Powder coating of stainless steel: difficult, but possible

This type of metal, such as stainless steel, is used to produce a large number of objects around us. Often the latter are unpainted, since they do not need protection from moisture, and at the same time they can effectively shine with their metal surface. So the coloring here is mainly due to individual design goals. Therefore, if you, say, want to paint corrugated stainless steel black, this means that this color is necessary as part of the interior design, and it is more preferable than the natural color of the metal.

Powder coating of stainless steel

Before considering the features of painting stainless steel, it will not hurt to understand what kind of material it is and what its features are.
Today it breaks all records for production and is used everywhere - from construction to the manufacture of consumer goods. The compositions of stainless alloys are heterogeneous. Sometimes, in order to achieve increased mechanical strength and other properties, manufacturers add elements to them that reduce corrosion resistance. Accordingly, parts based on such alloys still require additional protection. And powder coating of stainless steel becomes a simple and affordable solution.

Coloring Tips

The following expert tips will help you paint stainless steel:

  • in order to properly paint stainless steel, it is necessary to apply the paint at a temperature of +5...+35 degrees, air humidity should not exceed 80%;
  • It is unacceptable to use standard painting tools, such as a brush or roller; they are absolutely not suitable for painting stainless steel. The painting process must be carried out with a spray gun; it is important to paint in overlapping stripes;
  • You need to work quickly enough so that the paint can harden simultaneously over the entire surface. During painting, the spray gun should be positioned at a distance of about 20 cm from the surface;
  • for the highest quality result, the paint must be applied in two or three layers, each subsequent layer is applied only when the previous coating has dried;
  • After the last applied layer of paint has dried, it is advisable to cover the surface with a colorless varnish, which will provide additional protection from adverse external influences. The best option is to use clear yacht varnish.

How and with what to paint stainless steel products

If you nevertheless decide to abandon painting stainless steel with powder paint in favor of a more traditional method of painting paintwork materials, we advise you to carefully prepare the surface.
It must not only be cleaned with emery or grinding, but also treated with a degreasing compound - alkaline or acidic. It is better to apply liquid paint in two layers, and start the second only after the first has completely dried. It is recommended to carry out the work with a sprayer. Another way to protect stainless steel is to form an oxide film on its surface. But it can only be done in production, since this requires electrochemical processing on a plasma torch at an extremely low temperature. If plasma is the instrument of the process, then the working medium for it becomes a gaseous substance containing oxygen atoms. As a result, a very beautiful film is formed on the steel, but in general this method is considered labor-intensive.

Since paint and varnish does not produce a high-quality result, and applying an oxide coating may not be economically viable, powder coating is considered the “golden mean” of the three options.

Briefly about the main thing

In order to paint stainless steel, you first need to prepare its surface - inspect it, roughen it if necessary, clean it and degrease it. 3 technologies are used:

  • Powder application.
  • Paint on stainless steel.
  • Oxidation.

Each method has its own characteristics, pros, cons and conditions of use. When choosing a coloring composition, it is necessary to take into account not only its decorative and protective properties, but also the specifics of application and applicability in everyday life.


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How to paint stainless steel

Preparation for powder coating for stainless steel is no less important than the process itself.
First, the specialist carefully examines the surface of the material and removes defects from it. By the way, what is considered a flaw in metalworking (for example, scratches) can be beneficial in powder coating. Defects coated with the composition will be completely hidden, but will serve as an additional factor in increasing adhesion. To improve it, the surface of the stainless steel part is even specially ground to achieve roughness. Post-processing is carried out to remove sanding marks. The part is washed or wiped with a damp cloth. In order to remove grease marks and prepare the metal surface for applying powder, it is treated with a composition with an acidic or alkaline component. After this, the only thing left to do is to dry the stainless steel naturally.

The powder is applied using a gun. Spraying of dry matter can be thermostatic or turbostatic, but the process of powder painting of stainless steel in Moscow is based on the same principle: the surface of the metal and the particles flying out of the installation have different charges. Thanks to this, the powder paint adheres perfectly evenly to the surface.

After applying the powder, the workpiece enters the oven, heated in the range from +150 to 220 degrees. Under these conditions, the powder melts and evenly covers the metal with a film. Painted parts are dried naturally.

What else can you coat stainless steel with?

The steel surface can also be coated with high-quality oil paint, a metal-grade wax coating, and even nail polish. Naturally, the latter can only make inscriptions and otherwise decorate the surface, and not paint it fully.

You can also use patina. These chemical materials are created to change the color or surface of a metal. However, some of these products are applied cold and some are applied hot. After application, the surface is often coated with wax.

Advantages of painting steel using powder paints

In addition to corrosion resistance, powder coating of stainless steel gives the metal other useful properties. Its layer is different:

  • resistance to chemical and mechanical stress,
  • ability to withstand high temperatures,
  • environmental safety,
  • pleasant appearance.

For high-quality painting, only one layer is enough, and the process itself is practically waste-free: unused paint is returned to the machine and “put into circulation” again. An absolute benefit for the performer is the minimum time spent on application. The quality of work does not suffer.

Difficulties in painting stainless steel

Faced with the need to paint stainless steel, many understand the complexity of the process - with the standard approach, the paint simply does not adhere to this smooth surface, since the material lacks adhesion. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to paint this metal. You just need to choose the right paint and properly approach the surface preparation process. At the same time, for many it will be a discovery that copper, stainless steel, aluminum, and galvanized metal are also subject to corrosion, albeit to a much lesser extent. Therefore, they also need to be protected, and in some cases it is highly advisable to paint them.

Typical mistakes when painting stainless steel

Despite the apparent simplicity of powder coating stainless steel, a person unfamiliar with the technology can expect many unpleasant surprises. The result, alas, is the same: deformation or peeling of the paint. These consequences can lead to:

  • poor-quality cleaning and degreasing of the surface,
  • working in conditions of too high humidity,
  • insufficient drying before starting work,
  • temperature conditions are below or above the maximum permissible,
  • attempts to add other substances to the powder.

Only professional painting will help to completely avoid peeling or distortion of the layer.

DIY painting

At home, you can paint stainless steel with liquid paint. They also produce paints and varnishes in the form of aerosols. In order for the paint to last as long as possible, it is important to take the preparatory work seriously. The painting process is very similar to the method of painting regular metal. The first step is to prepare the surface; the following steps are included in the preparation:

  • before painting the metal, it must be cleaned with a grinding machine or regular sandpaper;
  • after cleaning, the surface is treated with some kind of degreasing agent; you can use ordinary baking soda dissolved in water, or some kind of organic solvent.

Before painting stainless metal, be sure to follow the above procedures, so you can achieve a good painting result. After the preparatory work, you can start painting:

  • the coloring mixture is thoroughly mixed;
  • when painting with a spray can or spray gun, it must be held perpendicular to the surface to be painted;
  • after the first layer of paint has been applied and it has dried, it is necessary to paint the stainless steel again with a second layer, thanks to which the paint composition will adhere perfectly to the product;
  • To make the surface of the material shiny, you can apply one or two layers of varnish after the paint has dried.

Important! In order to paint stainless metal with high quality, it is important to apply the paint to a clean, grease-free and dry surface, in which case the adhesion (adhesion) of the paint and varnish material to the stainless steel will be maximum.

Flawless metal painting for you!

Don’t want to take risks and immediately choose custom stainless steel painting? You make an informed and practical decision. Our metalworking shop is not only high-capacity, but also craftsmen who are ready to carry out the most complex assignments. The production is equipped with large furnaces for heat treatment of long workpieces. Our advantages:

  • high responsibility, attentive attitude to any project;
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  • providing a guarantee for work.

With us, your rental will gain not only a new “face,” but also protection that has virtually no equal. Contact us!

How difficult is it to apply paint?

Stainless steel interior items have a smooth surface. If you apply paint on them in the usual way, then nothing will work. Metal has poor adhesion. The correct choice of coloring material and preparation of the steel surface will be the key to high-quality application of the dye - this is the answer to the question of whether it is possible to paint stainless steel.

Applying dye to stainless steel, copper, aluminum, and galvanized metal should also be done to prevent corrosion on their surface. Although rust appears to a lesser extent. The conclusion suggests itself: such metals also need protection and painting.

Features of stainless steel

Corrosion-resistant steel is a widely used material. The variety of physical properties of stainless steel is explained by the addition of various impurities during its production. The characteristics of the material are affected by the amount and type of additives. Therefore, among the brands there are alloys that over time (with prolonged use in an aggressive environment) lose their anti-corrosion properties. For this reason, a problem arises regarding methods of protection, and painting becomes a solution. To understand how to paint stainless steel, you need to find out what properties this material has. Features of stainless steel in comparison with other metals and alloys:

  1. Increased strength. Due to its strength, steel copes with significant physical loads without losing its characteristics (primarily its shape).
  2. Impact resistance. Changes in operating conditions and aggressive environments do not lead to loss of properties, which increases the service life of stainless steel structures.
  3. High temperature resistance. Due to its heat resistance, steel does not lose its shape, does not change dimensions and retains its properties at high temperatures.
  4. Environmentally friendly. Minimized oxidation processes reduce the level of harmful effects on the environment. The absence of harmful impurities contributes to the fact that stainless steel is widely used in the food industry.
  5. Corrosion resistance. A number of alloys are not susceptible to rust even when exposed to alkali and acid.
  6. View. Stainless steel is clean, shiny and retains these properties for a long time.

Pay attention to: Painting wheels with powder paint: advantages of technology, step-by-step instructions for painting

The specific grade of steel is selected taking into account the purpose of use. The abundance of additives makes it possible to obtain the necessary alloys. In some cases, additional processing is required, for example, painting stainless steel. The characteristics of the material being painted make it appropriate to use powder coatings.

Stainless steel

Preparatory stage

A properly prepared surface of the material guarantees high-quality painting of stainless steel. All actions are divided into several stages:

  • The top layer of the steel object is inspected for irregularities. If the defects are not large, then it is better to leave everything without corrections. Because the dye does not spread evenly onto the surface. The quality of work is not maintained.
  • To improve the adhesion of paint to metal material, the surface is made rough. If wooden products are polished before painting, then it is better to make stainless steel rough and matte. If the treatment area is small, then the roughness is done with a wire brush. A large area is processed with a sanding attachment. An abrasive disc is used for processing. Medium grit is selected. The machine operates at high speed. No forceful efforts are made. This step is important for polished steel to a high shine.
  • It is not recommended to work in a dusty place to prevent dirt from settling on the stainless steel. Remaining dirt after roughening the steel is removed with a wet cloth. The entire area is wiped with special care.
  • Degreasing is necessary to eliminate grease stains that reduce the adhesion of paint to the surface. Treatment is carried out with acid, alkaline and ammonia compounds. It is recommended to ventilate the room during degreasing and wear a respirator. The easiest way is to use a 4% soda solution. 4 grams of soda are added to 96 ml of water, resulting in 100 ml of degreasing solution. Painting begins after the steel has dried.

Liquid composition for coloring

Automotive paint is used to apply the coloring material yourself. To increase tenacity with stainless steel, it is recommended to add hardeners.

Factory-produced stainless steel paint is available for sale and is already suitable for application to stainless steel. It is recommended to purchase it in tandem with a primer. This increases the adhesion of paints and steel. Most often the coating is black.

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