copper connections
Electric soldering iron for copper pipes - features of use
✓ Pipes made of non-ferrous metals have become widespread in many industries, since
How to refill a gas soldering iron
Gas soldering iron HS-1115K: soldering away from the outlet
The procedure for soldering two metal parts was known to the ancient Greeks. Today with the word
Radiator made of steel pipes
How to calculate the heat transfer of a steel pipe and why this is done
Published on May 18, 2022 Category: Heat engineering | 34 comments How much heat does it give off to the air in the room?
Metal machining
3D processing. CAM Basics for CNC Milling Machines.
Since ancient times, humanity has been using metals and their alloys; They make weapons, jewelry,
Acceptable and unacceptable metal contacts. Popular metric and imperial threads
When two dissimilar metals come into contact and an electrolyte such as moisture is present, then
Table 3.2 Gold solders of 585 standard used in the domestic jewelry industry
The easiest way to prepare gold solder
The manufacture and repair of jewelry, especially if it is made of precious metals, was also
Knitting reinforcement for a strip foundation: diagram and examples of do-it-yourself knitting
Experienced builders know that from the correctly selected reinforcing frame scheme to create a strip foundation,
Channel 16: description, types, photos, characteristics, GOST, scope of application, dimensions, weight
Channel 12 is a popular type of rolled product, having a U-shaped cross section and wall height
what is cementite ferrite austenite
what type of lattice does iron have at room temperature
A striking example of allotropy is iron, which forms four main allotropic modifications depending on temperature,
As-built diagram of pipeline welded joints sample
During the construction of power plants, petrochemical plants, gas pipelines and other facilities with welded pipeline joints
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