoned shooting ranges . The source of non-ferrous scrap here is shell casings from large-caliber weapons made of non-ferrous metal.
  • Abandoned metallurgical waste landfills . Landfills were created in Soviet times for storing non-ferrous metals and products made from them with defects and low quality. There are few such places, but if you manage to find them, the loot will be huge. And the question of where to look for non-ferrous metals will be solved for a long time.
  • During the search process you will come across ferrous metal more often. It may turn out that renting it out will be more profitable due to the larger quantity. You will find useful articles about the extraction of ferrous metal and the prices for it at collection points.

    Search for copper

    Copper is considered one of the most expensive metals; you can get up to 300 rubles kilogram Therefore, people who specialize in finding scrap metal strive to find as much copper scrap as possible.

    Where to look for copper for scrap:

    • in city landfills - unusable TVs, refrigerators, washing machines contain a lot of copper spare parts;
    • in abandoned plants and factories;
    • near power plants you can find discarded cable wires or failed transformers.

    To extract copper, it is not enough to find a Soviet refrigerator and sell it entirely. It is important to separate all parts containing copper. For example, in an old tube TV it is located in the transformer and wires. In a refrigerator, valuable metal is contained in the compressor (more than a kilogram).

    Where else can you find copper for scrap metal?

    Old electric motors contain copper windings, and burnt-out fluorescent lamps contain copper fittings weighing up to 200-300 grams. Considering that many enterprises periodically throw away such lamps in large quantities, you can get a good income.

    Signs of deficiency and excess

    Every person's diet should include foods containing copper. Otherwise, the risk of deficiency of this useful element increases. The consequences of metal shortage are expressed by the following symptoms:

    • violation of pigmentation of hair and skin;
    • depressive states;
    • the appearance of a rash;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • increased fatigue;
    • exposure to infectious diseases;
    • loss of appetite;
    • diarrhea;
    • anemia, etc.

    In addition, if the body’s need for the substance is not met, there is a high risk of failures in connective tissue and bones. The risks of bleeding and increased cholesterol levels also increase.

    A large amount of copper coming from food and special medications is also bad. In this case, the following consequences are possible:

    • accelerated aging of the body;
    • disruption of menstrual cycles;
    • brain disorders;
    • epilepsy;
    • insomnia;
    • hair loss.

    To avoid the problems mentioned, it is enough to know what copper contains and also formulate your diet correctly. It is worth considering the main reasons for the excess of the element. There are several of them:

    • hereditary problems;
    • taking hormonal medications;
    • lack of other important elements;
    • poisoning with medications;
    • excessive copper content in drinking water;
    • hemodialysis;
    • various occupational diseases.

    Equipment for searching non-ferrous scrap

    If a person seriously engaged in searching for scrap non-ferrous metals, he cannot do equipment . Searching for non-ferrous metals with a metal detector will make searching for scrap simpler, but more productive.

    Metal detector

    A purchase that you will undoubtedly need to search for non-ferrous metals in the ground is a metal detector.

    On the modern market, the choice is huge, there are cheap models, and there are expensive ones, costing several tens of thousands of rubles.

    But it is not necessary to buy an expensive model; the main thing is that the metal detector has the following functions:

    • discriminator - which will allow the model not to react to scrap ferrous metals;
    • possibility of adjusting sensitivity ;
    • the presence of special modes - “Coins”, “Precious metals”.

    The best budget models are:

    1. Bounty Hunter Tracker IV is one of the cheapest models, the price does not exceed 7,000 rubles. The device is very light compared to other models (1.3 kg), the maximum detection depth is almost 92 cm. There is a discrimination function and 3 general search modes.
    2. Garret Ace 150 is an inexpensive model, the price does not exceed 12,000 rubles. An easy-to-use device, light in weight, but with an excellent sensitivity range and search depth. There is a discriminator function.
    3. Garret Ace 250-RUS is an inexpensive model costing up to 15,000 rubles. Compact metal detector, ideal for beginners. Operates on 4 AA batteries. You can adjust the sensitivity level and search depth; there is a universal “All metals” mode; when unnecessary scrap ferrous metals are detected, the device will make an appropriate sound.

    How to operate a metal detector:

    • before use, it is important to adjust the search depth, sensitivity and tonality (sound signals);
    • studying the nature of the sound is necessary to understand what information the device produces;
    • it is necessary to move the search coil as close to the ground , and you need to move it not only directly, but also to the sides;
    • when a sound signal is triggered (metal detection), you need to look at the display - the target indicator located at the bottom of the display signals the presence of a small object (up to 1-1.5 cm in diameter), at the top - a larger one (more than 3-4 cm);
    • After finding the target, you can dig for scrap.

    Search magnets

    A specialized search magnet is another device that can make scrap mining simple and effective. The operating principle is based on the ability of some non-ferrous metals to become magnetized . It is especially popular to search for scrap metal using a search magnet in:

    • rivers,
    • lakes,
    • ponds,
    • fountains,
    • wells.

    Popular inexpensive models suitable for collecting non-ferrous scrap metal.

    1. search single-sided magnet is small in size, its diameter is 7 cm, height is 1.4 cm. Load capacity is 120 kg. An excellent indicator at a low cost - 1000-1100 rubles. The case is durable and has corrosion protection.
    2. The double-sided search magnet F-120*2 has small dimensions, height 2.8 cm and length 6.7 cm. But despite this size, the load capacity is surprising - 120 kg. The demagnetization rate is very low - less than 1% per 10 years, so the device will last a long time. Considering the low price (2000 rubles), such a device will quickly pay for itself.
    3. The single-sided search magnet F-600 is much more expensive (RUB 4,000), but the maximum load capacity of this device is 600 kg. The model itself is compact, diameter 14 cm, height 2.5 cm, weight about 3200 kg. This magnet is ideal for searching from bridges and boats, has an easy mount and a durable, rust-resistant housing.

    How to search for scrap with a magnet:

    • first, a place to search is selected;
    • a strong rope is tied to the fastening in the form of a loop or hook, securing it securely;
    • lower the body of the magnet into water and simply move it to the side - the magnet collects all the scrap;
    • After this, the magnet is taken out and the scrap is separated.

    Cutting tool

    When collecting non-ferrous metal scrap, it will not hurt to have a cutting tool. There are situations when the found scrap has impressive dimensions, which makes loading and transportation difficult. Therefore, having a grinder will help. In addition to it, you can use metal cutting scissors to cut . Their price is low - from 300 to 700 rubles, so anyone can afford such a purchase.

    Some people use circular saws , but their disadvantage is their high cost and bulky size.

    Reciprocating saws are great for cutting hollow structures (pipes). Another option is a regular hacksaw, manual or mechanical. But this method requires physical effort and takes a lot of time.


    Another device that is expensive, but useful when digging for non-ferrous metals is an analyzer, or spectrometer. With its help, you can accurately determine what metals a part or metal object is made of. Another important function of such devices is the ability to conduct quantitative analysis of the alloy .

    The use of the analyzer will be useful in cases where the capacity of transport for loading scrap is limited. You have to choose the most expensive metals (copper, brass) from all the scrap metal extracted. Cheaper ones (stainless steel, aluminum, lead) can be left.

    The only disadvantage of analyzers is their high cost , so not everyone can afford such a purchase. Even used devices are sold at prices ranging from 600-800 thousand rubles. New models, depending on the type and functionality, can be purchased from 1 million rubles. and higher.

    Loading devices

    When digging for scrap, a simple loading device can be useful - a trolley .

    A small cart will fit even in the trunk of a passenger car and will help transport non-ferrous scrap from the digging site to the place of loading and transportation.

    After all, scrap sources are often located far from each other, and a truck or gazelle cannot travel everywhere.

    It’s easier to collect 20-30 kg of scrap into a cart and load it into a trailer than to walk with 2-3 kg countless times. To make it easier to unload scrap into the trailer, you can make a scaffold for easy lifting of the cart.


    If a person collects non-ferrous metal scrap on a large scale, and the daily production volume exceeds 100-300 kg, the question arises about the need for transport for loading and removing scrap. Passenger cars are not the best option; the trunk does not hold much. And often metal recyclables are located in places where travel by car is difficult.

    Optimal options:

    1. Using a trailer . The trailer is also suitable for a passenger car. You can buy a trailer (new or used), some people make it themselves. Capacity - 750 kg.
    2. UAZ 3303 is a truck with increased cross-country ability, capacity - a whole ton. This car can be bought second hand; for loading and transporting scrap, the UAZ is one of the best options.
    3. The cargo gazelle GAZ 3302 has even greater capacity, 1.5 tons. Will travel on any road or off-road. Perfect for those who collect scrap on a large scale.

    Scrap mining of non-ferrous metals in detail

    To dig for non-ferrous metals, you need to carefully prepare. This is not an easy task; you need good physical strength and endurance. It is better if the cop is carried out by a company of several people - help may always be needed.

    Immediately before collecting scrap, you need to prepare the equipment:

    • check the charge level (or take an additional set of batteries) and set up the metal detector;
    • do not forget the accompanying equipment: magnets, analyzer (if available), shovels, cutting tools, cart.

    You should not ignore safety precautions; when collecting scrap, injuries (bruises, cuts) are possible, so you need to take a complete first aid kit and clean water (2-3 liters).

    Clothing must be appropriate. A cop is always associated with the earth, garbage, dust, so you need to protect yourself. It is better to choose a suit made of thick fabric with long sleeves and pockets. A headdress is also desirable; a cap (in summer) or a hat will do. Shoes should cover the entire foot, have a high arch and thick soles.

    When collecting scrap, you should never look for easy prey - cut wires, take equipment and household utensils from dachas, operating factories and protected sites. The consequences can be dire - in the form of criminal penalties and dangerous injuries.

    Algorithm for digging non-ferrous scrap:

    • after identifying the source of the scrap, digging is carried out;
    • the collected scrap is loaded , and the place is necessarily buried;
    • then the scrap is transported to a warehouse or garage, cleaned of debris and dirt;
    • It is equally important to sort scrap by type of metal using an analyzer or external features;
    • delivery of scrap metal and receipt of revenue.

    Safety precautions when searching for copper scrap

    A fascinating and profitable hobby in the form of metal detecting requires compliance with certain precautions!

    The work of searching, collecting and dismantling at home and at the discovery site requires attention and accuracy. Gloves and a first aid kit are required. To work in the fields, you should choose special clothing made of thick fabric and comfortable shoes with thick soles. When visiting the locations of chemical plants and warehouses, as well as solid waste dumps, it is wise to use personal protective equipment for the eyes and respiratory system.

    • Cutting and burning found objects in order to extract copper scrap also requires compliance with safety requirements.
    • Searching for and taking secondary raw materials is allowed only in places that do not have an owner. Otherwise, such activity may get you in trouble with the law.
    • Particular care should be taken when searching at combat sites and military training grounds.
    • When dismantling a cable or any wires, you must make sure that they are disconnected from the network and are not live.
    • When searching in fields and forests, you should take care of protection from ticks, and choose higher shoes to avoid snake bites.
    • When searching for and collecting scrap metal, it is recommended to avoid visiting areas protected by the state as architectural, historical or cultural monuments. Searching in such places is prohibited.

    Preparing scrap for delivery

    Before delivery to scrap metal collection points, it is necessary to prepare and sort the collected non-ferrous scrap metal.

    If this is not done, the price of collected recyclables at any collection point will decrease due to the presence of contamination, litter and basic ignorance of the difference in price for different types of non-ferrous metal.

    For prepared and sorted scrap, you can earn more money.

    Scrap preparation process:

    • sorting , during which the scrap is separated depending on the material (zinc, copper, aluminum), it is convenient to put the scrap into containers;
    • cleaning from pollution is necessary, the price at collection points depends on this - the higher the percentage of garbage, the less revenue a person will receive;
    • scrap analysis , dismantling - scrap metal is cut into pieces for ease of removal; a cutter or grinder is suitable for cutting;
    • cleaning from non-metallic elements - many products and equipment made of non-ferrous metals contain wooden, glass, and plastic parts; they must be removed before delivery; this indicator affects the cost of scrap;
    • cleaning of insulation may be necessary for wires made of copper and aluminum; Removal of insulation is often done by firing. But it is better to find out in advance from the receptionists whether it is worth cleaning. It may turn out that the price will be lower.

    After preparing the scrap, there are a couple of options:

    1. hand over the accumulated batch,
    2. continue to collect until a more impressive volume.

    Which option is preferable - everyone chooses for themselves. If the room where the scrap is stored is small, it is better to rent it out as it arrives.

    Application of copper wire

    MM grade wire (soft copper M1) is used as a conductor, fastener, and as a welding wire for welding copper-containing alloys in automatic and semi-automatic welding machines. Large diameter MM wire is used for grounding and lightning rods.

    Copper wire is widely used in construction as a fastening material, for example, when facing walls with stone or artificial panels imitating stone. Suspensions, fasteners and hardware made of copper last for years, maintaining their strength characteristics.

    Production of copper wire to order. Buy copper wire of different diameters (3.2mm, 5.8mm...), placing an order from 300 kg. The production time for copper wire is 10 days from the date of payment. The price of copper wire is indicated for wholesale quantities.

    Sale of copper wire from a warehouse in Moscow. Delivery throughout Russia by transport companies. Low price for copper electrical wire. The price of copper wire is indicated in the price list for large wholesale quantities.

    Copper wire. Round copper wire for electrical engineering.

    Round copper electrical wire MM is produced according to TU 16-705.492-2005.

    Copper wire is wound on coils or in coils:

    -diameter 0.2-2.5mm - coils 18-25kg,

    -diameter 3.0-8.0mm - coils from 50 to 100 kg.

    Copper wire with a diameter of more than 1 mm can be unwound in any quantity at the customer’s request.

    The wire we offer is produced at domestic factories and wire rods are produced in Russia. At the moment, wire rod is produced mainly according to our own specifications or GOST R 53803-2010. Below I give an approximate correspondence to the previously used classes of wire rod with modern GOSTs.


    The collection of scrap non-ferrous metals is gaining popularity, because metal recyclables have been valued at all times. According to people who have been collecting for several years, such an activity is addictive and captivating , and digging for non-ferrous metals becomes an original hobby for many.

    maximize the benefits from digging and delivering scrap non-ferrous metals , you need appropriate equipment (metal detector, magnet) and knowledge of the properties of non-ferrous metal, plus the desire and desire to earn money.

    Learn more about how to search for non-ferrous metals in this video:


    Searching and digging for non-ferrous metals with a metal detector - where to look for copper and other non-ferrous metals

    Finding and collecting scrap non-ferrous metals is a way for many people to earn extra money. For some, such an activity seems frivolous.

    But people who have been searching for and selling scrap for a long time confirm the opposite.

    Prices for scrap non-ferrous metals , in contrast to ferrous metal, are much higher . Therefore, this type of activity can provide a comfortable existence for a person.

    Main sources of copper.

    One of the most expensive and common metals in consumer electronics is copper. It is this metal that attracts the attention of scrap collectors more than others, due to its high cost and widespread use due to its properties. For example, an old tube TV may contain copper parts weighing up to 1.5 kg. Things are worse with new models of semiconductor TVs, however, they can also collect up to 0.5 kg of copper. Compression refrigerators and electric motors, the copper content of which reaches 1 kg, are also distinguished by a good content of copper windings and spare parts. But often the copper parts in them are located inside an aluminum or, even worse, cast iron body, which requires the use of a “grinder” and significantly complicates the extraction of copper scrap. You can get copper for scrap metal and in such devices as: transformers, starters, relays, magnetic starters, fluorescent lamp fittings. The yield of pure metal in these parts is not very high, but due to their wide distribution and widespread use, they are quite attractive sources of non-ferrous scrap.

    How to collect copper correctly?

    To optimize the collection of scrap metal, it is necessary to develop an algorithm for the collection of copper-containing devices, their delivery to the dismantling site, the disassembly itself and, of course, delivery to the collection point. The main sources of copper scrap include landfills, construction sites and abandoned transformer boxes. A garage can serve as a place for disassembly and storage. You can, of course, carry out the analysis directly on the spot, but for this you will have to constantly have all the necessary tools with you, so this option is only suitable if you have a car. Getting copper to sell for scrap is only half the battle. The most important thing is to sell the mined metal profitably. During the year, prices for scrap non-ferrous metals can fluctuate greatly, and since summer is the main season for copper mining, it is highly undesirable to hand over it during this period. It is better to store the mined copper until winter and wait for an increase in the price of reception, this way you can sell the copper for scrap metal more profitably.


    Foods Rich in Copper

    So where is copper found? In what products? The main food sources of the microelement are:

    1. Liver of beef, pork, pollock, cod.
    2. Seafood (lobster, oysters, octopus, squid and crab).
    3. Pistachios, almonds, walnuts, cashews, pine and Brazil nuts.
    4. Legumes (lentils, soybeans, beans).
    5. Cereals (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds).
    6. Vegetables (asparagus, spinach, beets, tomatoes, carrots, all varieties of cabbage, eggplant, cucumbers, all greens).
    7. Cereals and porridges (sprouted wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet).
    8. Fruits, dried fruits and berries (pineapple, raspberries, gooseberries, banana, grapefruit, dried apricots, raisins).
    9. One-day fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir).
    10. Vegetable and animal oils (sesame, pumpkin and walnut oils).
    11. Spices (ginger, thyme, black pepper, marjoram, basil, oregano).


    Devices containing copper and its alloys

    You don't have to go far to mine copper. This does not have to be excavations in the fields using a metal detector. You can take copper from old electrical appliances. Because repairing old appliances takes a lot of time and money, they are often thrown away. But before that, it is possible to obtain scrap metal from them, which, after processing, is used to make pipes, wire, profile sheets, or to replace some elements for devices.

    Copper alloy can be easily found:

    • In bearings, radiators, motors, gears.
    • In old jewelry and decorative elements.
    • In plumbing.
    • In kitchen utensils.
    • In radiators and computers.

    Copper itself can be found in the following devices:

    • Up to one and a half kilograms of scrap metal can be found in a tube TV.
    • Almost three kilograms of copper can be taken from the engine of an old Soviet-style refrigerator.
    • Smaller amounts of copper are taken from washing machines, hair dryers, and microwave ovens.
    • If there is a starter from a vehicle that is unsuitable for repair, then metal can also be extracted from there.

    From these devices, you can’t take much copper, but these devices are widely found.

    Where to look?

    In order not to waste time searching, you need to know in advance where to get the metal. Such places include:

    • Fields. You can often find broken equipment there.
    • Abandoned factories, often containing a lot of aluminum and copper.
    • Car repair centers. Finding such an abandoned place is worth a lot. Where else to look for scrap metal? The convenience lies in the fact that all the broken parts are put in one place and sometimes just one bolt can pull out a kilogram.
    • Dump. This place is suitable for those who are beginners and do not know where to search for copper for change. This is where you can easily learn to distinguish between types of metals, so as not to rent them out at the same price in the future.
    • Abandoned landfill. In such places you can easily find shell casings, targets and dummies of equipment.

    If you choose a field for searching, it is best to search with metal in the spring, so as not to collide with workers and not create problems for each other.

    How to properly collect colored scrap

    Almost all metal detectors streamline the scrap collection process. To carry out this process, you need to optimize your activities to the maximum. To do this you will need:

    • Decide on a system for collecting devices that are unsuitable for further use.
    • Take care of the delivery of collected scrap metal to the dismantling point. To do this, you need a vehicle on which transportation will be carried out. Take care in advance of the place where all the scrap metal will be located, because there will be quite a lot of it.
    • Develop a disassembly process. To do this, you need to purchase a special tool to separate the metal from other materials and begin sorting.
    • Arrange rapid transportation of metal to collection points.

    You should also know that prices for non-ferrous scrap vary depending on the time of year. Since the winter period is difficult for metal mining, the price is higher than in the summer. Therefore, it would be more advisable to hold on to the existing material until “better” times.

    Micronutrient-rich foods

    So which foods contain the most copper? High content of the microelement can be found in meat by-products (liver, kidneys, hearts), seafood, mushrooms, as well as in vegetables and fruits. The richest sources of mineral content are the following food sources:

    1. Fish, seafood (cod, pollock, shrimp).
    2. Peanut.
    3. Carrots and cabbage of all varieties.
    4. White mushrooms.
    5. Baker's and brewer's yeast.
    6. Fermented soy products (miso, soy sauce, tempeh).
    7. Sesame.
    8. Green spinach.
    9. Rose hip.
    10. Prunes.
    11. Fresh meat, liver.

    The first place in terms of maximum Cu concentration is unconditionally occupied by seafood (fish, shrimp, mussels) and liver. Plant sources (nuts, cocoa grains? dried fruits) are given a secondary role in replenishing reserves of this mineral.

    Copper production method

    Obtaining copper, even in industrial conditions, is a very labor-intensive process:

    • At the initial stage, the metal is crushed, after which it is cleaned of impurities of other rocks. After purification, the starting material is fired, after which a solid substance can be obtained - cinder, which in turn undergoes melting.
    • After this procedure, matte is obtained, which contains up to 50% copper.
    • The manufactured matte is enriched with oxygen, air blowing, and quartz flux.
    • Only after these procedures can blister copper be obtained; it is melted and passed through an oxygen melt.
    • Finally, the resulting material is treated with sulfur oxide, after which the percentage of copper is 99.9%.

    How to get a high price for scrap metal

    Every scrap hunter wants to sell the scrap metal he finds at the best price for himself. As mentioned above, you can search for metal in the summer and sell it in the winter, when prices rise. But if your priority is to make a profit regularly, then it is best to look for collection points that offer prices higher than those of competitors. Do not also forget that the cost depends on the quality and composition of the material that is being rented. The highest price is offered for pure copper.


    Copper wire rod

    Copper wire rod of grade KM M001, if the chemical composition of copper grade M001 corresponds to GOST R 53803-2010 (according to TU 16-705.491-2001, the chemical composition of grade A copper wire rod must correspond to copper grade M00 according to GOST 859-2001) is grade A wire rod.

    Copper wire rod grade KM M0 if the chemical composition of copper grade M0 corresponds to GOST R 53803-2011 or according to GOST 859-2001 (according to TU 16-705.491-2001, the chemical composition of grade B copper wire rod must correspond to copper grade M0 GOST 859-2001) - Class B wire rod.

    Copper wire rod grade KMor M1or, if the chemical composition of copper grade M1or corresponds to GOST R 53803-2011 (according to TU 16-705.491-2001, the chemical composition of grade C copper wire rod must correspond to copper grade M1 GOST 859-2001) - grade C copper wire rod.

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