What is the consumption of bitumen primer per 1 sq.m - for roofing or concrete surfaces

Waterproofing work is often carried out using a bitumen primer. To know exactly how much material you will need to purchase, you need to make calculations in advance. Manufacturers indicate the average consumption on the packaging of their products, but there are factors that can change the amount spent. How to correctly calculate the primer consumption per 1 m2 of waterproofing will be discussed below.

general description

The primer is made from bitumen to soften petroleum bitumen, it is subjected to high temperature treatment, and organic solutions are used. The composition cannot contain other elements, toxic diluents are not used. Carrying out waterproofing on the roof will be easier if you first apply a bitumen primer to the base, the quality of the work will be better.

To soften petroleum bitumen, it is subjected to high-temperature treatment and organic solutions are used.

Types of bitumen primer

To find out what primer bitumen consumption will be per 1 m2, you should first study the varieties presented on the construction market. There are concentrated types and ready-made options on the market.

The first type requires dilution of the composition before use with an organic diluent. You can choose gasoline, white-spirit or kerosene for this purpose. The dilution proportion should be 1 to 2. This option is convenient when you need to save space during transportation, as well as for storage if work will not be carried out for a long time.

The ready-made primer can be used immediately; there is no need to bother diluting it. You just need to mix the composition well before applying it to the material. This saves time and makes the process more comfortable.

The ready-made primer can be used immediately; there is no need to bother diluting it.

Main characteristics

Information about the consumption of bitumen primer per 1 m2 of surface, of course, is important. However, before purchasing this mixture, you should familiarize yourself with the main characteristics, including: quick drying, waterproofing qualities, inhibition of corrosion processes, the ability to use at low temperatures, a high level of adhesion, resistance to heat, the ability to use for gluing roll materials, and the presence water-displacing characteristics.

If the average ambient temperature is 20 degrees, then the surface on which the primer was applied will dry within 12 hours. If necessary, the product can be applied even in winter, but the base must first be cleared of dirt, foreign elements, snow and ice. Before work, the surface should be dried, the rolled materials should be heated in a warm room where the air temperature is +15 degrees or more. Work should not begin if the ambient temperature drops below -20 degrees.

Application area

When a decision is made to carry out waterproofing work with this type of product, then knowing how much product will be needed for the process is mandatory. Then the repairs will be carried out at one time without the distraction of purchasing the missing quantity.

The average consumption rate is 0.25-0.35 kilograms per square meter. It is influenced by the level of adhesion of the base and its evenness; the presence of a rough structure will increase consumption.

Bitumen primer can be used on various types of coatings: asbestos-cement, concrete, metal, reinforced concrete, wood and porous. The product can also be used for roofing and waterproofing. For the latter type of repair, the solution can be used as an independent product, or in combination with other waterproofing agents.

There is a demand for the use of materials with a bitumen base as a waterproofing agent on foundations, underground structures, metal pipelines and steel pipes. It has the property of anti-corrosion protection of metal, so it is also used for this purpose.

The product can be used for roofing and waterproofing.

Primer Weight Chart

Since the primer is a complex substance, it is not possible to calculate its specific gravity in the field.
Such calculations are made in special laboratories and using the necessary equipment. However, its average weight is known and is equal to the values ​​​​given in the table. Using the latter, you can easily find out such parameters as the weight of the primer and its specific gravity. Specific gravity and weight of 1 liter of primer depending on units of measurement

MaterialSpecific gravity (g/cm3)Primer consumption (kg/m2)Weight of 1 liter in kg (error up to 5%)

How to calculate the required quantity

The ability to calculate bitumen primer consumption will help you prepare the required amount of product at once. The average indicators are prescribed on the packaging of a particular product, and this figure serves as a guide. However, it may become larger if the application is carried out on a porous surface structure, which will impregnate part of the material, and in order to obtain a smooth surface, more product will need to be applied.

To obtain the number of kilograms of product required for finishing. The first step is to calculate the area of ​​the surface being treated. The result is then divided by the consumption rate.

The average indicators are prescribed on the packaging of a particular product, and this figure serves as a guide.

Standards of use

The norm for spending money per square meter is 250-350g/m2. However, it is possible to obtain a similar flow rate if you correctly follow the principle of covering the surface with the material. Bitumen is applied to concrete, concrete-cement and other porous, rough substrates.

When you have to work with uneven surfaces, pores and dust, the tool you should choose is a brush or brushes made of nylon material. Their use will allow you to obtain a base well impregnated with bitumen and improve the level of fixation.

Applying a primer solution will result in a longer product life. When the task is to glue materials in rolls onto reinforced concrete or concrete with a primer, the sections of the seams between the blocks must be treated with a primer. Each new layer of rolled material can be glued to the base 4 hours after gluing the previous one.

The materials in rolls are laid in an overlapping manner, the laying width is 10 cm. Care is taken to ensure that cross-gluing does not occur. When the positioning of the web is completed, the surface is rolled with a specialized cylinder-shaped roller.

The materials in rolls are laid overlapping, the laying width is 10 cm.

Which to choose?

The most versatile and popular composition is TechnoNIKOL 01. Today it costs about 1,600 rubles for a container of 20 liters (16 kg).

It is ideal in consistency, price and quality. Suitable for poor surfaces, absorbs quickly and provides additional protection against moisture. The roof stays on it for a very long time if it is laid in accordance with GOST.

The cheapest option is the TechnoNIKOL 04 primer. It is fluid and excellent for an even and high-quality screed. But if there are microcracks in the screed, or the surface is uneven, then it is no longer enough. No. 4 is a primer in the full sense of the word, with a minimum of waterproofing properties.

TechnoNIKOL 03 is the highest quality primer that is on sale. It contains polymer substances that create an additional protective barrier. Well suited for rainy areas, foundations, processing concrete in contact with water. But the price is appropriate.

For roof repairs, it is best to choose the 01st primer model. It is the most common, reliable, and easy to work with due to its fluidity, whether on vertical walls or on a horizontal surface.

Consumption rates of bitumen primer for different surfaces

Consumption also depends on the type of base that will be processed. This factor is important when calculating the amount of waterproofing agent.

So when working with a concrete surface, you may need from 250 to 350 grams per sq.m. The same indicator will be when finishing slate and a plastered base.

Application to metal and steel will require 200 grams of bitumen primer; wooden structures use 300-350 grams. When old roof coverings made from rolls are processed, there will be more waste, the figure can reach 0.5 kilograms per square meter.

The most wasteful consumption will be when treating roofing with powder - 750-900 grams.

Consumption also depends on the type of base that will be processed.

Consumption of bitumen primer "TechnoNIKOL"

TechnoNIKOL is a brand that is chosen by many ordinary buyers, as well as professionals. It produces a large number of bitumen compositions that can be used for different situations. For this reason, the consumption of TechnoNIKOL bitumen primer per 1 m2 will be considered.

Often ready-made mixtures are sold with a volume indicated only in liters. So a liter of primer from this company is enough to cover 3.3 meters square. The indicators may be slightly different; this may be affected by the type of material that will be processed.

It will be more convenient to work in hard-to-reach areas using a brush and a nylon brush. For a large area, a roller is selected; it helps to quickly and evenly distribute the bitumen over the surface.

To prepare the surface, it is first cleaned; it is recommended to use a polypropylene broom for this purpose. In order for the coating to last a long period of time and be distributed evenly, it is necessary to eliminate the old finish.

TechnoNIKOL produces a large number of bitumen compositions that can be used for different situations.

The need for primary processing

Before measuring the consumption of bitumen primer, you need to find out what can be achieved thanks to the presence of such a coating:

  • the applied layer increases the adhesive properties when the waterproofing or roof covering comes into contact with the covered area (roof, basement or cellar, basement level, etc.);
  • applying TechnoNIKOL bitumen primer to 1 m2 or more is a prerequisite for subsequent operations related to waterproofing;
  • the use of primer over the entire treated surface helps to saturate and strengthen the outer layer, which can be a concrete screed, outdated bitumen coatings, modern porous foam concrete blocks or anything else, while the applied primer binds small particles, fills microcracks and crevices, providing strength and monolithic structure;
  • Consumption of bitumen primer per 1 m2 of concrete surface ensures moistening of the top treated layer of any structure, which increases the speed of further operations in this area.

The use of primer and mastic ensures maximum quality

Due to the described material with a primer, it is possible to form a high-quality interface between waterproofing materials of all types with porous, fragile or rough surfaces.

The modern market offers a wide variety of primers from popular manufacturers. The products have some differences in the composition of all kinds of organic non-toxic solvents, but the similarity in all lies in the base - bitumen and water, an integral part of the chemical formula.

Popular products

Gone are the days when homemade primers were used to prime the surface. It was then cooked under rather dangerous conditions over an open fire in a metal container, melting bitumen and gasoline. Today, one of the leaders in this field is the TechnoNIKOL brand.

The advantages of a product manufactured using an industrial method are:

  • safety of use and ease of operation;
  • fairly fast and maximally complete drying of the material at the correct consumption per 1 m2;
  • excellent parameters for fluidity, adhesion and uniform distribution, and in many cases you can do without re-processing;
  • the material has temperature stability after hardening, since most brands intended for different types of priming have a melting point of +80ºС;
  • the primer layer creates a barrier to corrosion and moisture;
  • You can work with all kinds of compositions in a wide range of ambient temperatures.

The actual consumption of TechnoNIKOL bitumen primer per 1 m2 depends on the method of its application.

The compositions offered by manufacturers are used for different purposes:

  • Roofing brands. Used for treating concrete areas on flat roofs. The product forms an additional barrier to precipitation and ensures adhesion of rolled materials, such as roofing felt, to the concrete base.
  • Road stamps. Used for binding crushed stone during asphalt laying.
  • When processing metal surfaces (all kinds of metal structures, pipelines), current brands of bitumen primer are also used.
  • Universal brands. Often they use compositions intended for unified rather than narrow-profile operations that are suitable for any surface.

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Comparison of popular TechnoNIKOL primers

Let's look at the most popular bitumen solutions used in our country. They are easy to find in specialized supermarkets or can be ordered online.

TechnoNIKOL No. 01

Primer TechnoNIKOL 01 is made on the basis of petroleum bitumen and organic solvents. The mass has a softening temperature of about 80°C. It also has high penetrating and wetting properties. It is used for priming areas before laying roofing waterproofing insulators that are built-up or with a self-adhesive side.

This primer is consumed per 1 m2 approximately at the rate of 200-350 ml. Accordingly, a liter volume is enough to process about 3.5 m2 of usable area. According to consumer reviews, the complete drying process takes up to 12-14 hours.

Buyers can purchase the composition in one of the following types:

  • ready-to-use solution;
  • concentrate that must be diluted in the prescribed proportion.

Some kind of solvent is usually added to concentrated formulations, for example gasoline, kerosene or white spirit. One and a half to two parts of liquid are poured into one part of bitumen. The substance is sold in containers of 20 liters.

TechnoNIKOL No. 03

The composition is bitumen-polymer. There are also additives in the form of organic solvents and adhesive components. It is used to treat steel surfaces and bridge structures before laying waterproofing materials.

Operation is allowed at temperatures -20°С…+40°С. If work is expected in conditions below +5°C, it is recommended to keep the containers warm for at least 24 hours. Material consumption per square meter is 0.25-0.3 liters.

Calculation of primer consumption per 1 m2

Calculating bitumen consumption is easy; you just need to calculate the area of ​​the base. And also find out the consumption indicator of a specific primer. This information is available on the Internet. The manufacturer’s website also often contains an online calculator, with which calculations are not difficult.

Calculating bitumen consumption is easy; you just need to calculate the area of ​​the base.

Bitumen primer is a reliable product that will help to carry out high-quality waterproofing of various structures. To carry out repair work, craftsmen calculate in advance the number of kilograms that will need to be purchased to cover the entire area. The article described in detail the rules for conducting independent calculations.

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