How to lay a pipe under a road: technologies are simple, fast and labor-intensive
How to lay a pipe under a road: technologies are simple, fast and labor-intensive
During the construction of a house and landscaping of a plot, land owners have to solve many problems. Very
Machine side view
Equipment for making lining with your own hands
Entrepreneurs in areas with forests and timber harvesting rightly believe that woodworking and manufacturing
automatic steel
What steels are called automatic: composition, application, marking
Classic structural steel has high strength, resistance to cooling and overheating, and the absence of harmful impurities.
Lubricant for rotary hammers: top lubricants for drills and gearboxes
Even inexpensive rotary hammers, when used correctly, require timely maintenance. In more severe
How to use a bubble level to get quality work?
Types of building levels Levels are divided into several types: Bubble Electronic. Pipe. Mermen. Laser. Every
Oil press
Oil press: features of choice and a brief overview of popular models
Anyone who grows oilseeds needs to purchase special equipment for the production of raw materials.
TOP 10 best mounting saws for metal: rating 2021-2022 and main selection parameters + customer reviews
A mounting (cutting) saw is a practical and reliable device suitable for working with any kind of metal.
Mechanical engineering
Bath welding of reinforcement: principle and technology of the bath welding method, their brief description
Bath welding of reinforcement is the most reliable method of connecting individual sections of metal structures made of alloyed
Voltage regulator circuit on a thyristor
Schemes of thyristor and triac regulators. Thyristor power regulator, voltage and DIY circuits
Some nuances of choice It is not difficult to make a thyristor voltage regulator with your own hands. This could be the first
GOST 1759.5-87 Nuts. Mechanical properties and test methods
Home»Useful information» Strength class The strength class shows an important mechanical characteristic of metal fasteners. This
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