Trailer drawbar extension: choosing the most reliable design

Good day to all! For many motorists, a trailer has become an indispensable means of transporting construction materials, crops from the dacha, furniture and other objects. But the standard dimensions of this trailed vehicle are not always enough to transport certain elements. Therefore, a trailer drawbar extension becomes a way out of this situation.

The drawbar is widely used for transporting long cargo if its length exceeds 5-6 meters. Conventional trailers make it possible to transport the same boards if their length does not go beyond 5-6 meters.

For longer loads, you will need to use an extension cord to comply with traffic regulations and also to ensure the safety of the load itself.


First, look at the equipment of the trailer you purchased. There are examples when an extension cord is included with the vehicle.

A good example is the Kurgan Trailers company, where the presence of an extension cord is a standard feature of their products.

Owners of a variety of caravans may need an extension cord, including:

  • SST;
  • SAZ;
  • Vector Love;
  • Batyr;
  • Trailer;
  • MZSA;
  • KMZ 8136;
  • Strong, etc.

There are separate materials about many of these brands on our website. Just go to the section with passenger trailers, or use the convenient field to search for information.

I think each of you understands why a motorist might need such auxiliary elements.

Therefore, our main task now is to choose the appropriate option, having understood the varieties and some of the nuances.

In fact, extension cords differ in their purpose and manufacturing features. Don't forget about the dimensional characteristics and materials used.

Classification by manufacture

Essentially, a motorist has two main options. This is to buy a structure that complements the main trailer, or to assemble it yourself.

I’ll say right away that the second option is not the best idea. Yes, structurally it can be an ordinary pipe with several holes. But even here there are some nuances and manufacturing features that can only be implemented in specialized production conditions.

If you want your passenger trailer to operate equally safely and reliably with or without an extension, choose factory-made products. In addition, many manufacturers offer the required designs as spare parts, and some, like Kurgan Trailers, standardly equip their trailer models with them. It turns out that you won’t have to look for anything, saw or drill anything. You just need to purchase a finished product and install it on the vehicle according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Yes, some people successfully assemble extension cords with their own hands for their own car trailer. But here you will need to calculate the length, take into account the changing load, compare it with the load capacity and other characteristics.

Roughly speaking, you won’t be able to weld the first pipe you come across. This can have serious consequences.

By purpose

Based on their purpose, such products can also be divided into 2 subcategories.

People choose between them quite often, although objectively only one of the two options will be the most correct.

Universal . These are extensions that, in theory, fit a wide variety of caravan models. Versatility has both its advantages and disadvantages. A conflict between the parameters of the device and the trailer itself can provoke a sudden breakdown, violation of the integrity of the product, or destruction of connections. Many universal models are not made in the best way in terms of design and materials used. Therefore, I would advise you to abandon this idea.

The only exceptions are those situations when it is simply impossible to purchase the second option.

In general, I have a negative opinion of universal accessories for passenger caravans. In my experience, I have encountered many frankly low-grade products.

Yes, in theory they are suitable for a large number of trailers. But in practice everything is not so simple. Poor quality metal, connection holes that do not correspond to the trailer, the need to make additional holes in the metal, etc.

Do-it-yourself modification of a trailer for a passenger car: possible options

Hello, friends! Since a factory trailer cannot always fully satisfy the needs of its owner, many decide to make structural changes to the vehicle. All possible modifications to the trailer are aimed at achieving those characteristics that will suit you.

But what can be created from it and how much can trailers be modified? Let's talk about this.

Legality of modernization

I will not talk specifically about how to do this or that tuning. Is it possible to change the design at all? This is the first question that needs to be answered.

I'll say this. Some changes may not require any adjustments to your documents. But radical tuning will potentially become the subject of disputes with road service employees.

Therefore, before turning your regular car trailer into a camper or using it as a motor home, seek advice from the traffic police.

Tuning requires obtaining appropriate certificates of changes in the design of the vehicle. You will have to go through a number of offices, pay state fees, stand in lines, etc.

Although many simply ignore it. They modernize the trailer the way they want, and on the spot with the traffic police officers they find out how legal it is and how to circumvent such prohibitions. If you want to get rid of unnecessary traffic stops and incomprehensible fines, go through the lengthy but legal procedure of re-registering a trailer. This is the best option, in my opinion.

Well, or instead of converting it to a PVC boat, immediately buy yourself a trailer designed and certified specifically for such purposes. Remodeling is a troublesome task, although it is always nice to see the results of work done with your own hands.

Why is this necessary?

And indeed, why take and change a ready-made trailer if initially its layout or design suited you completely?! The question is purely personal and depends on the individual needs of the car owner.

Let's take a few good trailers as an example:

  • MMZ 81021;
  • Scythian;
  • VSW;
  • KMZ 8119;
  • MZSA;
  • Kurgan trailer, etc.

Good vehicles with enviable technical characteristics for many manufacturers. But if suddenly there is a need to use them to transport boats or to transport a motorcycle, then they will not be able to cope with such tasks.

Yes, any standard trailers are perfect for traveling to your dachas and loading several bags of potatoes collected from the garden. But I want something different and more.

I would highlight several main goals that car owners pursue when deciding to change a trailer:

  • increase functionality;
  • increase carrying capacity;
  • change reliability parameters for the better;
  • modernize the purely appearance of the vehicle.

Now let’s go through each of the points separately and decide what can be done in this or that situation with your factory standard towed vehicle.


If you are concerned about the issue of reliability, then it is better to immediately buy a more expensive trailer that is resistant to all loads and impacts. Then you won’t have to think about whether it can last 5-10 years.

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Model . These are those designs that fit a factory drawbar of a certain configuration. It is important to understand that caravan manufacturers use literally several basic options of drawbar, which are mounted on different models of trailers. This allows you to use one template to assemble a large number of products. Therefore, identical extensions are offered for the same drawbar from the same manufacturer. The models are made in full accordance with the dimensions and holes for the use of these accessories.

As you understand, I fully and completely support model versions of products in this case.

If you have a different opinion, be sure to write about it in the comments and give reasons. We will certainly discuss this issue and come to certain conclusions.

Material, coating and condition

Drawbar extensions, presented in the form of a pipe with certain dimensional characteristics, are usually made of steel.

Technical implementation of extending the overall dimensions of a trailer

Let's make a reservation that building up the platform is possible only within reasonable limits - no more than 10-20 centimeters in each direction. A more impressive change in dimensions must necessarily be accompanied by changes in the design of the chassis. To extend the platform of a passenger trailer, it is necessary to weld a new frame from a 40*20 mm profile pipe. The same material is suitable for making sides - if the site is enlarged, the factory sides will not be long enough.

If the length of the trailer increases in order to transport bulk cargo, you will have to consider a solid flooring for the bottom of the trailer. Edged board is the most economical option for constructing a continuous platform.

Transport trailers

The widespread use of semi-trailers and trailers is due to the additional convenience when transporting heavy loads. The vehicle bears only part of the load, which extends its service life. When unloading, you can save valuable time by unhooking the cart and leaving it in place, and unloading it at a convenient time. This option is convenient and is used for delivering goods between workshops of the same enterprise located at a certain distance.

All towed devices are divided into two groups:

Communities › Trailers › Blog › Drawbar extension

I decided to make a drawbar extension for an MZSA trailer with a body length of 2.4 meters because occasionally I need to transport 6-meter boards to the dacha. And paying for the delivery of 5-10 boards is not at all profitable. Delivery is more expensive.

First I will try to answer possible questions. 1- How are things going with the traffic police?

Honestly, I don’t have much to say here, because I only use the extension cord to get from the construction site to the dacha. This is only 2 km along the extreme road (see photo), where the traffic police are not private guests and can only be on May 9th. Well, I tried to make it not too collective farm-like, so as not to attract attention. But! I can assume that nothing will happen because, firstly, the MZSA plant itself sells an extension cord (the current price for it is 8-9k), and secondly, this is a modern trailer with OTTS in which it was approved for everything at once (at least this is what I saw in on the Internet, I didn’t feel like checking mine now) where I even saw two axles and an extension cord. Which naturally suggests the conclusion that operation with an extension cord is possible. As I understand it, now the base comes from the factory alone, and on top it is already mounted (I could be wrong). But when I registered the trailer, I asked the inspector if I could remove the sides from the trailer and put a cabin/camper/house on it (the documents say it is a passenger trailer for transporting cargo). To which he gave a positive answer, provided that it is not stationary (sewn together with the frame/platform) and does not exceed the permissible dimensions and weight. In my defense, I can say that they stopped me several times and with an extension cord, they checked ONLY the documents for the car. He asked about a trailer, and in response - What can we get from it? It’s new, I see the electrician is working, it’s registered. Bon Voyage. All! It may not work like that in other regions.

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